All 119 earlier Special Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins on NATO's
Kosovo War and "Peace" can also be seen at our Web site:, along with numerous photos and other memorable
images.  The TiM GW Bulletins are now divided into two sections: NATO's War
(106 issues) and NATO's "Peace" (13 issues).

Issue S99-120, "Peace" 14
July 7, 1999


Phoenix                   1. Foul Air in South Phoenix

Prizren                     2. Milosevic's Legacy: The Man Who Returned 
                                     Turks to Kosovo

Pristina                    3. Vuk Karadzic Monument Trashed; Goethe and 
                                     Schiller Would Have Wept

Baku                       4. Today Belgrade; Tomorrow Moscow?

Phoenix                   5. A Letter to the "Death Merchants Journal"


1. Foul Air in South Phoenix

PHOENIX, July 7 - A number of Phoenix residents reported a sudden influx of
foul air in the Valley of the Sun this afternoon, particularly after 4PM
local time in the poor neighborhoods of South Phoenix.  Citizens with
breathing difficulties, especially those suffering from truth and liberty
privations, were among the first to complain about sudden increase in air
pollution levels.

The Phoenix area radio and TV stations were at first at a loss to explain
the reasons for this unusual phenomenon.  While the Arizona summer heat has
been predictably oppressive, the temperatures have been at normal levels
for this time of the year.  And last night, the annual monsoon arrived in
the Valley, packing high winds and rain, but also lowering temperatures and
clearing the air.

So what has caused this sudden rash of foul air complaints?  Bill Clinton
arrived in Phoenix at 4PM this afternoon, a part of his belated effort to
woo the Hispanic and black vote across the country.  "Clinton Stakes Out a
Legacy," screamed a three-inch headline in this morning's edition of the
state's biggest rag, the Arizona Republic.

Right.  Now, let's check out what sort of a legacy it is going to be,
besides being a criminal one... Such as when he ordered the CIA in late May
to hack into the bank accounts of the Yugoslav officials, for example.  

As we said in out TiM GW Bulletin S99-92, Day 66, Item 2, May 28, this
Clinton move alone showed the world that, "NATO's war on Serbia was a
battle between the two 'Mafia' gangs. One big-time criminal operation - in
Washington; one small-time dictatorship - in Belgrade. With the
drug-dealing KLA terrorists as the sideshow in Albania, pitching in as fall
guys for the Big Boss from Washington."

Here's another excerpt:

"By showing the same, if not worse, disrespect for the law as the Yugoslav
president Slobodan Milosevic had displayed, the American president ordered
a U.S. government agency to commit the kinds of crimes for which any other
citizen in this country would end up in jail. If not in a coffin. Clinton
ordered our civil servants to rob the banks in which the Belgrade officials
supposedly keep their cash.

Of course, nowadays, you don't have to wield the Bonnie-and-Clyde-style
guns to be a bank robber. All you need to do is know how to use computers,
in lieu of the Colts. The crime is nonetheless just as heinous."

But well before he turned a world class murdering criminal, Clinton was
robbing American taxpayers of their jobs and savings.

In 1993, for example, Clinton started to export American jobs to Mexico, to
the applause of his masters - the "Princes of the 20th Century - the heads
of the Wall Street multinational companies who fund and run the CFR, the
Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Commission, and other globalist organizations.  

And Clinton used Al Gore as a bat, finally finding this wooden Veep a
purpose which suits him.  In a November 1993 NAFTA TV debate, Gore squares
off against Ross Perot and "wins," we were told by the media owned and run
by the Clinton-Gore bosses.  

NAFTA passed.  The "great sucking sound" of the American jobs leaving the
country ensued.  Just as Perot predicted.  Now everybody, except for
Americans as brain dead as baseball bats, knew that Congress was also
largely corrupt.

And just in case some Americans using baseball bats for brains missed that
message, Newt Gingrich and Bob Dole, the House and Senate Republican
leaders at the time, went to bat for Clinton and Gore in early 1995,
siphoning off some $50 billion from taxpayers' pockets so as to bail out
their mutual Wall Street bosses' losses in Mexico.

Furthermore, Clinton and Gore went to work to encourage immigration,
especially from non-European countries, such as Mexico, for example.  And
again they did it to the applause of his globalist masters - the "Princes
of the 20th Century, the heads of the Wall Street multinational companies.  

