The land in Idaho seized by the Southern Poverty Law Center, run by Morris
Dees, after its successful lawsuit again Aryan Nation, has been sold to a
group funded by Gregg Carr's foundation, which is a part of the Kennedy
School of Government at Harvard.  Interestingly, Dees has also taught at
Harvard.  Before founding the SPLC, Dees was a partner of Millard Fuller,
who gave up his wealth (supposedly) to found Habitat for Humanity after
becoming religious--a convert to a group which ran a commune in Georgia--the
same group which is headquartered in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, next to Aryan
Nation!  Sounds like both sides are being funded and controlled by the same
hidden agenda--called "gang, counter-gang warfare," another name for Hegel's

The information and sources below are not endorsed by me.  I have extracted
bits from the sites to show that there is indeed a strange connection
between these groups and individuals which must make one ask, "Just what is
going on, and who is behind it all?"

Linda Minor
March 7, 2001
New Future for Idaho Aryan Nations Compound

Jeff T. Green for The New York Times
Photographs of Hitler were displayed in the interior of the compound.

SEATTLE, March 6 — A silver bust of Hitler and stained-glass swastikas
adorned the "church," and Nazi flags flew over the guard tower. German
shepherds patrolled the grounds. And for 28 years, ever since he moved to
the woods of Northern Idaho to escape what he once called the "alien scum"
in Southern California, Richard Butler held sway as the self-proclaimed
pastor of the Aryan Nations.

That was the past at Mr. Butler's 20-acre compound near Hayden Lake, Idaho.
The future, it seems, will be very different. Just weeks after Mr. Butler
was forced by the courts to turn over the compound to a mother and son who
were beaten by young Aryan Nations members there, an Internet millionaire
said today that he had bought it from the victims. ...

The millionaire, Greg Carr, an Idaho native who is the founder and former
chairman of the Internet service Prodigy, said he and others had first
thought of having a giant fire at the compound. ...

Idahoans, responding to a challenge grant from the 41-year-old Mr. Carr,
have already raised nearly $1 million to erect the Idaho Anne Frank Human
Rights Memorial in Boise. Mayors and school officials have established
human-rights task forces and school curriculum plans and even created a
coordinating job that Mayor Steve Judy of Coeur d'Alene once gave the title
"Aryan buster." Rallies by the Aryan Nations and other groups have been
dwarfed by of protesters.

Yet there is still plenty of evidence of white supremacist groups in Idaho,
a state where barely half of 1 percent of its people are black and few Jews
live as well, though there is a growing Hispanic population.

Boise's public-access television station is about to run two new white
supremacist shows. And the Aryan Nations' leader, the 82-year-old Mr.
Butler, is still around. Vincent Bertollini, a former Silicon Valley
millionaire investor who moved to north Idaho and became one of Mr. Butler's
staunchest supporters, has bought Mr. Butler a small bungalow in the town of
Hayden, not far from the old compound.

In September, a state jury in Coeur d'Alene ordered Mr. Butler and other
leaders of the Aryan Nations to pay more than $6 million to the victims of a
1998 attack by three men who were security guards at the compound. The
victims, Victoria Keenan and her son, Jason, were beaten and shot at as they
drove along a road at the edge of the compound one night; two of the men
later said they were so drunk they did not remember the incident.

The jury concluded that Mr. Butler had been negligent in training and
supervising the so-called security guards and ordered him to pay damages so
large that they bankrupted the Aryan Nations altogether.

Mr. Carr, speaking in a telephone interview from Cambridge, Mass., where he
now lives and where he has financed the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy
at Harvard University, said he had paid $250,000 from his personal
foundation to the Keenans, who had taken title to the property last month in
bankruptcy court and announced their desire to sell it to a group promoting
human rights.


CAMBRIDGE---Joseph S. Nye, Jr., dean of the Kennedy School of Government at
Harvard University, announced during Commencement exercises today the
establishment of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy. The center, to be
based at the Kennedy School, is expected to be among the world’s most
important venues for research into human rights policy. It is made possible
by an $18 million gift from the Gregory C. Carr Foundation, Inc. Gregory C.
Carr holds a master’s degree in public policy from the school, and his gift
is the largest ever from an alumnus or alumna. The funding will include an
endowment for ongoing operating support, a professorship, and money for

The Carr Center will be a research, teaching, and training center to examine
the effect on human rights around the world of governmental policies and
actions, international organizations, and independent actors. The center
will engage in empirical, philosophical, and conceptual research on the
concept of human rights, as well as its relationship with other disciplines.

