[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Prozac

2000-07-23 Thread Hollie thomas

u will like

From: Mike Balog {PBN NE Reg. Dir.] [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Special Receipent List:
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 3:40 AM
Subject: Prozac

Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 14:38:27 -
   From: "Mark Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for Stories and Photos.

Dear ICFDA eGroups subscribers..

This is a rather different message, and a difficult one at that.

As many of you may know, my wife and I lost our 13-year son to
an SSRI-induced suicide three years ago next week.

In a few weeks we will be going to trial here in Kansas City in
attempt to prove that Pfizer has long known about the
relationship between their drug Zoloft, and violent or suicidal
actions. (information posted at justiceseekers.com)

It most likely will be a long, difficult and personally taxing ordeal.

My wife and I have chosen to pursue this litigation because we
believe there need to be changes in the ways these drugs are
marketed and labeled, especially by doctors who prescribe
off-label to children.

We know we are not going into this alone.  We have outstanding
legal representation.  We have the prayers of many who have
also suffered.  We know that all those who have died on these
medications, and they are far too numerous to mention, stand
with us.  (It is no understatement to say that we feel their
presence every day.  Perhaps even your own loved ones.)  And
we ultimately know that the good Lord blesses our efforts-this
"rising up in righteous anger."

In the coming weeks, we will have an opportunity to share our
story with many people, especially within the news media.  In
fact, we have an important interview with a national news
organization in August.

And that's why I'm writing.

One of the things that most convinced us that Matt's medicine
was responsible for his actions were the countless letters we
have received from our website.  They still come in every day.
For the most part, they represent a tragic realization that the
"cure" was "cause."

If you have suffered on SSRI medications, specifically Prozac,
Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox, Effexor, Serzone, Celexa (or any other
serotonergic medicine), please send me a photo and a short
paragraph on a separate piece of 8 1/2" X 11" paper stating what
happened.  It could be as simple as "My brother took his life on
Zoloft after three weeks of use," or "I almost lost my life trying to
withdraw from Paxil."  Please use names and addresses and
phone numbers.  I want to build a scrapbook to share with the

Perhaps with your help, we can make a difference.  And your
help in building this scrapbook will go a long ways to show the
human dimension to this national tragedy.

If you can, please send a photo and short paragraph to me by
August 15, 2000 to:

13920 Garnett
Overland Park, KS  66221

Or if you prefer, email me your photo (preferably as JPEG file)
and paragraph to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I will not be able
to return originals, but I will let you know I've received them.

Thank you for your cooperation.  Obviously some of you reached
by this email will not have had a personally devastating
experience with these drugs, and for that I am grateful. But, if you
have, please take a moment to help out in this way.

I know this book will make a powerful statement with whomever
we talk to.

Thank you again.Mark and Cheryl Miller

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Join the Militia of Montana Email Alert List by writing to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "SUBSCRIBE" in the Subject Line!

For the latest in great survival, preparedness and politically incorrect
materials visit our Online Catalog at:

 http://www.militiaofmontana.com. Some great deals are to be had! Or,
send $2.00 to the address below for a copy of our 40+ page Preparedness

Militia of Montana
P.O. Box 1486, Noxon, MT  59853
Tel: 406-847-2735n Fax: 406-847-2246

Remove yourself from this list by writing to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
type "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Prozac

2000-07-19 Thread ThePiedPiper

[this is the spell checked version]

You say that your wife has had to use what seems to be an antidote to
And that this antidote needs to be in different doses for different
(different exposures) you did not say where you live or any other
factors.  This apparently is something that works for your family
and your situation and you are luckier than most that you have something
works.  Yet, for many others Prozac would be nothing more than a band
aid that
would be like putting a blindfold on instead of something that allows
them to
ignore the poisoning that they are being subjected to.

