On Feb. 23, 1999, U.S. Federal Judge Payne issued an order for
the Commerce Dept. to release documents on the Chinese Army
unit, COSTIND (the Chinese Commission of Science Technology and
Industry for National Defense).  The Court order was in response
to a suit filed by Softwar, following a Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) denial by the Commerce Dept.

The Commerce Department claimed that records detailing meetings
between COSTIND Army officers and Commerce officials did not
exist.  Much like Mrs. Clinton's claim that "Whitewater" billing
records did not exist, the Commerce claims turned out to be

The Commerce Dept. has already returned a vast array of
documented evidence on COSTIND.  Some of the phantom records are
on the internet, complete with signatures of the Clinton
officials involved.

Federal Judge Payne viewed the pile of real documents presented
by this reporter, along with the words "Dear Ron" plastered all
over them, and exploded.  The Judge found the lame defense
presented by the Clinton administration to be an insult.

The Commerce Dept. lawyer was forced to admit that "thirteen"
records responsive to the Freedom of Information Request on
COSTIND have been found.  Judge Payne ordered that all
documents, including those withheld for national security, be
reviewed by the Court to ensure that none are being illegally

President Clinton has offered U.S. trade favors to China at
every turn, claiming the communist state will become less of a
monster.  The logic is that if China is fat and happy on western
consumer goods it will no longer be a nationalistic, radical,
nation looking to even age its old border disputes.

Instead, the Chinese Army bought high tech military items and
sold goods made by cheap slave labor in massive quantities to
American merchants eager for a quick buck.  The trade imbalance
between America and China reflects the communist tax and
regulation war against imported U.S. goods.

The Chinese Army is converting the massive trade surplus with
America into an ambitious arms build up to dominate the twenty
first century.  Our cash for goods is fueling the next arms

In addition, the communist state has grown less tolerant of
freedom.  The Chinese Communist party is using advanced U.S.
"law enforcement" technology to round up dissidents at a higher
rate than during the Tiananmen Square massacre.  The monster is
growing stronger and much more evil, fed by mounds of cash from
the west.

President Reagan once had a similar problem with the former
Soviet Union.  Many in the Republican party pressed for open
trade and a no questions asked policy with the Soviet Union.
They cited the unrestricted actions of trading partners in
securing lucrative deals behind the Iron Curtain.  The strict
Soviet empire, they argued, would crumble under an onslaught of
western goods.

Instead, Reagan picked the hard line, arming America like no
President had done before, banning high-tech exports, and
electing to negotiate more important things than trade.  Things
that appear to be unknown to this administration, such as human
rights and arms control.

The Clinton administration has no major treaty signed with China
for strategic arms.  While we are bound by SALT and the ABM
treaties with the Soviet Union, a nation that no longer exists,
China has no such restraints.  The fact that Clinton has no
Chinese nuclear arms treaty is clear evidence of his lacking in
history's embrace of peacemakers.

Nor is there any evidence that the PRC would adhere to treaties
even if signed.  In fact, according to documents obtained using
the Freedom of Information Act, the Clinton administration has
openly rewarded Chinese misdeeds and treaty violations.

In 1998, Chinese officials denied America the right to inspect
U.S. built super-computers exported for a so-called "academic"
venture at Xian University.  The denial was an open violation of
a 1983 U.S./Sino trade treaty.

The Clinton administration responded to the violation by
allowing the export of more  ultra-fast computers without
inspection, violating U.S. trade restriction laws passed by
Congress.  Xian University, of course, is a major PLA weapon
testing and development site.

There is worse news.  According to the General Accounting Office
(GAO), the Clinton Administration allowed super-computers to be
exported directly to Russian and Chinese nuclear laboratories.
The GAO also noted that the super-computer exports took place
with no evaluation of the impact on Chinese nuclear weapons
development, missile design, genetic or biological weapons
research or even the impact on national security by breaking our
secret codes.

One fact remains above the sex, sordid lies and dangerous phone
calls; the White House was penetrated by Chinese Army agents.
COSTIND Col. Lui met with Bill Clinton in the White House after
donating money through Johnny Chung.  The Chinese Army engaged
in the most successful espionage effort of the twentieth
century.  Of course, they picked an easy target, Bill Clinton.