And why not?  Wall Street has seen NAFTA all along for what it was - not
only a "great sucking sound" of American jobs leaving the country, as Perot
had alleged.  But more importantly to Wall Street, as a source of cheap
immigrant labor - legal or illegal.

Today, in South Phoenix, Clinton is completing his brazen and contrived
service to the Princes of the 20th Century.  He is here to use the
taxpayers money to help the Hispanic immigrant poor.  Which he and Gore
have helped bring into the country.  Legally or illegally.

But that's NOT what we are hearing from the media owned and run by the
Clinton-Gore bosses.  Nor from the state's biggest rag, the Arizona Republic.

Is there any wonder so many people in the Valley of the Sun have been
complaining this afternoon of foul air?  Especially in South Phoenix.  And
that the hardest hit are the Arizonans suffering from truth and liberty

2. Milosevic's Legacy: The Man Who Returned Turks to Kosovo

PRIZREN, July 4 - The western "lie and deny" news spinners say that
Yugoslavia's president, Slobodan Milosevic, staked his nationalist claim in
Kosovo 10 year ago.  An they are aright  He did it in a typical
opportunistic, communist, murderous, aparachik style, just as Boris Yeltsin
did it in Russia.  

Both turncoat communists used any means which could advance their careers
to climb up the power ladder, regardless of ideological or any other moral
issues. Just as Bill Clinton did in the U.S.

So, let us try to offer a few epitaphs for the legacies which these "red"
goons will have left in this world:

·       CLINTON: The man who sold out America to the Wall Street globalists.
·       YELTSIN: The man who sold out Russia to the West.
·       MILOSEVIC: The man who returned the Turks to Serbia's Kosovo.
No, unfortunately, there was no pun in the latter Milosevic legacy.  We
weren't talking about some "young Turks" among the anxious to restore the
old glory.  We were referring to the July 4 news story that the Turkish
NATO troops have now entered Kosovo, for the first time since the Serb
freedom fighters evicted them from the Serb lands, over a century ago.

"The 130 soldiers, a vanguard of a 1,000-man Turkish NATO deployment within
the German sector, symbolized the Serbs' worst nightmare," the Associated
Press reported on July 4. 

Greece objected to the deployment. But late last week, the Turkish column
rumbled out of Turkey, and crossed Bulgaria, the first time armed Turkish
forces have returned since the Ottomans were expelled in 1878.  

"The 50 (Turkish) vehicles took two hours to inch through town (of
Prizren), hemmed in by ethnic Albanians and Kosovo Turks who chanted,
'Turkey, Turkey, Turkey.' Kids swarmed over the convoy, waving red Turkish
and Albanian flags. 

No one missed the meaning. The cornerstone of Serb history is a bad day in
1389, when Turks won a battle in Kosovo and moved in to stay. The memory
remains fresh. In Bosnia, Serbs still refer to their Muslim foes as 'Turks'."

Nearby, a cluster of flag-draped kids belted out a rhythmic,
'Kosovo-Turkey! Kosovo-Turkey!' Others chanted, 'The greatest soldiers are
our soldiers'."

But the AP report also noted that even some NATO troops were unhappy about
this NATO "coup' - bringing the Turks back to Kosovo.  Which was analogous
to the Mexicans taking over Alamo; or the Japanese running the Pearl Harbor

Some NATO German soldiers showed they knew their history.  And that the
Serbs had defended European Christendom, not only their own country against
the marauding Turks in June 1389 on the Holy Field of Kosovo.

"Few (German NATO soldiers) were smiling," the AP also reported.  "'I'm in
a lousy mood, so get moving,' one large soldier bellowed in German,
brandishing a sturdy stick. When an Albanian youngster approached another
to shake his hand, the soldier muttered a curse and walked away."
TiM Ed.: On the other hand, don't you EVER associate the
Clinton/CIA-financed anti-Milosevic protests by the likes of Zoran
Djindjic, or Milos Djukanovic, as anything other than as yet another
NATO-U.S. illegal re-conquest of Kosovo.  And of all of Serbia proper.
Adding an insult to the Serbian martyrs who died defending their country
and Christianity against the foreign invaders in 1389, as in 1999.