"I am extremely gratified by Greg Carr’s generosity and vision in creating
the new center," Nye said. "It is rare that an individual philanthropist
chooses to approach a policy challenge as complex, all-encompassing, and
multi-dimensional as human rights with the level of passion, knowledge, and
commitment that Greg has. His gift is truly extraordinary in terms of its
importance and impact during such a critical time in the world’s history,
when human rights concerns affect so many facets of global affairs."

Dees has taught at Gerry Spence's Trial Lawyers College, Harvard's John F.
Kennedy School of Government...
Morris Dees vs. Aryan Nations
The civil suit by Morris Dees, of the "Southern Poverty Law Center" against
Richard G. Butler, the leader of Aryan Nations based at Hayden Lake, Idaho
has concluded in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho at the Kootenai County courthouse.

Dees is not the great attorney he's made out to be. He has won in the past
against impoverished defendants with incompetent or non-existent counsel,
and largely through the science of jury-profiling, wherein expert analysts
of the psychology of potential jurors are used to assist Mr. Dees in
hand-picking a jury sympathetic to his goals.

While north Idaho is packed with obstreperous, intractable individualists
for whom "gun control" are the two worst cuss words in the dictionary, such
jurors did not make it through gun-grabber Dees' jury-profile net.

Moreover, the people of north Idaho have grown disgusted over the years with
the derelicts and criminals who congregate at the Aryan Nations' church, and
the irresponsibility of Aryan leader Richard Butler who neither trained or
disciplined these human dregs who masqueraded as exemplars of Christendom
and the white race.

Mr. Butler's Aryan Nations was established in the 1970s on 20 acres of
farmland which were to be the first parcel in a growing territory to be set
aside as a white people's enclave in the mountain Northwest. Thousands of
whites over the years contributed funds to Aryan Nations' based on this
concept of a "bastion." Some of these donors were shocked when last year the
82-year-old Butler announced that the land would not be set aside as an
Aryan homeland after his death, but deeded to his non-political children as
their private inheritance.

Butler has long preached a "Seedline" Christian Identity doctrine with
remarkable Talmudic parallels. In the past few years this "Seedline" notion
of a devil race has been conclusively debunked by scholar Ted Weiland in his
book, "Eve: Did She or Didn't She?" ($8.00 postpaid from Mission to Israel,
Box 248, Scottsbluff, NE 69363).

In spite of the fact that the "Seedline" hypothesis is no longer the
dominant theology of Christian Identity, the media prefer to describe the
movement in Seedline terms because media executives believe it discredits
the movement as a whole.

Here in Idaho, Aryan Nations is not known as the headquarters of a viable
white separatist organization staffed by an elite, but rather as a "homeless
shelter" and "soup kitchen" for white drug addicts, felons on parole, child
molesters and government informants.

Randy Weaver's wife Vicky and son Samuel would probably be alive today had
Weaver not attended an Aryan Nations' event where he was befriended by
informants for the Federal government's ATF gun police, and entrapped in an
illegal gun scheme that resulted in a government shoot-out at his Ruby
Ridge, Idaho cabin.

The two most significant government Cointelpro-style "black op" stings of
the 90s, the infamous Oklahoma (OK) City Bombing and the lesser known
organization that had a hand in the bombing, the Aryan Republican Army
(ARA), were peopled by Aryan Nations principals.

For several years one of Mr. Butler's numerous "heirs-apparent" was Aryan
Nations' "East Coast Ambassador" Mark Thomas. Mr. Thomas was implicated in
the murder of a father and mother by their disgruntled skinhead sons in

He helped direct the shadowy ARA in a string of bank robberies organized by
informants for the US Secret Service and the CIA. One of ARA's gunmen was
with Timothy McVeigh the day of the OK bombing.

Before the bombing, McVeigh was spotted at a Spokane, Washington motel with
two Aryan Nations figures, Chevie Kehoe and child molester and expert
gunsmith Gregory McCrea. Kehoe would go on to slaughter William Mueller, an
OK City bombing witness and his entire family. Kehoe was wearing an FBI
tactical command jumpsuit when he perpetrated the murders.

Many of these investigative leads were explored by leftist David Hoffman (no
relation to this writer) in his book, "The Oklahoma City Bombing and the
Politics of Terror." Last year the FBI brought suit against its publisher,
Feral House, to have the entire stock of several thousand copies destroyed.

Buford Furrow, the would-be mass murderer who opened fire on a Los Angeles
daycare center last year, was an Aryan Nations' security guard.

Over the years Mr. Butler has served as a "useful idiot" for the Feds and
their Zionist overseers by establishing no standards for screening,
admission or membership, conducting no counter-intelligence and generally
serving as the premiere FBI listening post and recruiting depot for
agents-provocateur in the nation. Butler was also a recipient of millions of
dollars worth of free publicity from an establishment media eager to promote
this oaf and his band of drug addicts and jailbirds as the foremost
spokesmen for white Christian dissidents.

