[CTRL] Fwd: ALERT: School Shooting in California....

2001-03-07 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

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 America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization
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 March 7, 2001

 ALERT: School Shooting in California

 We pass on these thoughts from Randall N. Herrst
 about the school shootings on Monday March 5:

 Hi, Everyone!

 I would like to suggest a few issues that we can use to
 address the school shooting in San Diego, CA. today.

 1. The other side has bragged that California has "the
 toughest gun laws in the nation", yet it is obvious that
 they have NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER and cannot prevent any
 crimes, even in a specially "protected" zone such as a
 school!  Why?  Because criminals are not deterred or
 prevented from obtaining firearms (mostly illegally) or
 prevented from committing even the most serious crimes.  The
 San Diego murderer is apparently underage, so he could not
 have obtained his firearms legally.  There is also a
 child-access-prevention law in California, which also did
 not work (although that law did cause 2 deaths and a serious
 wounding in the "Merced Pitchfork Murders").  In California,
 it is also illegal to bring firearms onto campus, and that
 didn't work either.  Incidentally, in California I think it
 is also illegal to shoot people and murder them.  Not to
 mention another dozen or so felony violations.  I wonder why
 those laws didn't work, but new gun control laws will?

 2. What would have worked in the short term?  The "Israeli
 Solution" of arming some of the teachers and staff members.
 This has cut school murders to zero as soon as the policy
 was enacted and it has maintained that success over a two
 decade period.  Go to http://www.jpfo.org/school.htm for
 an explanation.  Note that the criminal in San Diego told
 several people, including adults, that he was going to
 commit these crimes.

 3. What else might work?  One of the main reasons why these
 criminals do these things is for notoriety.  For this, we
 can ask why the media insists upon glorifying and promoting
 the criminals.  Let us suggest that the media, IF IT WANTED
 TO ACT RESPONSIBLY, would glorify the victims and minimize
 the celebrity treatment of the criminals--even including a
 refusal to mention the name of the criminal and refusal to
 publish their photos and refusal to publish the ego-driven
 ramblings of these criminals .  These criminals aren't doing
 these things so that no one will notice them.  Of course, I
 am just fantasizing here, since I am fully aware that almost
 no one in the media ever acts responsibly or in the public
 interest.  Still, it would be interesting to see whether the
 media might be willing to try it as an experiment.

 4. Are there any long term solutions?  Yes, but this will be
 difficult to accept and even more difficult to implement.
 The main reason, IMHO, that school mass murders by students
 were almost unknown prior to the 1990's (is it only
 coincidence that school shootings blossomed during the
 Clinton years?) is the fact that society as a whole had some
 concept of morality and taught those precepts to the
 children.  Morality was taught, not just in the home, but in
 the schools, churches, neighborhoods, the courts, the news
 media, and even the entertainment media (remember when
 movies and TV shows had "a moral to the story" and the good
 guys won while the bad guys were punished?)  Furthermore,
 the media did not lionize heinous criminals or make mass
 murder look like fun (did you know that half a dozen mass
 murderers have cited "Natural Born Killers" or "The
 Basketball Diaries" or "Taxi Driver" as their FAVORITE
 movies?)  Up until the mid-1970's, it was not uncommon for
 even urban high schools to have shooting teams, with members
 bringing firearms and ammunition onto campus, sometimes via
 public transportation and school buses.  In rural areas
 then, and in some small town and rural places even today,
 children brought their hunting firearms to school and either
 left them in their cars or gave them to the teachers for
 safekeeping during school hours.  Morality was what kept us

 5. There is a consistent pattern of violence where it is
 hard for law-abiding citizens to obtain firearms, whereas
 there is less violent crime where firearms ownership is
 widespread and easy.  My studies have shown that violent
 crime is lower in the small cities and rural areas of each
 state compared to the metropolitan areas (as much as 500%
 higher) of 42 of the 50 states; while it is comparable in 7
 states and in only one state, Kentucky, is the pattern
 significantly reversed (~35% higher violent crime in small
 cities and rural areas).  The pattern of firearms ownership
 and crime is an inverse relationship, which should not be
 possible if the other side were right when it claims that
 "easy availability causes crime".  Why hasn't the media ever
 noticed that 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: ALERT: School Shooting in California....

