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-Caveat Lector-

Asia Times
October 29, 2003

Bush falls from favor abroad, too

By Jim Lobe

WASHINGTON - If United States President George W Bush
was surprised on his recent trip to Indonesia by the
negative image the country's Muslim leaders had of his
administration, he is unlikely to be reassured by two
new surveys from Latin America and Europe.

Nearly 90 percent of more than 500 elite figures in six
Latin American countries polled by the University of
Miami School of Business and Zogby International gave
Bush a negative rating. Fifty percent of respondents
gave his performance the lowest possible rating: "poor".

Bush's highest negatives were found in the region's
traditional powerhouses: Brazil (98 percent), Argentina
(93 percent) and Mexico (92 percent), according to the

A second poll carried out by Eurobarometer for the
European Commission of all 15 European Union (EU)
countries found that more than two-thirds of citizens
saw the US-led war in Iraq as "not justified".

Only 6 percent of the 7,515 people polled said that they
believe Washington should be in charge of security in
Iraq, while 43 percent agreed the job should be given to
the United Nations.

Even in Baghdad itself, pollsters found skepticism about
US intentions running high, according to a new Gallup
poll of the Iraqi capital.

Only 4 percent of respondents there said they accepted
Washington's main stated reason for going to war - to
eliminate weapons of mass destruction. More than four in
10 said that they believed the principal objective was
to secure Iraq's oil reserves.

The three polls come amid continuing erosion in Bush's
poll standings at home, where his approval ratings for
the past several weeks have fallen below where they
stood before September 11, 2001.

Worse for Bush, a new poll released on Tuesday by USA
Today, CNN and Gallup found that 57 percent of political
independents who are likely to decide next year's
election now disapprove of his performance in Iraq, and
that only 35 percent of independent voters say they
intend to vote for Bush.

Rising casualties in Iraq, where US servicemen have been
killed at an average rate of one a day for the last two
weeks, are fueling the perception by a majority of
voters that the administration lacks a plan for
achieving its goals there.

Violence - including a rocket attack on a central
Baghdad hotel that housed senior US civilian and
military officials and four suicide car-bombings - over
the past three days is likely to have further eroded
public confidence in the administration's strategy.

But if Bush's popularity has plummeted at home, his
standing abroad is much worse. Last June, a month after
he announced the end to major hostilities in Iraq, the
Pew Global Attitudes Project found that strong
majorities in Washington's chief North Atlantic Treaty
Organization allies supported a more independent
relationship with the US in both diplomatic and security

The same poll, which measured attitudes towards the US
in eight predominantly Islamic countries - from Nigeria
in the west to Indonesia in the east - found that "the
bottom has fallen out of support for America in most of
the Muslim world".

In Indonesia, where Bush met Islamic leaders on his
recent Asia tour, only 15 percent of respondents
expressed favorable opinions for the US, a steep decline
from 61 percent who did so just last summer.

The same survey found US favorability ratings in Turkey
also at 15 percent, in Pakistan at 13 percent and at
only 1 percent in the Palestinian territories occupied
by Israel and in Jordan, a staunch US ally.

The same survey found a rapidly growing percentage of
people throughout the Muslim world who see the US as a
serious threat to Islam, a notion that apparently was
echoed in Bush's meeting in Bali, after which the
president was reported to have asked his aides, "Do they
really believe that we think all Muslims are

The latest international polls are not quite as
alarming, but still demonstrate the degree to which the
administration's policies appear to have isolated the US
from many of its traditional allies, both in Latin
America and Europe.

The results were especially surprising in the
Miami/Zogby poll of Latin American elites. Not only did
Bush identify the region as his top foreign policy
priority during his presidential campaign three years
ago, but the elite figures - most of them in politics
and business - interviewed for the survey have
traditionally identified more closely with Washington
than do the general populations of those nations.

But virtually all the respondents indicated that they
felt that Bush had badly neglected Latin America during
his tenure. Only one in eight rated his job performance
concerning the region as positive. Bush received his
most positive ratings from elites in Colombia and
Venezuela, where 23 percent of respondents rated his
performance either "good" or, much less often,

The survey also found unexpected skepticism about
whether the region could benefit from free trade with
the US, with more than one-half of respondents saying
the northern nation would be the biggest beneficiary.

The notion that a free-trade accord would favor
Washington over Latin America was particularly strong in
the region's two biggest economies, Brazil and Mexico,
where three of four respondents said the US would
benefit most.

Almost 40 percent said a free-trade accord would benefit
both sides more or less equally. That view was strongest
in Venezuela (71 percent), Argentina (48 percent),
Colombia (46 percent) and Chile (45 percent). In Mexico
and Brazil, only 18 percent of respondents agreed.

The survey also found that those leaders who have been
most critical of US policies enjoy the greatest support
from the region's elite. Brazilian President Luis Lula
da Silva, who has led Latin American resistance to US
trade policy and has spoken out strongly against Bush's
unilateralism, scores highest in terms of overall job
approval, at 69 percent. Argentine President Nestor
Kirchner, who has also stressed his independence from
Washington and the International Monetary Fund, ranks
second with a 56 percent approval rating.

(Inter Press Service)


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