With major cases of chemical poisoning
The default is the female and hormones in water and milk
as well as the ones used for growing meat animals are interfering
with fertility.  Homosexuals singled out as AIDs, but few
if any autopsies are performed on male deaths.  How many males
have cancer of the postate gland that is interfering with their
natural hormones?  The criteria for AIDS is that you also have
a sexual disease - from what I understand a woman can have a
yeast infection from the simple combination of a tampon that has
a low dose of dioxins in it and having drank milk that has been
produced by injecting the cow with Monsanto's hormone where the
dairy man has had to use antibiotics.  If a chicken did they use
any of the 5+ antibiotics that are believed to just be some kind
of growth aid.  If a animal with hair did they dip the animal
so that it's immune system has had to combat pesticides as well?
Dioxin in the tampon, Antibiotics in the milk, hormones in the milk
and meat.

Plants take up what they are fed, minerals in water and other things.
When you spray a plant with pesticides the pesticides are systematic
(systematic - all the way throughout the plant) this means that they can
not be washed off.  It seems as if plants can be sprayed with
MSG, pesticides, herbicides, and a host of other things.

Then you get into the chemicals that foods are processed with such as
food colors, MSG, sugar, and the list rolls on.

We dose ourselves with chemicals then live in a environment (house,
Formaldehyde in furniture, dry-cleaning - embalming ourselves.
Pesticides and cleaning supplies.

It is being shown that these medications do not (always) break down in
body and are expressed in human waste products.  What one person can
(because of the redundancy of the human body and brain) is detrimental
our water.  A towns humans wastes processed to some extent and then
to where?  The run off from (non organic) animal operations, and from
that have had chemicals sprayed on them.  There has to be some limit to
your wife takes - what limit is there to what we can put in the water as
a town
or city?

These chemicals can take up to 10 years to break down so the
accumulative effect
is being felt already.

ThePiedPiper 19July2000

Robert F. Tatman wrote:
> As I've said before on this list, Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and the other SSRI
> antidepressants, ARE NOT PANACEAS.  Too often they are prescribed
> inappropriately, without concomitant counseling and with no ongoing
> monitoring.  Any psychoactive agent has to be titrated carefully to
> determine the proper level for each individual...and even whether that
> particular medication is itself correct for that particular person.
> When my wife was going through a major depression several years ago, the
> first medication her psychiatrist tried was Paxil.  That had absolutely no
> effect, so she was switched to Prozac.  THAT had no effect.  Many of her
> symptoms were related to obsessive-compulsive disorder, which among other
> things often involves thoughts that seem to race out of control, "forcing"
> the patient to engage in constant ritual behavior to control their thoughts.
> So the psychiatrist added haloperidol (Haldol) to the mix.  It slowed her
> down all right, but did not change the bizarre behavior, and we were finally
> forced to abandon the combination of medication, counseling, and behavioral
> therapy that we'd been trying, and hospitalize her for a month.  Once there,
> her behavior could be monitored and her medication adjusted, and she could
> be given intensive counseling.  Finally she managed to slow down enough to
> catch up with herself... That was six years ago.
> She has been on Prozac ever since, and she freely admits that she feels
> whole for the first time in her life.  Without Prozac, I honestly doubt that
> she would be alive.  But PLEASE note: she wound up on Prozac only after a
> lot of cautious experimentation to determine what would work with her.  And
> that's the key.  The problem is not with the SSRIs in themselves, but rather
> with the way in which they are administered and dispensed.
> - Original Message -----
> From

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Prozac

2000-07-19 Thread ThePiedPiper

You say that your wife has had to use what seems to be an antidote to
And that this antidote needs to be in different doeses for different
(different exposers) you did not say where you live or any other
factors.  This apparently is something that works for your family
and your situation and you are lucker than most that you have something
works.  Yet, for many others Prozac would be nothing more than a bandaid
would be like putting a blindfold on instead of something that allows
them to
ignore the poisoning that they are being subjected to.