2001-03-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This man is right Tenorlove - there are drugs where kids lose control
and are easily controlled and suggestible.

These horrible movies are being made deliberately - this kid's buddies
goaded him for he was the Patsy - these kids had the same look as some
of the kids and even parents at Littleton.   Somewhere there was a
controller who set him off..maybe if the school had let the kid play
on a real basketball team or sit on bench in football?   He seemed to
love sports, or was it the attention he needed - no mother at home?
Some of these stupid teachers and princpals should be horse whipped
..but they sure liked the spotlite is on you, on TV.

This item I had on fluoride dating back so many years I would not use
because it came from a "right winged element" and I was led to believe
the right wingers killed JFK.so the name of this book is THE AGE OF

Remember how Crest Toothpaste (proctor and gamble) introduced Crest
Toothpaste, the first fluoride toothpaste - "in a little town in Texas
named Waco" now remembered by me for more than just toothpaste.and
they covered the old well with a statute which means something is in the
water - maybe lots of oil underneath or something else - heavy water or

So I quote from this book which I thought so many years ago was
outlandish.but I xeroxed a few pages:

"When Fluorides are placed into water sytem thre is a continuous
ingestion and this accumunates in the system  The smallest possible
amount ingested will in time become a desructive accumulation .   Worst
of all children like adults drink this sametoxically drugged water,
perhaps more so than adults in dental preparations and dental firms have
opening admitted it is dangrous to children from 6 and or 9.."

Now Proctor and Gamble is making big bucks back in 50 period with the
Crest Toothpaste

And further the AGE OF TREASON  reads:

"BOTH the Germans under Hitler and the Russians (see Ana Pauker an
others) advocated and made use of this method of mental deterioration
.to reduce mental capacity  in those already developed:"   and then
it goes on to explain the different types of fluoride.

Look at the drug Ritilin - now being passed around by schools like
MMs...look at the slop served they call food in schools with a Have
Pepsi.schools get kick backs from vending machine companieslook
at the denial of the kids to orange and grape juice - look at their
blood sugar and add up all the excess baggage they carry about from junk

Now throw in this crap and the drugs.

Adolph Hitler had his own beer specially prepared and would not drink
the water..unles specially prepared as well.
Remember former President George Bush getting sick and vomiting at a
Japanese dinner - later the CIA formed a school of Chefs.

Who poisoned the Blue Danube with cyanide?  During the 60 period these
animals were going to put LSD in water and the truth was never told
about the Legionaires Disease - My Name Is Legion, for we are
manyhow many died thre?
We had swine flu epidemic then and Gerald Ford took his swine flu shot
for the public to promote this - and it was killing people.

So THE AGE OF TREASON also mention "when the Nazis undr Hitler decided
to go into Poland the GErman Staff and the Russian General Staff
exchanged scientific and military ideas, plans, and personnel and the
scheme of mass control through water medication was seized upon by the
Russian Communities beaue it fitted ideally into their plan to comunize
the world".  This book at the time I read it I could not believe it
all - I do now.

So there is no difference between what Barak, Blair, Clinton, Sharon,
Putin, etc. do than what this element did during WWIIit is all a
The only thing I ever noted in America is this - those were not
AMERICANS at Waco or Ruby Ridge - those were sadistic killers - and then
look at our then Leader, Clionton.

Sodomy has been in the game plan for birth control.let the dead bury
the dead.

Aids is the humanitarian's idea of birth controlsome will die before
even given chance to live.

Look at Waco and see combined intellignce of KGB and Mossad..

So what is in a name?   We do not even know the names of some of our
leaders - some of whom are obviously Manchurian Candidates.

Maybe some people deserve what they get?

Maybe it is time to get your kids in private schoolsmy grandson had
a grandfather who was Catholic - St. Patrick bore his Coat of Arms, and
this kid is going to be raised Catholic.

On my father's side were nuns and priests - and the paddle seemed to
make a greater impression than a gun, in those days.


Do Not Drink the Water - Our kids are so vulnerable now and if I had my
way someone would drop a big H bomb on Hollywood.

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