-Caveat Lector-

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Date: Tue, 06 Mar 2001 17:00:28 -0500
> Subject: Incumbent Protection Bill Threatens GOA's Existence
> McCain Incumbent Protection Bill Threatens Gun Owners
>  -- Bill to keep gun owners in the dark, endanger existence of GOA
> Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
> 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
> Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408
> http://www.gunowners.org
> (Tuesday, March 6, 2001) -- Irked by nettlesome groups such as GOA
> which threaten to expose their anti-gun activities, Arizona Senator
> John McCain (R) and Wisconsin Democrat Senator Russ Feingold (D) are
> pushing legislation which would eliminate the ability of groups like
> GOA to keep gun owners informed on how their legislators are voting.
> In the name of reforming campaign finance laws, this Incumbent
> Protection legislation would allow the government to seize the
> membership lists of groups such as ours -- and potentially outlaw
> our organization.  The issue is scheduled to come before the Senate
> between March 19th and 26th.
> The Incumbent Protection bill, S. 27, would require legislative
> advocacy groups -- including Second Amendment organizations such as
> GOA -- to report to the government if they spend more than $10,000
> preparing for and participating in TV and radio broadcasts which
> mention officeholder-candidates within two months of an election.
> If they wished, government bureaucrats could define virtually all of
> an organization's activities as "preparation" for TV and radio
> interviews.
> With GOA employees regularly appearing on TV shows such as Fox News,
> Crossfire, and other programs to discuss gun-related legislation,
> there can be little doubt that S. 27 would apply to this
> organization.  If it did, GOA would be required to provide the
> government with its donor list.  For the time being, this disclosure
> would be limited to contributors of $1,000 or more, but no one
> should assume this threshold would not be reduced or eliminated once
> the government's foot was in our membership door.
> It goes without saying that an activist who sends a check to GOA to
> help protect his Second Amendment rights doesn't want his name being
> registered with the government as a gun owner.  And for that reason,
> GOA will fight this bill "tooth and nail."  And if this bill were to
> become law, GOA would not comply.  We would fight it in court, and
> exhaust every possible resource, because we are not going to turn
> over our members' names to the government.
> This underscores why it is SO VERY IMPORTANT that we defeat this
> bill in the Congress!  GOA would rather spend its members' dollars
> defending 2nd Amendment freedoms, as opposed to spending hundreds of
> thousands of dollars fighting 1st Amendment battles in court.
> Finally, because the Incumbent Protection bill would define
> GOA's battles against anti-gun legislation as "electioneering" if
> they occurred during election season, these legislative activities
> could affect our tax-exempt status -- and ultimately, our existence.
> Urge your Senators to keep their distance from John McCain and Russ
> Feingold, and to respect the free speech rights of all Americans.
>   1. Please call, fax or email your two Senators and ask them to
>   filibuster and vote against the anti-gun McCain-Feingold bill,
>   S. 27.  You can call the Senate at 202-224-3121, or toll-free at
>   1-877-762-8762.  See the GOA Legislative Action Center at
>   http://www.gunowners.org/activism.htm for complete Senate contact
>   information, and to send pre-written messages.
>   2. Forward this alert to as many gun owners as possible and ask
>   them to contact their Senators in opposition to S. 27.
> ----- Pre-written message -----
> Dear Senator:
> The anti-gun McCain-Feingold bill, S. 27, threatens to open the
> membership lists of Second Amendment organizations -- and even
> threaten their tax-exempt status.  I urge you to oppose any bill
> that would limit the ability of outside groups such as Gun Owners of
> America to communicate with their members.
> I rely on groups like GOA to keep me informed when my rights are
> being threatened.  I would consider a law to muzzle such groups as
> an attempt to avoid the accountability that an informed electorate
> provides.
> Please filibuster and vote against this anti-gun and anti-speech
> abomination.  Let me know what you intend to do.  Thank you.
> Sincerely,
> **************
> Do not reply directly to this message.
> To subscribe to free, low-volume GOA alerts, go to
> http://www.gunowners.org/ean.htm on the web. Change of e-mail
> address may also be made at that location.
> To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with the word unsubscribe in the subject line.
> Problems, questions or comments? The main GOA e-mail address
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is at your disposal. Please do not add that
> address to distribution lists sending more than ten messages per
> week or lists associated with issues other than gun rights.

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