Matters descended to the absurd a few years ago when Butler admitted a
swarthy technician of American Indian descent to the Aryan "whites' only"
compound. The technician was regarded as a "creepy character" by waitresses
at a local diner. When Butler himself escorted the fellow to the eatery, the
waitresses pleaded with Butler to get the "creep" out of the diner. Mr.
Butler then proceeded to make a case for the right of the fellow to remain.
The head of Aryan Nations was helping to integrate an Idaho diner.

Morris Dees' handlers, having the Zohar's "knowledge of the equilibrium,"
understand that Butler's usefulness to them has largely come to an end.
Therefore it is salutary to send the vulture Dees on to the carrion, thereby
making a martyr out of a useful idiot in the eyes of the slow-witted goyim.

It would have been nice to see Dees lose the case and for Butler to retire.
But even if Dees had lost, Butler's attorney Edgar Steele had allegedly
placed a $50,000 lien on the Aryan Nations' property, for legal fees already
incurred even before the start of the trial.

The Hollywood Nazi image and devil-race hypothesis that Mr. Butler
implemented and articulated is one the System would like to see continue.
"By coincidence" --waiting in the wings to assume the Aryan Nations' mantle,
is a wealthy north Idaho businessman who espouses the same devil race
Seedline hypothesis as Mr. Butler.

This devil race concept, as Ted Weiland has demonstrated, comes from the
Talmud. In subsequent research for my book, "Judaism's Strange Gods" I was
able to track it to one of the foremost rabbis of Kabbalistic lineage, the
"Holy Ari," Rabbi Yitzhak ("Isaac") Luria.

It would seem that behind the scene-flats of what passes for a simplistic
dichotomy of "white supremacist" leader vs. "civil rights" attorney, a more
esoteric game is afoot, one that has a vested interest in shaping and
controlling the direction of white separatism, by infiltrating it with
government-sponsored terrorists and "Aryans" with rabbinic mentalities.

Now with the jury's assessment of huge punitive damages in millions of
dollars, the US Government's useful idiot, Richard G. Butler, will be
glorified as a martyr by his comatose disciples, even as Dees rakes in
millions from his mail-order sucker list, painting the octogenarian Butler's
tottering organization as a fearsome white supremacist powerhouse snuffed
out by Dees.

It's likely that the Aryan Nations' church and grounds, formerly the
foremost listening post and recruiting depot for government-sponsored,
black-op terrorists, will be seized and transformed into a kind of
"holocaust" museum complete with guided tours.

Dees, the "civil rights" lawyer, is in reality the tool of Jewish
supremacists, while Butler is a victim of his own irresponsibility and
stupidity -- his degraded operation and degenerate personnel having served
the System well by giving a consistent black eye to decent white Christian

Now that Butler's usefulness has come to an end, he'll be expelled from the
plantation mansion and dumped into the fields, where his witless followers
will adorn him with a martyrs' crown, even as Dees' Zionist bosses reward
him handsomely for making the world safe for their peculiar strain of

A pox on both their houses.

Michael A. Hoffman II


[Is direct mail a money-laundering tool?  Keep in mind Morris S. Dees'
middle name is Seligman--named after a Jewish merchant friend of his family
in Alabama.  That would have been during the period the Lehmans were growing
very rich in Montgomery, Ala.]

Dees attended undergraduate school at the University of Alabama where he
founded a nationwide direct mail sales company that specialized in book
publishing. After graduation from the University of Alabama School of Law in
1960, he returned to Montgomery, Alabama's capital, and opened a law office.
He continued his mail order and book publishing business, Fuller & Dees
Marketing Group, which grew to be one of the largest publishing companies in
the South. In 1969, Dees sold the company to Times Mirror, the parent
company of the Los Angeles Times.
Millard Fuller was born on January 3, 1935 in the cotton-mill town of
Lanett, Alabama. His mother died when he was three and Millard Fuller formed
a particularly strong bond with his father who would teach him well the
lesson of capitalism. In fact, it was at the age of just six, that Millard
Fuller first tasted the business success he would later experience, when he
realized a profit from raising a pig under his father's tutelage. After
completing his undergraduate degree at Auburn University, Fuller attended
the University of Alabama Law School and after graduating, he and Linda
Caldwell were married in 1959. Rather than practice law following
graduation, Millard Fuller, together with Morris Dees, a fellow law school
student, focused his attention on a fledgling company, Fuller & Dees. By
1964, the success of their company had made both men millionaires. ...

Dramatically, the Fullers' sold their interest in the business and all of
their material possessions and do

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