For a well-researched, well-documented and meticulous (you know,
qualities we at NewsHawk are so weak in) and HARD-HITTING presentation
on just why the crash of JFK Jr.'s plane and deaths of all on board was
NOT any ACCIDENTAL EVENT, I HIGHLY recommend taking a look at the
article at this website --

This writer has done his HOMEWORK, and presented the entire chain of
events in a very coherent, non-strident form.

Although the information directly related to JFK Jr.'s murder is towards
the latter part of the article, the preceding portions are a very
carefully reasearched setup for what is said about John Kennedy Jr's death.

PLEASE check this out and ask everyone you know to do the same!

DO WE BELIEVE the "official" story about the deaths of JFK (Sr.) and
Bobby Kennedy and about Ted Kennedy's plane and car crashes?

DO WE BELIEVE the "official" story about the attempted assassination of
George Wallace, or the assassination of Martin Luther King? I don't.

DO WE BELIEVE them about the Pan Am/Lockerbie plane crash? I don't.

DO WE BELIEVE THEM about Waco, Ruby Ridge or the Oklahoma City bombing?
I don't.

How about the crash of TWA Flight 800? Not me.

How about Princess Diana? Not a chance.

How about the Rabin assassination in Israel? Get a CLUE!

How about he extremely suspicious ongoing chain of mass murders being
carried out in schools, offices, freeways and elsewhere across our
nation? 'Nuff said.

And we are supposed to "believe" the official story about the UNDENIABLE
SUSPICIOUS crash of John Kennedy Jr.'s plane?


well, I DON'T!

John Quinn/NewsHawk Inc.

Check it out!

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