Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D. Response to Mark Sauer re: Cuirio Jones

2000-10-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Reading this item was very interesting; in the 70 period there was a
Wiccan who went underground for he said the Military Intelligence had
infiltrated into his group.   Which it had; I have many of his old
newspapers and it was obviously some type of front, dating back to 60

Sharon Tate who was murdered by Manson Famly had father in military; two
of his followers had fathers in military, Pentagon and NASA.consider
Littleton, and the military connection to this hypnotic conrol or mind
control induced by drugs, and when you put this altogether consider too,
Tate and Folger murdered by the Manson killers, had had dinner with RFK
night he died - and the night he was murdered, John Glenn was with him
and was spirited off...during this period you had spies on West Coast
galore permitted to demoralize troops in bars - and things were not as
they seemed to be.

Anton LaVey, the alleged "satanist" was Jewishin this article which
I reproduce he turned into satanist for obviou$$ reasons, but stated it
was because he hated Christianity.  All these groups are just fronts for
drugs and pornography.

Roman Polanski was involved in child pornography and fled the country
after his wife was murdered..Note the satanist LaVey portrayed in
the movie Rosemary's Baby.this movie was ANTI CATHOLIC.I forget
who produced that obscenity with Mia Farrow but Black Muslem papers
referred to this movie and the connection to the Pope, whom they

This stuff is all a front for drugs.if you check out LaVey when he
died, and prior to that his bankruptcy hearings and sharing with his
palimony live in whatever - his business was to make money.

It seems the Wiccans and LaVey lost a lot of popularity when Charles
Manson and his little followers (and who was Manson's mentor - this man
had strong connections to the music world, and organized crime) showed
them what real satanism was..but during this time frame military had
infiltrated into these groups for rather obvious reasons.

You see they were strong believers in the iniquities of the fathers
being visited upon the children.even little CIA Pattie Hearst (for
all Hearsts like Morgan, Mellon, Rockefeller etc heirs) are
CIA...and Hearst was big time Hearst played role
in murder of two presidents, but did not get due credit for death of
JFK.premeditated murder by prophecy (assisted by hired gun).

So put this big mess altogether and you see spies and remember, the
Walker spies years later in 1980 period formed a little KKK for the KGB
and it took 5 Golden Dragons to down that bunch ..

Propaganda - terror - drugs - pornography - and even a little voo doo
tossed in with satanism for its all in the game..

So consider why Anton LaVey, Jewish founder of the Church of Satan would
be an advisor for the movie Rosemary's Baby - an anti Pope Catholic
movie?   Sublime pictures but even the Black Moslems caught that one

LaVey is dead - he was nothing but a front for drugs and pornography and
anything evil coming down the pike for it was the big bucks he was
after..not many bought his particular type of literature except
maybe the Manson family and Roman Polanski - the sick twisted pererted
child molestor?

Always lurking about is the child molestor and child
pornographyerPolanski was having affairor molested 13 year old
little girlconnecting dots as this one person said, makes for bigger
picture.then toss in the political assassination of RFK and mind
controlled assassins walking about - whose assassins had to be in the
Rosicrucian Society but had information prior to his joining of this, who was his mentor and controller?


In the News
Anton LaVey Dies

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (EP) — Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of
Satan, died Oct. 29 of pulmonary edema. He was 67. LaVey was cremated
after a Satanic funeral.

LaVey founded the Church of Satan in 1966, and drew national attention
the next year when he performed a Satanic wedding ceremony.

He played the devil in the film "Rosemary's Baby," and worked as a
consultant on movies. He also wrote The Satanic Bible and four other
books; his final book, Satan Speaks, is scheduled for release next

His daughter, Church of Satan High Priestess Karla LaVey, said, "We will
continue in his footsteps to do as he directed to keep the Church of
Satan going and keep it strong." The church claims more than 10,000

Before becoming a professional Satanist, LaVey worked as a lion tamer,
organist, hypnotist, psychic, artist and photographer.

Family members said he did not believe in a personal devil, but turned
to Satanic imagery to provoke a reaction and illustrate his disdain for
Christianity. His daughter told a news conference, "He said his epitaph
should be ... 'I only regret the times that I was too nice.'"

Rev. Moon to Close Unification Church?

