-Caveat Lector-

amazing stuff in this one....      fwd

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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-Caveat Lector-

___DEMOCRATS.COM____The Aggressive Progressives__________________

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
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___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Anti-Bush Protests and Greg Palast Speaking Events

Support the Corporate Patriot Enforcement Act - Write Your Representatives

Families of 14 Victims of 911 Sue the Bush Administration for $7 Billion

'Tin Soldiers and Bush is Coming': Bush Again Orders the Arrest of Silent Protesters, 
This Time at Ohio State Graduation

Court-Martial Proceedings against Lt. Col. Steve Butler Are Dropped 24 Hours after 
Democrats.com Publicized His Case

Judge Smacks Bush for Rejecting First Amendment Rights of Former Government Official

South Carolina Gov. Declares Emergency to Block Plutonium Shipments

How Close Will Bush's Nu-ku-lar Waste Trains Come to Your House?

Cheney's Chief of Staff, 'Scooter' Libby Traded in Energy Stocks While Drafting the 
Energy Plan

On the Very Day He Fought for a $250,000 Cap on Lawsuit Damages, Bob Barr Sued 
Clinton, Carville and Flynt for $30 Million

GAO Vandalism Investigation Was Nothing More than Another Bob Barr Witch Hunt

Virginia's First Republican House Speaker Resigns Over $100,000 Sexual Harassment 

IRS Scrubs Soft Money Donation Disclosures; Katherine Harris's Reports Mysteriously 

With Bush 100% Behind Sharon and Rumsfeld, Powell May Quit

Documentary of US 'War Crimes' Shocks Europe

Al Qaeda and Bush are 'Playing With our Heads'

Smoking Gun Feedback: Seismologists Weigh in about Missing Waves, Readers Ponder 
Pentagon Crash

FBI's Anthrax Investigation Drags On, As Criticism Grows

Christie Whitman Pimps for Polluters Once Again, Promoting Dirty Coal-Burning Power 

Drug Companies are Gaming the Drug Patent System

__Anti-Bush Protests and Greg Palast Speaking Events

On 6/17, protest Bush in Atlanta, GA. On 6/21, protest Bush in Orlando, FL. On 6/23, 
protest Cheney in Portland, OR. On 6/24, protest Bush in New Jersey. On 6/27, protest 
Cheney in Charlotte, NC. See Greg Palast on his West Coast book tour promoting the 
"Best Democracy Money Can Buy." He will be speaking in Oakland on Saturday 6/15, and 
in SF on Sunday 6/16. Monday 6/17 he will speak at Sonoma State University; Tuesday 
6/18 in Portland; Wednesday 6/19 in Eugene; Thursday 6/20 in Vancouver, BC; Friday 
6/21 in Bellingham, WA and Bellevue, WA, and Saturday 6/22 in Seattle. For details, 
visit the link at the below Citizens for Legitimate Government page.

__Support the Corporate Patriot Enforcement Act - Write Your Representatives

"In recent years, corporate execs have been rushing to relocate their companies in the 
Caribbean, most often in Bermuda where there is no income tax. This practice deprives 
the Treasury of an estimated $70 billion a year - money desperately needed to fund 
critical programs in education and healthcare. To close tax loopholes exploited by 
corporate executives, Representative Richard Neal (D-MA) has proposed legislation that 
bans the unpatriotic practice of relocation for tax purposes. Indeed, what could be 
more unpatriotic than U.S. companies declaring themselves foreign to avoid paying 
taxes? Adding insult to injury, many of these formerly American companies enjoy 
lucrative government contracts... The aptly named, Corporate Patriot Enforcement Act, 
would make it illegal for companies to relocate to avoid paying taxes, effective 
September 11, 2001. Please support this important legislation and crack down on 
corporate tax avoidance." Write your Representatives, courtesy of Working Assets.

__Families of 14 Victims of 911 Sue the Bush Administration for $7 Billion

Stanley Hilton is a lawyer who worked for Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) in 1980, and then 
exposed Dole's corruption in his 1995 biography, "Senator for Sale". Hilton "filed a 
$7 billion lawsuit in U.S. District Court on June 3 against President [sic] Bush and 
other government officials for 'allowing' the terrorist attacks to occur. Among 
Hilton's allegations: Bush conspired to create the Sept. 11 attacks for his own 
political gain and has been using Osama bin Laden as a scapegoat. 'I hope it will 
expose the fact that there are numbers of people in the government, including Bush and 
his top assistants, who wanted this to happen,' Hilton said. His class-action suit 
named 10 defendants, including Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor 
Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Transportation Secretary 
Norman Mineta. Hilton said he represents the families of 14 victims and that 400 
plaintiffs are involved nationwide." So reports the SF Examiner.

