Re: [CTRL] Fwd: DiCaprio Lookalike "Aliens"

2000-09-29 Thread Robert F. Tatman

-Caveat Lector-

This sounds like a recap of the old stories of succubi and incubi, done up in a
21st-century  "skin."  And if you believe that story, I've got a *lovely* bridge
I'd like you to take a look at, guaranteed 24-carat gold, one owner...

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 12:00 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: DiCaprio Lookalike "Aliens"

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[CTRL] Fwd: DiCaprio Lookalike "Aliens"

2000-09-28 Thread Kris Millegan

London Star

UFO Leo mystery
 LEO: He's a real star from up above - literally

UFO researchers are probing a baffling out-of-this-world phenomenon ... of
women, who claim they've been whisked into flying saucers and ravaged by
Leonardo Di Caprio lookalikes !!!
The females - including married and single girls - say the blonde haired
blue-eyed hunks introduced themselves as "Angels."
But then the 'Nordic' looking space casanovas got up to some decidedly
devilish behaviour !
One wife called Diana told Stateside investigator Donald Worley how she was
abducted by one ET hunk, who made her "cheat on her husband."
But she claimed that she enjoyed every moment of the Inter-Galactic
encounter of the very closest kind, and achieved many mind-blowing orgasms.
Another woman - an academic called Penny who has a formal degree in
Philosophy - also told how she fell victim to a milky-way seducer who looked
like the star of 'Titanic' and 'The Beach.' .
But the rumpo-crazed alien didn't linger for an after-play style cuddle
after having his evil way with her. Instead he played her scenes from the
world's future and warned her of earth's coming destruction.
UFO expert Worley, who has taken formal statements from a number of victims,
said: "This doesn't help their image as supposed angels.
"In three cases, we have the human/nordic sex act in an out-of-body state.
This shall I say is most un-angel like.
"In two more cases, we have the male suffering sperm loss, and temporary
In the strange investigation, UFO expert Worley met a number of women, who
alleged sexual frolics with aliens.
And some men suspected that they had been tampered with by glamorous
red-headed female ETs, who damaged their victims' private parts because they
were SO rampant.
*Married woman Diane from rural Missouri first encountered a handsome alien
when she was a child. But he only developed a strong sexual interest in her
when she entered womanhood.
In a statement, Diane recalled details of her out-of-this-world sex
She said: " It was love for him and a sexual desire that went beyond
anything on earth. I am purposefully blocking out a lot of it for I now feel
such sadness and guilt. I cheated on my husband.
"It is difficult to explain the sex we had together, for it seemed to be
other dimensional. I was at his place, and I remember the outside wall was
glass. It went far, far beyond anything we can do on this earth plane. The
orgasms were constant, fast, furious.
"I remember looking up at his beautiful face. God ! I could have consumed
*Philosophy graduate Penny also made a statement about sex with a spaceman
during the investigation. But she did NOT go into intimate detail.
She claimed that the incident happened in "an altered state time", and FULL
sexual intercourse occurred.
Earlier aliens had asked for lessons in kissing and cuddling from the
strait-laced academic who lives in Toronto, Canada.
*Cheryl from New Hampshire also reported nightime frolics with a number of
Leo lookalikes. They told her that they were attracted to her because she
was really one of them in human form.
Indianopolis based UFO expert Worley, who has been investigating cases for
the past 35 years, confirmed: " These beings wear skin-tight garments or
beautiful white robes.
Their telepathic communications are soothing, and they project an intense
feeling of love for the abductee. Some persons have remained in a euphoric
state for weeks afterward."
*Women aren't the ONLY ones to complain about unwanted sexual advances. A
number of men also came forward to complain.
Aeroplane parts dealer Robert, from Virginia, says randy spacewomen have had
their way with him against his will.
He told Worley he had even suffered damage to his todger during one frenzied
encounter with a " beautiful red-head.".
And a Church Minister from Western Canada came forward to say that he was a
victim too. 
The Reverend, who has a number of university degrees, believes he was once
involved in an alien bedroom threesome, though he cannot remember the exact