-Caveat Lector- (J
(B (JIn a message dated 12/1/04 3:46:14 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
(B (J
(B (J
(B (J

(B (JIn Welcome to Terrorland, we learn that Hopsicker was the producer of NBC
(B (JInside Wall Street. He was clearly a mover in the television industry, a
(B (Jshaker in the world of communications...
(B (J
(B (J

(B (J
(B (JWell, for one, this is incorrect.  Nowhere inside the book Welcome To Terrorland or on the cover, does Daniel Hopsicker claim to be a producer of NBC's
Inside Wall Street
(B (J
(B (JFrom my website cia-drugs.com comes the original source quote:
(B (Jhttp://www.cia-drugs.com/symposium/speakers/hopsicker/
(B (J
(B (J
Daniel Hopsicker has spent a career in business television;
(B (J producing "
Inside Wall Street" and "The Emerging Growth Stock Report,"
(B (J among others.
(B (J
(B (J He was the executive producer of a business news magazine
(B (J airing on NBC internationally when he went to Bill Clinton's Arkansas to
(B (J film a story for a new series pilot and discovered that "things ain't always
(B (J been jes' right down here," in the words of a famous Mississippi lawman.
(B (J
(B (J
(B (J
(B (JIf this shows the level of Alex's research and accusations from said research, I find it disturbing and have taken down a page at ctrl.org with posts from his Khasoggi series.
(B (J
(B (JAs seen from the original quote above, Alex has fabricated his accusation.
(B (J
(B (JI find Alex's comments baneful and curious. Several weeks ago, I received several emails from folks casting aspersions about Alex and haven't seen fit to post those. I forwarded them to Alex.
(B (J
(B (JAlex in his accusations has made several errors and all because Dan said some things about Ruppert? As if Ruppert cannot defend himself.
(B (J
(B (JCuriouser and curiouser.
(B (J
(B (JPeace,
(B (JOm
(B (JK
(B (J
(BLet us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. (B======================================================================== (BArchives Available at: (B

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-

Kris may not have received this yet, and that's why it hasn't
posted. Thanks for the words. - AC

911 Author Daniel Hopsicker¹s
Credentials are Fraudulent

By Alex Constantine
A Constantine Report Exclusive

Something ain¹t always been jes¹ right with Daniel Hopsicker. The author of
Barry and the Boys and Welcome to Terrorland rarely documents his claims,
but his readers have long suspended disbelief and swallowed them hook(er),
(cocaine) line and (CIA) stinker. Terrorland has been widely reviewed and
touted as the definitive word on 911 air commando Mohammed Atta and crew.
Lately, he has made waves in the 911 Truth Movement by exposing its
co-option by CIA cut-outs, UFOlogists and occultists like author John Gray,
an operative of Saudi entrepreneur Adnan Khashoggi, and Byron Belitsos,
founder of 911Truth.org.

But on a hunch - after Hopsicker, from his MadCowMorningNews Internet soap
box, viciously lashed out at fellow researcher Mike Ruppert, author of
Crossing the Rubicon, accusing him of accepting $40,000 is speaking fees (a
figure later adjusted to $4,000), and calling him out as a traitor to the
911 Truth Movement - it occured to us to check out Hopsicker¹s credentials.

It¹s common knowledge in the 911 research community that Daniel Hopsicker is
a hard-bitten veteran of ³The Emerging Growth Stock Report.² By way of
introduction, in an interview conducted by Michael Reagan, the late
president¹s son, on August 22, 1997, Hopsicker gave a revised account:
³Mike, I'm in the television industry. I produce a business TV show called
ŒGlobal Business¹ internationally and on NBC. It has been airing for about
18 months...² 

In Welcome to Terrorland, we learn that Hopsicker was the producer of NBC¹s
Inside Wall Street. He was clearly a mover in the television industry, a
shaker in the world of communications...

Unfortunately, he made it all up.

Daniel Hopsicker could not have produced a program for NBC called Inside
Wall Street because NBC has never aired a show by this name, according to a
search of the IMDB web site, a comprehensive television industry union
database (see, http://www.imdb.com to conduct the search). ³Global Business²
was apparently fabricated, as well - there is no mention of it in the IMDB.

This isn¹t to say that Hopsicker is completely devoid of experience in the
industry. In 1998, he did direct a program called ŒPhenomenon: The Lost
Archives,¹ hosted by Dean Stockwell, one of those ³alien² and ³crop circle²
hoaxgrams that pollute the cable broadband. Mr. Hopsicker has long been
quiet on the subject, but he seemed quite proud of his work on Phenomenon in
an e-mail sent in response to these allegations: ³As best as I recall, I
produced business programming for, oh, 7-8 years ...² - but not for NBC, as
claimed, begging the question, who is this guy and what¹s he up to? - ³ ...
after producing industrials and ads for at least a dozen years before
that...² Is any of this true? ³As for ŒPhenomenon,¹ they were kind enough to
want to bring the information in  my two hour documentary, 'secret heartbeat
[of America],' to a tv audience. Which they did, marking one of the very few
times american tv has aired serious evidence re cia drugs.² Unfortunately,
the ³first serious evidence re cia drugs² appeared on a program steeped in
ancient ³alien civilizations,² Noah¹s Ark and ³unknown encounters.²

Oh, this lubricious Lucy¹s got some Œsplainin¹ t¹ do ...

Concerning the paramornal, Hopsicker wrote in his letter of response, ³my
feeling is that any world where individuals like mr constantine are at home
cannot be said to exist only in three dimensions.² Whatever this means, it
will do for a blurb on the dust jacked of my next book, Only a Cheap War
Profiteer Would Exploit 911 This Way.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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