900 cases of conditioning, handling, by clinton and friends, to be kept at a state of preparedness, to go shooting or to create other mayhem, seemingly random, whenever they needed distraction.  Call us smoke bombs....some of us have escaped though, eh?:
Beat The Surveillance Society To Death !! **
Item #280168629
This is a 6 page report by me, Bill Gallagher, Blacklisted Writer (Hullllooooo Slick Willy you old Rockefeller you!) and true investigative journalist. My writing credentials are available in part at luxefaire.com

Surveillance (Serve-eillance) has erupted as much from a "Because We Can" mind-set, as from any actual need. You see, surveillance technology is, simply put, television. In fact, many times TV interests provide the expertise, and it is natural for these Suk schmucks to go this way, toward surveillance of society, now that all but the infirm and truly ignorant depart to bigger and much better things, like reading books and websites. This point is inarguable. Look! The television is making TV stars out of COPS! OFFICER OFFICER OVERSEER OVERSEER! What a bunch of scared and sleazy mutts run the worlds information. If it weren't for the division sown by the likes of them, we wouldn't even NEED cops, but the elite MUST be maintained eh? It seems that most people are lazy enough to let them get away with that, but you dear reader appear, to me, to be separate of that strain, and it will be good for you to read onward.

Cameras are everywhere now. The british are whining about it in hindsight, and I have to remind them over and over again that not only is their every move watched, but THEY HAVE NO GUNS EITHER!!!! DUUUHHHHH!!!

Minutiarisation assures us that they are many things available technologically, that the layman, the guy on the street, is either unaware of, or misunderstands at least.

There is a whole class of people these days, practicing videophilia which borders on, and passes into, Voyeurism. It began as a way for the business elite to maintain an illegal advantage, but I assure you it has become a high form of entertainment for sick people without lives of their own, or who are dominators because of some warped upbringing.

This phenomenon usurps and totally degrades civil rights and basic rights of privacy. It is practiced in the name of law enforcement, politics, corporate espionage, "Journalism" or for pure enjoyment by the hacker-like aficianadoes of electronic videophilia.

There are reports of bedrooms being bugged, then put on the internet live to select groups of wealthy subscribers. There are many surveillance devices that are sold as clocks or smoke detectors, or bed table lamps. These in fact are the most lucrative of this underbelly market that is thriving in America today, once again, the by-product of Television.

This report discusses everything I know about what is being done now, and by whom. We will cover the known TV/Politics connection (Hullooo Larry Flynt! You are a true pig, but a loveable pig I guess), and their use of adult gang members to create live video settings for surreptitious, therefore illegal surveillance. We will then diverge into more refined probabilities and possibilities, and start to learn what surveillors have to gain from their voyeurism. Once we understand this aspect of surveillance it can easily be defeated. Counter-Intuit, HuMan.

My report also delves into surveillance as a weapon of psychological-warfare, and information warfare. We will try to begin understanding Conditioning Through Surveillance, and we will finally discuss surveillance for profit, and what it means to you. A lot of surveillance is being accomplished illegally, but by some pretty heavy hitters, it is, to tell the truth, the only way they have been able to keep their ill gotten advantages THIS long...they are falling now, and that is a beautiful thing. For they too are pigs and not loveable at all. Some surveillance encompasses illegal breaking and entering by professionals, many doing what they consider their duty to their client, under the guise of Private Investigation. There are also myriad forms of computer surveillance, and even some television viewers that are made two-way through inclusion of screen cams. BOO again!

All in all I think you will find this a highly valuable and interesting read. I guarantee that most of this is information that has been suppressed by the wealthy powers that are, as it is one of their most well guarded tools of manipulation. Tour the net before bidding....do some searches for surveillance, or surveillance equipment, private investigation, miniature cameras, then come on back and bid. The price is right, and thats so we can beat this together, and it will be the least expensive of anything you ever buy in counter-surveillance.

In a society totally dependent on electronic monitoring for information, those who can learn to defeat the probe, will be truly invisible.

There are tried and true methods to defeating surveillance of all kinds, as well as some ideas about where we need to head with this, if we are to remain a free, or somewhat free, people. Cough-cough.

In The Book "Neuromancer" by William Gibson, a futuristic Cyber Society has evolved, entirely plausible, sometime around 2020-2030, and technology reigns. There are two characters in this book that require privacy, so they go to a privacy specialist. They enter a room totally covered in circuit boards, floor, ceiling, walls. They are sealed in and Guaranteed Privacy by the proprietor, and as he shuts the door to give them their meeting, he reminds them of the charges, which are to be paid by the second.

Time to awaken Children. Prey. It works. BGPostage is one stamp.


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