With major cases of chemical poisoning
The default is the female and hormones in water and milk
as well as the ones used for growing meat animals are interfering
with fertility.  Homosexuals singled out as AIDs, but few
if any autoses are performed on male deaths.  How many males
have cancer of the postate gland that is interfering with their
natural hormones?  The criteria for AIDS is that you also have
a sexual desease - from what I understand a woman can have a
yeast infection from the simple combination of a tampon that has
a low dose of dioxons in it and having drank milk that has been
produced by injecting the cow with Monsanto's hormone where the
dairy man has had to use antibiotics.  If a chicken did they use
any of the 5+ antibiotics that are believed to just be some kind
of growth aid.  If a animal with hair did they dip the animal
so that it's immune system has had to combate pesticides as well?
Dioxion in the tampon, Antibiotics in the milk, hormones in the milk
and meat.

Plants take up what they are fed, minerals in water and other things.
When you spray a plant with pesticides the pesticides are sysematic
(systematic - all the way throught the plant) this means that they can
not be washed off.  It seems as if plants can be sprayed with
MSG, pesticides, herbicides, and a host of other things.

Then you get into the chemicals that foods are processed with such as
food colors, MSG, sugar, and the list rolls on.

We dose ourselves with chemicals then live in a enviroment (house,
Fomadahyde in furnature, drycleaning - embalming ourselves.
Pesticides and cleaning supplies.

It is being shown that these medications do not (always) break down in
body and are expressed in human waste products.  What one person can
(because of the redundancy of the human body and brain) is detramental
our water.  A towns humans wastes processed to some extent and then
to where?  The run off from (non organic) animal operations, and from
that have had chemicals sprayed on them.  There has to be some limit to
your wife takes - what limit is there to what we can put in the water as
a town
or city?

These chemicals can take up to 10 years to break down so the
accumalative effect
is being felt already.

ThePiedPiper 19July2000

Robert F. Tatman wrote:
> As I've said before on this list, Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and the other SSRI
> antidepressants, ARE NOT PANACEAS.  Too often they are prescribed
> inappropriately, without concomitant counseling and with no ongoing
> monitoring.  Any psychoactive agent has to be titrated carefully to
> determine the proper level for each individual...and even whether that
> particular medication is itself correct for that particular person.
> When my wife was going through a major depression several years ago, the
> first medication her psychiatrist tried was Paxil.  That had absolutely no
> effect, so she was switched to Prozac.  THAT had no effect.  Many of her
> symptoms were related to obsessive-compulsive disorder, which among other
> things often involves thoughts that seem to race out of control, "forcing"
> the patient to engage in constant ritual behavior to control their thoughts.
> So the psychiatrist added haloperidol (Haldol) to the mix.  It slowed her
> down all right, but did not change the bizarre behavior, and we were finally
> forced to abandon the combination of medication, counseling, and behavioral
> therapy that we'd been trying, and hospitalize her for a month.  Once there,
> her behavior could be monitored and her medication adjusted, and she could
> be given intensive counseling.  Finally she managed to slow down enough to
> catch up with herself... That was six years ago.
> She has been on Prozac ever since, and she freely admits that she feels
> whole for the first time in her life.  Without Prozac, I honestly doubt that
> she would be alive.  But PLEASE note: she wound up on Prozac only after a
> lot of cautious experimentation to determine what would work with her.  And
> that's the key.  The problem is not with the SSRIs in themselves, but rather
> with the way in which they are administered and dispensed.
> - Original Message -----
> From: "Kris Millegan" <[EMAI

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Prozac

2000-07-18 Thread Robert F. Tatman

As I've said before on this list, Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, and the other SSRI
antidepressants, ARE NOT PANACEAS.  Too often they are prescribed
inappropriately, without concomitant counseling and with no ongoing
monitoring.  Any psychoactive agent has to be titrated carefully to
determine the proper level for each individual...and even whether that
particular medication is itself correct for that particular person.

When my wife was going through a major depression several years ago, the
first medication her psychiatrist tried was Paxil.  That had absolutely no
effect, so she was switched to Prozac.  THAT had no effect.  Many of her
symptoms were related to obsessive-compulsive disorder, which among other
things often involves thoughts that seem to race out of control, "forcing"
the patient to engage in constant ritual behavior to control their thoughts.
So the psychiatrist added haloperidol (Haldol) to the mix.  It slowed her
down all right, but did not change the bizarre behavior, and we were finally
forced to abandon the combination of medication, counseling, and behavioral
therapy that we'd been trying, and hospitalize her for a month.  Once there,
her behavior could be monitored and her medication adjusted, and she could
be given intensive counseling.  Finally she managed to slow down enough to
catch up with herself... That was six years ago.