China can be generous with its friends.  China has every reason
to share its good fortune.  Defense experts are already
tracing the vast array of advanced U.S. military technology
sold to China in the missile arsenals of Iraq, Iran and North

In Feb. 1999, the repercussions of the Chinagate scandal
shot-down $500 million worth of satellites for communist China.
The cancellation of the HUGHES sale to Asia Pacific Mobile
Telephone (APMT) is a victory for western national security.
APMT, the buyer of the Hughes satellites, is reported to be half
owned by COSTIND, the same Chinese Army unit that penetrated the
White House.

According to the Defense Dept., the Hughes satellites were
equipped with a sophisticated 40 foot antenna that could
intercept U.S. military communications.  The APMT satellites
sales also included secure, encrypted, voice and data

Both the Defense Dept. and the State Dept. stuck to the argument
the Hughes sales were a military transfer.  DOD and State were
backed by a vast array of documented abuses from inside the
Commerce Dept.  Their objections won the day and forced Clinton
to turn down the Hughes export.

Hughes, of course, does not like this.  Hughes, and its former
CEO, Michael Armstrong, donated millions of dollars to the DNC
and Bill Clinton.  Both have also openly complained that
national security reviews are a threat to their profit margins.
Obviously, their investment in Clinton, like the Asian satellite
market, has turned sour.

Yet, the threat to Hughes profits are minor in comparison to
another threat - global thermo-nuclear war.  Rep. Dana Rohrbacher,
Chairman of the House Space sub-Committee recently illustrated
that very real threat.

Rohrbacher said "Some of the industry people that are
complaining have betrayed their country.  They have provided
upgrades to communist Chinese rockets that threaten to
incinerate millions of Americans.  The administration has
overseen and acquiesced to the transfer of rocket technologies
to the communist Chinese that threatens the lives of every
American.  It's a disgrace."

Clearly, the Hughes executives involved have no heart, no brain
and certainly no honor.  They, however, do have a wallet.  The
pain issued by loss of income clearly outweighs a long stay in
the Hotel Hubbell Minimum Security Prison/Lippo Creative
Accounting Institute.  The lesson to be learned inside all U.S.
corporations is that lost sales due to bad publicity far
outweighs profits obtained from the Chinese Army.

Rohrbacher is not alone in his conclusion of "betrayal".  The
Department of Defense accused both Hughes and the Commerce Dept.
of passing advanced technology to the Chinese Army.  The DOD
reported that Hughes and the Commerce Dept. knowingly passed
significant missile nose-cone design technology under the guise
of a civilian launch accident investigation.

According to the DOD report, the Commerce Dept. approved of the
transfer even though they could NOT issue such a license.  The
Defense Department report states the Commerce Department issued
licenses to the Chinese military that constituted a "defense
service" within the meaning of the State Department's
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) under the Arms
Control Act (ACEA).

The Defense Department wrote "This was clearly beyond the scope
of Commerce export control jurisdiction because only the
Department of State is authorized to issues licenses for defense

Furthermore, according to the Defense Dept., "the documents DoD
reviewed reveal that Hughes was conscious of 'government
constraints' in providing assistance to the Chinese...  Commerce
revealed the existence of these reports and other documents
during interagency preparations for June 1998 Congressional
hearings on satellite exports for launch in China."

In 1998, Commerce claimed to this reporter that the records on
COSTIND did not exist or if they did, they would be secret.  In
1999, Federal Judge Payne shot down the "national security"
excuse down.  He ordered Commerce to produce everything -
including national security materials - so the Court can double

Who is it that Bill Clinton wants to keep the so-called secret
from?  The American people or the Chinese Army?  The Chinese
Army knows what went on in the Ron Brown meetings.  The PLA
Generals were there.  They know exactly what they obtained from
Loral, Hughes and Motorola.

This reporter was forced to take the Commerce Dept. to Federal
Court in an effort to discover the truth.  Armed with the
Federal Court order, this reporter is sure many more documents
will soon be released.  The American people will learn of the
secret deals inside the White House, sooner rather than later.

Commerce officials, including Secretary Daley, have every right
to worry that the words "contempt" and "four years in jail"
might appear next to their names.  The alternative of full
disclosure may yet save them from such a unfortunate fate.


Source documents & The Court Order

1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:
SOFTWAR EMAIL NEWSLETTER                            03/02/99
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