• CIA Tip Led to Mandela Arrest

• How the CIA Got Away with Domestic Spying

• The Death Squad Protection Act
• The CIA, Osama Bin Laden and His American Business Partners

• The CIA, a Mesquite Meth Lab & the Murder of JFK

• Benjamin Netahyahu is a CIA Agent

• An International Guide to CIA Death Squads

• CIA, Nazis & the Republican Party

• A CIA Nazi Recruit in Jewish Drag

• Nazis Planned Post-WW II Return

• The Early Days of the John Birch Society - Fascist Templars of the
Corporate State

• Early Radio & Nazi Technology

• Nazis and Foreign Affairs

• W.S. Journal on Secret Military Genetic Experiments
• The Roots of Corporate Fascism in America

• Author Links Bush Family to Nazis

• Dr. George Rupp, President of Columbia University - Fascism, Money
Laundering (and the CIA, too)

• Two Views of Joseph Korbel

• A Nazi Collaborator's Champagne Safari

• The Bush Legacy: Cocaine Profits

This is a land of electromagnetic squalls (Euegene, Oregon;Taos, New Mexico,
etc.), CIA mind control experimentation, telemetric harrassment of political
dissidents, cybernetic conversations with the brain, psychological warfare,
disappearing witnesses, "alien" abductions, cult terrorism, Nazi science,
child prostitution networks organized by Republican Party scions, "occult"
technology - and from the corporate press a solid wall of disinformation and
censorship. Welcome to these Altered States...

• The CIA & the Media

• William S. Burroughs on Electronic Mind Control

• Attorney Harassed with Microwaves (Injectable Transponder)

• Injectable Transponder: Description and Specifications

• A Short History of Psychosurgical "Violence Initiatives"

• Alien Baloney

• Whistleblower on CIA Brainwashing in Canada

• The CIA's James Tyhurst/Sex Slave

• Microchip Children

• Parents Claim Psychiatrist Tried to Turn Son into Killer

• "Playhouse of Horrors" - CIA Mind Control Experimentation, Recovered
Memories & the False Memory Syndrome Foundation

• Toward Freedom Article on the FMSF & CIA Mind Control Experimentation

• The False Memory SPINDROME Foundation - Dick Farley on a Very Odd

• Judicial Opinions on Dr. Ralph Underwager (X-FMSF)

• Stalking Curio Jones - An Open Letter to the San Diego Union-Tribune

• Case Files on Corroborated Recovered Memories

• The JonBenet Ramsey Case: Emerging Sex-Ring Allegations, Political
Connections, and a Suspect
• Who Killed Biggie Smalls?

• Was the CIA to Blame for the Death of Archbishop Oscar Romero?

• Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive

• The Satanic Andrew Crispo
• Fraudulent Book on John Lennon by Bob Rosen

• L.A. Tabloid Reporter Defends the CIA Against Mind Control Allegations
• Fox News Network: Violating the Public Trust I

• Fox News Network: Violating the Public Trust II

© 2000 Alex Constantine. All rights reserved.

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