__'Tin Soldiers and Bush is Coming': Bush Again Orders the Arrest of Silent 
Protesters, This Time at Ohio State Graduation

AP reports: "Immediately before class members filed into the giant football stadium, 
an announcer instructed the crowd that all the university's speakers deserve to be 
treated with respect and that anyone demonstrating or heckling would be subject to 
expulsion and arrest. The announcer urged that Bush be greeted with a 'thunderous' 
ovation." Now here's a report from DemocraticUnderground: Before Bush "even got to the 
stage, we did our about-face... I saw one of Columbus' Finest heading our way... We 
were being led out of Ohio Stadium... I asked him if I was under arrest, and he did 
not answer me. When we reached the exit, I asked the SS man why we had been ejected, 
and he told me we were being charged with disturbing the peace. If we chose to leave, 
the charges would be dropped immediately... On this day, June 14th, 2002, I came to 
the realization that we no longer live in a free society. This is rapidly heading in 
the same way Nazi Germany headed." Tin Soldiers and Bush is coming.

__Court-Martial Proceedings against Lt. Col. Steve Butler Are Dropped 24 Hours after 
Democrats.com Publicized His Case

Sometimes the good guys do win - which is a nice thing to know in these darkening 
times. Air Force Lt. Col. Steve Butler faced firing from his job as an instructor and 
court martial by Bush Reich elements in the military for speaking out about Bush's 
possibly sinister role in 9/11. When she heard about the case, Cheryl Seal wrote a 
story exposing the facts behind Article 88 and past slander cases against Clinton by 
officers that were all but ignored. Within 24 hours of the story's appearance at 
Democrats.com, it was announced that the "investigation" of Butler was over and he 
would not face a court martial after all. We admire Lt. Col. Butler's courage and are 
proud to have helped.

__Judge Smacks Bush for Rejecting First Amendment Rights of Former Government Official

"A federal judge has slapped down yet another Bush administration attempt to assert 
broad, unchecked powers of secrecy. [Danny Stillman's] proposed book is not about his 
28 years at Los Alamos but about his trips to China in a private capacity to visit a 
nuclear lab and test site... What's at issue here is not what Stillman wrote, but his 
right to go to court. The Bush administration insists he has none. Astonishingly, the 
administration insists that the federal courts have no standing to review its 
decisions about classifying information. And if those decisions violate someone's 
constitutional rights, that's just too bad. The Bush administration is no friend of 
open government, but, even so, this sweeping assertion is, as U.S. District Judge 
Emmet Sullivan said, 'stunning.' He ruled - and hurray for him - that, 'This court 
will not allow the government to cloak its violations of plaintiff's First Amendment 
rights in a blanket of national security.'" So writes the Rocky Mountain News.

__South Carolina Gov. Declares Emergency to Block Plutonium Shipments

CNN reports, "SC Gov. Jim Hodges declared an emergency Friday and ordered police to 
block federal plutonium shipments from entering the state. The federal Energy 
Department is scheduled to ship the plutonium from the Rocky Flats weapons plant in 
Colorado -- which is being closed -- to South Carolina's Savannah River nuclear 
weapons complex, where it would be used as fuel for a nuclear power plant... Hodges 
said, 'I order that the transportation of plutonium on South Carolina roads and 
highways be prohibited.'... The shipments legally could begin as early as this 
weekend, but U.S. Attorney Strom Thurmond Jr. (!) said Energy Department officials 
told him they would not start until after June 22." The Bushies believe in states' 
rights - except when it interferes with corporate profits. They are also obsessed with 
re-fighting the Civil War - and it looks like they might just get what they are 
wishing for...

__How Close Will Bush's Nu-ku-lar Waste Trains Come to Your House?

If it's indeed true that, as the Bush administration claims, Al Qaeda and other 
terrorist organizations are planning to create "dirty bombs", shouldn't Bush 
reconsider that stupid idea to ship nuclear waste to Yucca Mountain? Aside from the 
fact that Yucca is an unsuitable storage site, it should give us all pause to consider 
what great targets trains loaded with nuclear waste will make. The Environmental 
Working Group has put the idiocy of this plan into perspective with a website that 
lets you enter your address and create a map to find out just HOW close to your house 
Bush proposes to have these radioactive trains come. Check it out - and speak out!