If in doubt, just check out the unmistakable CIA imprints on the "Serb"
protest banners neatly pre-printed (God knows where in the Godless NATO
countries).  In any peoples' protests in which we have ever participated,
all signs were HAND-WRITTEN!

3. Vuk Karadzic Monument Trashed; Goethe and Schiller Would Have Wept

PRISTINA, July 6 - Two of the greatest German literary minds, Johann
Christoph Schiller (1759-1805) and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832),
whose busts are facing each other across Vienna's Parkring in a proud
salute to the glory of man's free Renaissance spirit, would have wept had
they seen the Vuk Karadzic monument being trashed in Pristina on July 6 by
the Kosovo Albanians, as depicted in the photo shown at our Web site.  

Not because Dr. Karadzic, the German authors' contemporary got his Ph.D.
degree in Germany.  But because he revolutionized the way his people
thought and spelled.  

It was Karadzic who gave Serbia Europe's first, and to this date, only
alphabet which used one letter for each phonetic sound.  So that even the
dumbest of the dumb dummies, including the NATO generals, such as Gen.
Wesley Kanne Clark, who is said to be able to read the Cyrillic alphabet,
could get by.

And in recognition of his genius, the Vuk Karadzic's bust now lies in the
heap of smoldering trash in Pristina.  Need we say another word about what
NATO is about?

4. Today Serbia; Tomorrow Russia?

BAKU, July 6 - Throughout NATO's war on Serbia, we have been trying to
point out the wider geopolitical implications of this blatant multinational
aggression on a sovereign country.  Such as "Today Serbia, Tomorrow
Russia"-idea, for example.  

Well, guess what... It's happening.  Despite the apparent agreement between
the quisling Yeltsin and the murderous NATO governments about the
deployment of some 3,600 Russian troops in Kosovo.  

"NATO's campaign to halt Serb repression in Kosovo has resonated beyond the
Balkans to the troubled Caucasus, where governments are grappling with the
implications of the Yugoslav war for their own minorities," the Agence
France Presse reported on July 6.

Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia are all laying claim to the role of victim,
arguing that if NATO were to intervene, it would be to support them against

"I believe that a NATO operation in the Caucasus would be desirable," the
Azeri foreign policy aide, Vafa Gulizade, told AFP. "Azerbaijan has
undergone its own ethnic cleansing."

"Thanks to a NATO operation, the Kosovo refugees are returning home," he
added. "I think that if NATO forces were brought into the region, the
Armenians would be forced to leave our occupied territories."

Baku and Yerevan fought a six-year war over the breakaway territory of
Nagorno Karabakh, a predominantly ethnic Armenian region in Azerbaijan that
declared independence in 1988.

Gulizade said that he would ask NATO troops "to stand on the ... border
while we conduct peace talks."

Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze echoed Goulizade's statements
recently and compared Belgrade's aggression against the Kosovars to
Georgia's refugee problem after the war in the northwestern republic of
Abkhazia, the AFP reported.

"Genocide and ethnic cleansing are unacceptable and should be punished,"
Shevardnadze, a former communist Soviet foreign minister, said. 

Some 250,000 people fled the fighting in 1993, as Abkhaz separatists
overwhelmed Georgian forces and achieved de facto independence."

Armenian Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian, speaking to an audience in
Washington last week, compared the Karabakh Armenians to Kosovar Albanians
in their fight for independence, the Turan News Agency reported.  Oskanian,
unlike Goulizade and Shevardnadze, did not call for NATO involvement in the
Karabakh conflict, but said that if comparisons were to be made, NATO would
have to bomb Baku.

Speaking after a meeting in Brussels with Armenian President, Robert
Kocharian, NATO's civilian secretary general, Javier Solana, said that the
alliance was not thinking of deploying any troops and that it enjoyed good
relations with all countries in the region.
TiM Ed.: Right. Just as NATO did with "all countries in the region" of the
former Yugoslavia, prior to 1989.  Who do these NATO turkeys think they are
fooling?  Except for the turkeys, of course?

5. A Letter to the "Death Merchants Journal"

PHOENIX, July 7 - Check out the letter which we sent today to the "Death
Merchants Journal," a.k.a. the Wall Street Journal.
NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by the e-mail address at which you're receiving them. 
Bob Djurdjevic
Phoenix, Arizona

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