[CTRL] Fwd: Ellen P. Lacter, Ph.D. Response to Mark Sauer re: Cuirio Jones

2000-10-01 Thread Kris Millegan


Opinion Piece Submitted to the San Diego Union-Tribune,
by Ellen Lacter, Ph.D. on 9-29-2000

Mark Sauer's 9-24-00 article, "A Web of Intrigue", in the
San Diego Union-Tribune is his most recent in a series of
articles misrepresenting the facts on the subject of child
ritual abuse and attacking advocates for ritual abuse victims.
His articles have, over the past 10 years, contributed to
convincing a good portion of the San Diego community that
ritual abuse does not exist. This has had a devastating
impact on victimized children and adults, resulting in their
not being believed and reduced protection by law enforcement
and the courts.

Sauer's factual misrepresentations of 9-24-00 are as follows:

1. Sauer claims the debate over satanic ritual abuse ended
in the mid-1990's when it was "discredited by mental-health
experts and the courts". The truth is that psychological and
legal evidence of the existence of satanic ritual abuse is
substantial and that the debate is alive and well.

A review of the empirical evidence of ritual abuse can be found
in a book by James Randolph Noblitt and Pamela Sue Perskin
(Cult and Ritual Abuse, 2000, Chapter 6). One national survey
of 2709 clinical psychologists showed that 30% claimed to have
seen at least one case of "ritualistic or religion-based
abuse" and 93% of these psychologists believed the harm actually
occurred (Reference: Goodman, Qin, Bottoms, and Shaver, 1994,
"Characteristics and Sources of Allegations of Ritualistic
Child Abuse: Final Report to the National Center on Child
Abuse and Neglect").

The American Psychiatric Press published a text in 1997
explaining the importance of correct assessment and treatment
of ritualistic abuse survivors (The Dilemma of Ritual Abuse:
Cautions and Guides for Therapists, edited by G.A. Fraser).

Numerous court decisions (criminal, family, juvenile, and
civil) have been based on findings of ritual abuse. For
example, on February 27, 1999, the Honorable Warren K. Urbom,
Senior United States District Judge, Omaha, Nebraska, awarded
a million dollar civil judgement to Paul Bonacci against
Larry King (not the well-known talk-show host, Larry King),
based on King's sexual abuse (including pornography and
orgies) and false imprisonment, of Bonacci as a child, in
the infamous Franklin satanic cult/sex/drug ring case. Further
information on this case can be found in the book, "The
Franklin Cover-Up", by John De Camp, and on the Internet at:

The court finding list is archived, periodically updated,
and published on the world-wide web by "Karen Curio Jones".
Under this pseudonym, "Jones" has devoted herself to raising
public awareness of child ritual abuse on the Internet for
the past five years. Sauer claims to expose "Jones'" identity
in his 9-24-00 article.

Sauer globally denies the existence of satanic ritual abuse
while our recent history is marred with undeniable cases of
mass suicide/homicide by other kinds of cults and underground
groups. This past summer, almost 1000 people were found
murdered by an underground cult in Uganda, "Movement for the
Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God". Last year, in
Rancho Sante Fe, 39 people suicided from the cult, "Heaven's
Gate". In Jonestown, 22 years ago, more than 900 people
mass-suicided and were murdered of "The People's Temple".
Devastating world events originate in underground groups,
such as the Third Reich and Ku Klux Klan. High school students
are taught to remember the Nazi death camps lest such atrocities
repeat themselves. Given these examples, why does Sauer turn
a blind eye to the evidence of satanic cult abuse?

2. Sauer cites the McMartin Pre-school acquittals as evidence
that ritual abuse does not exist. He omits any mention of the
post-trial geological survey under the school's foundation that
yielded convincing corroboration of  the children's reports
of being taken through underground tunnels (See "The Dark
Tunnels of McMartin", by  Summit, R.C., 1994, The Journal of
Psychohistory, 21(4), 397-416.)

3. Sauer cites the "10-year investigation" by Special FBI
Agent Ken Lanning that concluded that satanic ritual abuse
does not exist. Sauer fails to mention that Lanning is a very
controversial figure. Noblitt and Perskin (2000, see above)
state: "In reality, there is no such study... my office
contacted the FBI and requested a copy of the alleged study.
The bureau responded in writing indicating that no such study
existed." (See page 179 of their book).

4. Sauer refers to the 1991-1992 San Diego County Grand Jury
"that blasted the child protection system after investigating
wide-ranging allegations of zealous social workers removing
children from their homes without cause". Sauer has widely
publicized the findings of that Grand Jury over the years.
Sauer fails to mention the 1992-1993 San Diego County Grand
Jury Report that strongly criticized the 1991-1992 repor