Charles Smith will be on the Michael Reagan show tonite
7/6/99 - check for show times!

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On June 29, 1999, Federal Judge Robert Payne ruled against the
Commerce Dept. in the China-Gate scandal.  Judge Payne has
ordered the Commerce Dept. to release documents on meetings
between Clinton officials and Chinese Army officers.  Judge
Payne ordered the Commerce Dept. to comply by July 12, 1999, and
to release documents that are being withheld from the public.

Additionally, Judge Payne found the Commerce Dept. had not
completely released all the required documents as per his
original Court order issued in March, 1999.  According to Judge
Payne, the Commerce Dept. submitted a request to withhold
certain documents, "yet no copies were provided to the Court."

Payne ordered the Commerce Dept. to deliver the withheld
documents for his personal inspection behind closed doors "not
later than 5:00 p.m., July 12, 1999." According to Payne, the
Commerce Dept. must "provide copies of the foregoing documents
to the Court for in camera review."

Payne also found that the Clinton administration had attempted
to classify a 1996 Defense Dept. report that had previously been
released to the public.  According to Payne, "According to the
plaintiff, the following documents have previously been provided
and accordingly, the defendant's current claim of exemption is

The 1996 DOD report that the Commerce Dept. wanted to keep
secret is actually a detailed series of questions and answers
from House National Security Chairman Rep. Spence (R-NC).  Rep.
Spence was concerned over reports detailing the transfer of an
advanced, AT&T, secure, communications system to the Chinese
Army by Clinton officials.

The DOD replies show the conflict of interest between Defense
Secretary William Perry and PLA General Ding Henggao.  According
to the report, Perry's "civilian" DOD consultant, Dr. John
Lewis, was in business with PLA General Ding's wife, Lt.
General Madam Nie Li.  Dr. Lewis, a close friend of Perry and a
fellow professor at Stanford University, accompanied Perry on
trips to China as a "civilian consultant" to the Secretary of

Dr. Lewis and General Ding's wife, Lt. General Madam Nie, were
paid executives in a joint venture between Lewis's U.S. firm,
SCM/Brooks Telecommunications, and a PLA owned firm, called
Galaxy New Technology.  The result was the transfer of an
advanced, AT&T, secure fiber-optic communications system
directly to the PLA General Logistics Division.  That system was
obtained by the Chinese Army through Dr. Lewis and Dr. Perry.

According to another document forced from the Commerce Dept.,
Sec. Perry, and Dr. Lewis met on official U.S. government
business with General Ding in Oct. 1994, at the same time Lewis
was in business with Ding's wife.  Thus, Lewis was being paid by
the U.S. and Chinese military - at the same time.

Lewis and Perry, accompanied by Commerce Dept. official Barry
Carter, met with the top of the communist Army elite in China.
The list of PLA attendees at the 1994 "Joint Defense Conversion
Commission" includes General Ding, General Huai, Major General
Deng and Major General Hou Gang, Deputy Director of Chinese Army
Intelligence HQ.

Clearly, the Commerce Dept. did not inspect the original SOFTWAR
China-gate lawsuit.  The entire 1996 DOD document that Commerce
refused to release was provided as evidence to the Court in the
original lawsuit filed in November, 1998.  In fact, the entire
Dept. of Defense document has been on the SOFTWAR internet web
site since September 1998 and is available for public viewing:

In addition, Payne noted that the Commerce Dept. had not
completed the appropriate clearances for some of the documents
submitted for his "in camera" review.  According to Judge Payne,
one document states, "all '[r]equests for this document from
outside the U.S.  Government must be referred to the Defense
Intelligence Agency, Washington D.C. 20340-0001.'"

"Not later than 5:00 p.m., July 12, 1999," wrote Payne.  "The
defendant shall file a statement with the Court indicating on
what date the plaintiff's request was referred to the Defense
Intelligence Agency and what that agency's response was, or if
none has been received, the expected response date."

The contacts between Commerce officials, major DNC donors and
Chinese Generals included detailed information provided by the
CIA, DIA and NSA.  For example, the Commerce Dept. released a
letter showing the White House provided information from a U.S.
"intelligence agency" to DNC donors.  The letter from Commerce
lawyers informs a U.S. "INTELLIGENCE AGENCY" that bios for a
Brown trade trip, detailing the Chinese communists leadership,
were to be released to this reporter.

The released documents included detailed photos and descriptions
of every communist official from President Jiang Zemin to the
mayor of Shanghai.  The documents were provided to DNC million
dollar donors Sanford Robertson and Loral CEO Bernard Schwartz
just prior to the August 1994 trade trip to China.

The bios include Chinese billionaire Li Ka Shing, who is not
publicly considered part of the Chinese communist leadership.
Li Ka Shing, however, is deeply in business with the Chinese
Army.  Several of Li's companies have been reported to act as a
front for Chinese espionage.  Li's Hutcheson Whampoa lost a
contract bid to take over the former Navy port in Long Beach,
California, based primarily on espionage allegations leveled
behind closed hearings inside Capitol Hill.

According to the "Intelligence" bio, the links between Li Ka
Shing and the Communist government of China are so strong that
the billionaire is properly included with PRC President Jiang
Zemin as part of the red leadership.  The U.S. intelligence
community knew of Li Ka Shing's power inside red China before
1994, before Long Beach, before trade trips and before they
supplied detailed information to fat cat Corporate executives,
determined to selling U.S. military technology to the Chinese

Clearly, intelligence data acquired for defense purposes was
supplied to Ron Brown and the Commerce Dept via the White House.
This information was then passed onto million dollar DNC donors
who signed multi-million dollar deals with the communist

Loral CEO Schwartz and Ron Brown met with Chinese Army General
Shen during the August 1994 trade trip to red China.  As a
result, Schwartz was able to sell satellites directly to
companies owned by the PLA.

This is not the first case of the Clinton administration abusing
intelligence materials for domestic political purposes.  For
example, CIA operative "Bob" provided secret information on
Libyan oil millionaire Roger Tamaraz to DNC Chairman Fowler.
The CIA directly pressured White House National Security Council
(NSC) officials that had turned the Libyan oil millionaire away
because they knew he was trouble.

The "China-Gate" lawsuit has demonstrated that Clinton Commerce
officials deliberately engaged with Chinese Army Generals to
sell American "military" technology.  The so-called "civilian"
Commerce Dept. acquired a vast array of military intelligence
materials from the DIA, CIA, and NSA - not to enforce laws nor
prevent illegal exports but in a cold blooded effort to obtain
campaign donations for Bill Clinton.

The Clinton Commerce Dept., according to Judge Payne, has until
5 P.M. on July 12, 1999 to come clean with America.  A Federal
Court has ordered the Administration to pull away the cloak of
false secrecy, to end the lies and finally reveal the truth.

Judge Payne is quite popular in Virginia for jailing lawyers who
have elected to ignore his Court orders.  If dawn comes on July
13, and the Clinton administration would prefer to continue the
web of lies and deceptions...  Then the Commerce Dept. can
expect to lose their Secretary and perhaps the entire agency to
the criminal charges that will surely follow.

China-Gate Court documents -

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
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SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                           07/06/99
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