-Caveat Lector-

Hi Colleen ,

        I just wanted to clarify a few somethings .... first ,
last time I checked I was a girl ...... and my name is not
intended to be egotistical at all in fact quite the opposite as
my intention is not in any way to enforce God's will or even to
point out what I believe it to be , it is more based on my desire
to live by the principals which I believe in . I never
intentionally try to force anyone around to my way of thinking
nor do anything which would bring harm to another , I do however
reserve the right to defend myself when attacked .
      I hope you don't mind that I put this response back to the
list as you are not the first to comment on my name . I only
would like to further add that I believe that the majority of us
on this list are on the same side of the bigger and more
important issues and I only hope that  we can continue to put our
differences aside and remain united for that is our only defense
against the tyranny of " them "  .

Divine ~

Money makes the world go around. Love just barely keeps it from
blowing up

--- Colleen Jones  wrote:
> Must admit you do sound like a it of an egomaniac with that
> name, Father
> Divine.
> Now - this is one piece of literary genius I adore.....Charles
> Foster
> Kane's apoloy.
> Be sure to click on the blue stuff, to get the verbal apology.

> Hope you
> can pick up.
> I think you should send a similar message to our friend Hoffa.

>  He is
> really a nice guy, and I like him....I like him most when he
> the
> kinder, gentler Hoffa....
> Now I have cooled down = and I am not gonig to let anybody
> my day.
> Mother Jones
> or how about
> well, good bye.....and you know, the last time I heard "Have A
> Nice Day"
> it was a traffic copy who gave my son a ticket, and I had to
> pay for
> same.
> Bye, you all......and have fun.
> your
> sorry; and get down on all fours moslem style; beg for
> mercy.....like
> you really mean it, this time.

> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Colleen Jones)
> Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 05:13:07 -0500 (EST)
> Subject: Charles Foster Kane's Apology
> http://www.queencity.com/whistleblower/cfkapology.htm

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