She has been on Prozac ever since, and she freely admits that she feels
whole for the first time in her life.  Without Prozac, I honestly doubt that
she would be alive.  But PLEASE note: she wound up on Prozac only after a
lot of cautious experimentation to determine what would work with her.  And
that's the key.  The problem is not with the SSRIs in themselves, but rather
with the way in which they are administered and dispensed.

- Original Message -
From: "Kris Millegan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 6:37 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Prozac

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: Prozac

2000-07-18 Thread Kris Millegan

From: Mike Balog {PBN NE Reg. Dir.] [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Special Receipent List:
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2000 3:40 AM
Subject: Prozac

Message: 1
   Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 14:38:27 -
   From: "Mark Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for Stories and Photos.

Dear ICFDA eGroups subscribers..

This is a rather different message, and a difficult one at that.

As many of you may know, my wife and I lost our 13-year son to
an SSRI-induced suicide three years ago next week.

In a few weeks we will be going to trial here in Kansas City in
attempt to prove that Pfizer has long known about the
relationship between their drug Zoloft, and violent or suicidal
actions. (information posted at justiceseekers.com)

It most likely will be a long, difficult and personally taxing ordeal.

My wife and I have chosen to pursue this litigation because we
believe there need to be changes in the ways these drugs are
marketed and labeled, especially by doctors who prescribe
off-label to children.

We know we are not going into this alone.  We have outstanding
legal representation.  We have the prayers of many who have
also suffered.  We know that all those who have died on these
medications, and they are far too numerous to mention, stand
with us.  (It is no understatement to say that we feel their
presence every day.  Perhaps even your own loved ones.)  And
we ultimately know that the good Lord blesses our efforts-this
"rising up in righteous anger."

In the coming weeks, we will have an opportunity to share our
story with many people, especially within the news media.  In
fact, we have an important interview with a national news
organization in August.

And that's why I'm writing.

One of the things that most convinced us that Matt's medicine
was responsible for his actions were the countless letters we
have received from our website.  They still come in every day.
For the most part, they represent a tragic realization that the
"cure" was "cause."

If you have suffered on SSRI medications, specifically Prozac,
Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox, Effexor, Serzone, Celexa (or any other
serotonergic medicine), please send me a photo and a short
paragraph on a separate piece of 8 1/2" X 11" paper stating what
happened.  It could be as simple as "My brother took his life on
Zoloft after three weeks of use," or "I almost lost my life trying to
withdraw from Paxil."  Please use names and addresses and
phone numbers.  I want to build a scrapbook to share with the

Perhaps with your help, we can make a difference.  And your
help in building this scrapbook will go a long ways to show the
human dimension to this national tragedy.

If you can, please send a photo and short paragraph to me by
August 15, 2000 to:

13920 Garnett
Overland Park, KS  66221

Or if you prefer, email me your photo (preferably as JPEG file)
and paragraph to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I will not be able
to return originals, but I will let you know I've received them.

Thank you for your cooperation.  Obviously some of you reached
by this email will not have had a personally devastating
experience with these drugs, and for that I am grateful. But, if you
have, please take a moment to help out in this way.

I know this book will make a powerful statement with whomever
we talk to.

Thank you again.Mark and Cheryl Miller

**COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Join the Militia of Montana Email Alert List by writing to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "SUBSCRIBE" in the Subject Line!

For the latest in great survival, preparedness and politically incorrect
materials visit our Online Catalog at:

 http://www.militiaofmontana.com. Some great deals are to be had! Or,
send $2.00 to the address below for a copy of our 40+ page Preparedness

Militia of Montana
P.O. Box 1486, Noxon, MT  59853
Tel: 406-847-2735n Fax: 406-847-2246

Remove yourself from this list by writing to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
type "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject line.