Help Save the Tax Cut

The left knows that tax cuts will stop them from feeding at the public
trough.  So they're pulling out all the stops to kill President Bush's
modest tax cut proposal.  The only way the president's program will pass is
for the people of America to rise up in a massive grassroots movement and
speak out.  Put the pressure on by going to the following web site to send
faxes to every one of the 50 Democrat U.S. Senators.  The cost is only $15
to send 50 faxes and it will take less than 2 minutes of your time.  Then
send this message to as many people on your e-mail list as possible.  We
can't let the left win on this crucial issue.


Armey Ups Ante

"House Majority Leader Dick Armey said yesterday he will press for tax cuts
in excess of the administration's $1.6 trillion plan, despite President
Bush's insistence to go no higher."

- Washington Times, 3/7/01

It's Not About Hunting; It's About Self-Defense

"(B)efore we go running off to our congressmen demanding more and more gun
laws, let's remember that over the past twenty-two (22) years, there have
been a total of 86 children killed by guns in our schools. That figure
includes the two that died yesterday (in San Diego). That's 3.9 children per
year ... or about 16 fewer children than were killed by government mandated
airbags last year.  After recently having some family members visit Israel,
I feel compelled to ask how many students would have been killed or injured
had California's Santana High School shooter Andy Williams committed this
same outrageous attack in an Israeli high school, where almost every teacher
is armed?"

- GOPN&V reader Joseph G. Lolli, 3/6/01

Another Skeleton Pops Out of Pardon Closet

"John Francis McCormick is a former Boston policeman, not a fugitive
billionaire. He was convicted in a police-corruption scandal for accepting
hundreds of dollars worth of gratuities, not stiffing the government on
millions of dollars in taxes. He answered for his crime by serving more than
a year in jail, not by fleeing prosecution. He started a new life and
applied for clemency through the normal Justice Department process. He got
his pardon from former President Clinton, (his lawyer Thomas) Dwyer says,
'by the numbers.'  But is that the whole story?  Mr. McCormick's advocate,
Mr. Dwyer, has helped raise millions of dollars in campaign donations to
benefit Bill and Hillary Clinton since 1992, including a 1999 dinner he
co-hosted that reaped $450,000 for Mrs. Clinton's New York Senate campaign."

- Wall Street Journal, 3/7/01

King of the Whoppers Strikes Again

"In other pardon news, the Jerusalem Post reports that Israel's Prime
Minister Ehud Barak insists he asked Clinton only once to pardon Marc Rich,
not three or more times as the former president's aides have claimed."

- OpinionJournal.com, 3/5/01

Hillary's Hissy Fit

"By a 56-44 margin, the Senate votes to kill the Clinton administration's
11th-hour ergonomic workplace regulations. In a shrill floor speech, the
ex-president's wife and junior senator from New York accuses her colleagues
of dropping 'a legislative atom bomb against the ergonomic standard.'"

- OpinionJournal.com, 3/7/01

Vampire In the Midst

"Disillusioned Democrat Patrick Caddell says it was his party that was
trying to steal the election. 'I know about stealing elections,' he told a
lunch in Beverly Hills. 'I was involved in it for a long time. It appeared
to me that George Bush won and that we clearly were trying to steal the
election.' Caddell, who backed Ralph Nader in 2000, also says the selection
of Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe as chairman of the Democratic National
Committee is 'like having Dracula at the blood bank.'"

- OpinionJournal.com, 3/5/01

Ex-Clintonite Tells D's to Take a Hard Left

"Unless Democrats distinguish themselves more from moderate Republicans, the
party is a goner, said Robert Reich, secretary of labor under former
President Clinton.  'If they simply try to mimic the Republicans, then they
shall fail and, more important, we shall fail,' he said at Duke University
Friday. 'The Democratic Party, in many respects, is dead.'  The new
Democratic Party that Reich envisions should embrace the new economy but
also support people trying to escape poverty, he said. Such support includes
more money for health care, child care and job training."

- Robert Reich, Herold-Sun, 3/2/01

Gore Some More in 2004?

"When President Bush delivered his first address to Congress on Tuesday
night, the man who thought he should be in his place, Al Gore, did not
watch. Instead, Mr. Gore was in Manhattan, tending to political business of
his own.  Mr. Gore assembled more than two dozen of the biggest donors from
his campaign for a thank-you dinner at the home of Steven Rattner, a
financier who is a major party donor.  But many of Mr. Gore's closest
associates, including some who were at the dinner, said the event was not
simply to reminisce. Rather, it was the most direct sign thus far that
barely three months after he lost the White House, Mr. Gore is actively
positioning himself for another try should he decide to run.  The purpose of
the event and others that are planned in coming weeks, Mr. Gore's associates
said, was to court these important fund-raisers, and put them on notice -
without saying so explicitly - that they should not defect to other
prospective contenders."

- New York Times, 3/5/01

Clinton/Gore Feud Heats Up

"The tension between Al Gore, Bill Clinton and their followers 'has only
escalated' in recent days, the New York Times reports.  'Mr. Clinton, for
one, was described by friends as still furious at Mr. Gore's pollster,
Stanley B. Greenberg (who was Mr. Clinton's first pollster in the White
House) for recently suggesting publicly that Mr. Clinton was detrimental to
Mr. Gore's prospects,' reporter Richard L. Berke writes.  ' 'He heaps
withering scorn on Stan,' one friend said of a recent conversation with Mr.
Clinton. 'It's like a blowtorch. I was surprised at how hard-edged he was.
He feels that Gore didn't prosecute his legacy.'  'Mr. Clinton also
unleashed his venom at William M. Daley, his former commerce secretary.
After Mr. Daley told the New York Times recently that Mr. Clinton's conduct
was 'terrible, devastating' and 'rather appalling,' the former president
wrote a several-page letter to Mr. Daley expressing his deep disappointment,
people who know both men said.'"

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 3/6/01

Help Spread the Word

GOP News & Views has a subscriber base of Republican activists, political
leaders and elected officials of over 16,000+ ... and growing each day.  If
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Published by:
Chuck Muth, Editor
3659 Scotwood Street
Las Vegas, NV  89121
Phone:  (702) 454-0350
Fax:  (702) 454-7798

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