__Cheney's Chief of Staff, 'Scooter' Libby Traded in Energy Stocks While Drafting the 
Energy Plan

Holly Rosenkrantz from Bloomberg.com writes, "Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of 
staff, Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, sold between $50,000 and $225,000 worth of energy 
company shares last year as the Bush administration drafted a plan to expand U.S. 
energy production, White House records show. Libby sold the shares in Enron Corp., 
Exelon Corp., Exxon Mobil Corp., Chesapeake Energy Corp. and Calpine Corp. between 
February and July, 2001, the records showed." We demand an investigation!

__On the Very Day He Fought for a $250,000 Cap on Lawsuit Damages, Bob Barr Sued 
Clinton, Carville and Flynt for $30 Million

Salon's Anthony York writes, "When the news finally broke -- because porn magnate 
Larry Flynt sent out his own press release -- that Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga., had filed a 
lawsuit in March against Bill Clinton, pundit James Carville and Flynt for $30 
million, claiming 'loss of reputation and emotional distress,' the timing couldn't 
have been much more awkward for Barr. That very day, he was championing a bill that 
would cap damage awards for 'pain and suffering' at $250,000... So how can someone who 
wants to limit awards for pain and suffering sue the former president and others for a 
whopping $30 million in emotional distress? ... Behold: Bob Barr's vast left-wing 
conspiracy -- Barr's case is yet another bizarre coda to the impeachment saga."

__GAO Vandalism Investigation Was Nothing More than Another Bob Barr Witch Hunt

Here we go again... the rabid right-wing is yapping about the GAO investigation (which 
cost way more than the alleged vandalism) of damage to the White House during the 
Clinton-Bush transition. The report indicated that the damage was fairly typical of 
that left by an outgoing administration, and we never saw Clinton getting up in arms 
about Poppy Bush's outgoing pranks, which are well documented in the report. The 
report also states vaguely that "it was unclear whether, in all cases, the reported 
incidents occurred, when they occurred, how many occurred, and who was responsible for 
them." Bob Barr ought to get therapy for his pathological Clinton obsession instead of 
running up the taxpayers' bill for such ridiculous dead-end witch hunts!

__Virginia's First Republican House Speaker Resigns Over $100,000 Sexual Harassment 

Virginia "House Speaker S. Vance Wilkins relinquished his post as the state's most 
powerful legislator because of sexual harassment allegations... Wilkins, the state's 
first Republican speaker, has admitted he paid $100,000 to a woman who accused him of 
groping her last summer... Wilkins said he paid the settlement to 26-year-old Jennifer 
Thompson to keep the allegation out of court, and said the money came from his 
personal funds. In his 24 years in the House, Wilkins built the GOP from an 
insignificant minority in the 100-member House to a majority of 64. He said he would 
decide in the next few weeks whether he will also give up his House seat... Delegate 
Robert Bloxom, a Republican, said Wilkins' actions have damaged the GOP. 'It can't 
help but taint the perception that some people have, and that's going to take some 
time to reconstruct,' Bloxom said."

__IRS Scrubs Soft Money Donation Disclosures; Katherine Harris's Reports Mysteriously 

Public Citizen, which tracks the flow of "527" soft money flooding into congressional 
campaigns, has found serious problems with the way the IRS is administering the 
disclosure system and specifically pointed to Katherine Harris' mysteriously blank 
records. "It's not clear if [soft money groups with missing records] failed to file or 
whether the IRS lost their reports; the IRS can't say with certainty. In other cases, 
reports on the IRS Web site appear and then mysteriously disappear without 
explanation. For instance, as of May 31, 2002, the most recent disclosure report for 
"American Values in Democracy Project, Inc.," [what a sense of irony these people must 
have] a group chaired by Katherine Harris, Florida's secretary of state, showed 
nothing but four entirely blank pages." Is Bush's IRS scrubbing reports that would 
expose Katherine Harris' corruption?

__With Bush 100% Behind Sharon and Rumsfeld, Powell May Quit

The London Telegraph reports, "Colin Powell, the US secretary of state, is becoming so 
frustrated at being undermined by the White House that he may stand down after the 
mid-term elections, according to some American diplomats. The damaging speculation 
sweeping Gen Powell's Foggy Bottom headquarters has been dismissed as unfounded by 
senior State Department sources, but it caps a very bad week for President George W 
Bush's cabinet. John Ashcroft, the attorney-general, was reprimanded for his 
announcement of the arrest of an alleged 'dirty bomber'. Donald Rumsfeld, the 
secretary of defence, was forced to make an embarrassing retreat over claims of 
al-Qa'eda activity in Kashmir. But the biggest problem has been the simmering internal 
dispute over Middle East policy, which burst into the open when Gen Powell 
contradicted Mr Bush and Ari Fleischer, the White House spokesman, appeared dismissive 
of the secretary of state."

