This a good article on censorship; I remember when a book was banned in
Boston it became part of the sales pitch - those who would censor and
burn and ban books have a problem now that the net provide freedom of
speech for the people, but slowly the presses of the government
propaganda go to work to destroy this freedom.

One major reason I believe Hollywood and Larry Flynt are permitted to
get away with producing lewd and lascivicious materials, is that their
goal is o PROMOTE CENSORSHIP, for the want to people to scream out their
objections......ACTS 19 is a very special chapater in the bible, for it
deals with bookburning and sabotage...(timed to Apollo and death of
Princess Diana - who was named for a specific reason as she was - a lady
in waiting to marry a future King).....

Best way to find out about the smut peddlars is to find out who and what
they are?   For, we do not even know Larry Flynt's real name do we; we
do known he was gunned down in the streets, but pornograhy is such a
good front for drugs.....suddenly we find he had close connectins to t
wo presidents -  one had a nephew in prison with Charlie Manson, and
they became quick friends?    The other in prison with drug dealers yet
nobody makes the connection.....two presidents connected to Larry Flynt
who fronts for whom and what now?
It was said that the experimentors believed garbage was good therapy for
this country....the experimentees were given garbage to eat and read and
soon you have garbage people some of whom will end up in prison, others
will die from AIDS and some will become drug addicted on prescription
drugs given out like M&M's to our children.

So interesting item, censorship;  it is always so subtle at first - now
they have little 4 and 5 year old children doing things they should not
be doing, and call it cutsie - for you do not put new wine in old


Note the word press in the bible has different meaning, yet in the one
psalm, you read "God Gave the Word and Great Was the Company that
published it...."   wonder what company that was to which they
refer........words engraved in stone?   10 Commandments engraved in
stone?  Over a million words in the bible - maybe check that out

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