__Documentary of US 'War Crimes' Shocks Europe

The Independent of South Africa reports, "American soldiers have been involved in the 
torture and murder of captured Taliban prisoners, and may have aided in the 
'disappearance' of up to 3 000 men in the region of Mazar-i-Sharif, according to Jamie 
Doran, an Irish documentary film-maker.  Doran's latest film, Massacre At Mazar, was 
shown on Wednesday in in the Reichstag, the German parliament building in Berlin, and 
there were immediate calls for an international commission to be set up to investigate 
charges made in the documentary.  Andrew McEntee, a leading international human rights 
lawyer, who has viewed the film footage and read full transcripts, believes there is 
prima facie evidence of serious war crimes having been committed by American soldiers 
in Afghanistan. McEntee, who was in Berlin for Wednesday's special screening, said war 
crimes had been committed not just under international law but, also, 'under the laws 
of the United States itself.'"

__Al Qaeda and Bush are 'Playing With our Heads'

Maureen Dowd writes, "It's bad enough that the terrorists are using fear as a device. 
Does the Bush administration have to do the same thing? The Islamic enemy strums on 
our nerves to hurt our economy and get power. The American president strums on our 
nerves to help his popularity and retain power. Both the bad guys and the good guys 
are playing with our heads and ratcheting up the fear factor. If you'd only paid 
cursory attention lately, you'd think the government had grabbed the offensive against 
terrorists and that the C.I.A. and F.B.I. were now cuddle buddies. But the question is 
being asked here: Is the Bush crowd hyping things?"

__Smoking Gun Feedback: Seismologists Weigh in about Missing Waves, Readers Ponder 
Pentagon Crash

The Smoking Gun series has now been republished or linked to a growing list of online 
publications around the world, from Russia to New Zealand. The reader response has 
been overwhelming! The awful fear that Bush and Co. may have had something to do with 
9/11 has been an unspoken thought, it turns out, in the back of a shocking number of 
people's minds. The mail has been running about one (invariably unsigned) "you commie 
traitor" note for every 20 letters of positive feedback and affirmation. As the author 
of the series has said, "If people are presented with the truth, they usually 
recognize it - it's just that they aren't being allowed to see it."  Here is a 
sampling of reader letters - the first of several batches. This one includes an 
interesting interchange with professional seismologists on the "missing seismic waves" 
from the Pentagon crash.

__FBI's Anthrax Investigation Drags On, As Criticism Grows

The FBI has had nearly 9 months to figure out which right-wing government or industry 
scientist - among only a few dozen possibilities - killed 5 Americans with weaponized 
Anthrax, and tried to kill two powerful Democratic Senators. Barbara Hatch Rosenberg 
of the Federation of American Scientists has privately named the prime suspect for the 
FBI and the media - and publicly described him in detail - but the FBI's investigation 
continues to drag on. Rosenberg will meet privately with staffers for Sens. Patrick 
Leahy, D-Vt., and Tom Daschle, D-S.D, who were sent the most lethal letters by the 
Anthrax terrorist, to increase the pressure on the FBI. Has Mueller truly fixed the 
FBI, or is the FBI only capable of investigating Democrats?

__Christie Whitman Pimps for Polluters Once Again, Promoting Dirty Coal-Burning Power 

AP's John Heilprin writes, "In a victory for energy producers, the Environmental 
Protection Agency on Thursday proposed relaxing air pollution rules to make it easier 
for utilities to upgrade and expand their coal-burning power plants. EPA's 
long-awaited announcement on the 'New Source Review' requirements of the Clean Air Act 
touched one of the most contentious air pollution issues facing the Bush 
administration. It would ease some of the most stringent measures that environmental 
groups say are a key element in forcing dirty, older plants to cut emissions by up to 
95%." By the way, the Secret Cheney Energy Task force recommended these new 
regulations. It's time for Christie Whitman to resign!

__Drug Companies are Gaming the Drug Patent System

The NY Times writes, "With high drug prices becoming an acrimonious part of the health 
care debate, attention has justifiably focused on the devious tactics used by some 
pharmaceutical companies to extend the patents of their best-selling drugs, 
forestalling competition from cheaper generics. These underhanded tactics must be 
stopped. The issue arises because some drug companies have resorted to clever legal 
stratagems to extend the effective life of their patents beyond the 20 years 
originally granted to allow them to recoup the huge costs of developing a drug and 
make a reasonable profit. Some of these maneuvers take advantage of existing loopholes 
in the law; others appear downright fraudulent." No surprise here - that's what 
happens when Republicans are in charge. Defeat ALL Republicans!

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<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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