So, I thought I would pull up stuff on Fred Springmeier today and
suddenlythe above is all I could get.....yesterday I had read some of
his stuff prior to the story on his arrest - but it was under material
on Knights Templar and bloodlines of Kennedy - and the information
contained therein was wrong and maybe even lies for Rose Fitzgerald
Kennedy's line is our line through Lord Thomas Fitzgerald and this I
knew of the Fitzgerald connection for many, many years prior to death of
JFK and back to when I was 4 or 5 my mother would speak of the
Fitzgerald curse - and masonic matters.

So I kept wondering why suddenly am I only able to get this informationo
here - and it is out ofo my state, Ohio.......

After many attempts to find this stuff I had yesterday and day before, I
finally read this stuff and noted the list of the Sheriff's at the
end...........Sheriff's are very important people - and a Fitzgerald had
signed the Magna Carta and this is how I ran into Fredls name off and on
connected to this bloodline stuff.

So the name of the Sheriff in this one time frame, was Fred note this - there have been illuminati investigators
in this area for a long long time back to when I got into this stuff and
the former Grand Dragon of the KKK had given me Illuminati Records an a
bood Who Is Murdering Angola for nobody else seemed to care.....later he
was also arrested for gun running between Canada which surprised me but
he was a brilliant man.

Now this Springmeier used an alias did he not?  What if he is a plant
for I say this, wish I could bring that stuff up I had previously but
the only thing I can bring up today is this.

Not being paranoid yet - when that kept coming up I decided to stay home
and be quiet.

And then I thought of that Meyer Lansky Hit Man - living in a trailor on
the farm of this one doctor who was into guns, murder, with HOffa for a
year and I was told got Hoffa away to Canada (or drumped him with the
fishies).....but tht killer was wearing an officia Deputy Sheriff's
Uniform the night the unholy three murdered a black doctor - when golly
gee they only wanted to castrate the guy.....

What is wrong here - is Fred Springmeier really Fred Springmeier?   And
if he was stupid enough to grow marijuana - who rat finked however there
was another raid of a similar type the same night.

What about Joe Six he only had a copy of the constitution
with him day they put him in the slammer and a six pack no doubt....

Ah when night falls and the shadows flee away....

Anyway, read this list of Sheriffs......creepy, huh.........but
Springmeier did put some information that was NOT accurate and the
reason I know is this - they are family these Fitzgeralds and this guy
had information on web saying they were Italian?   You got to be
kidding....maybe it was just a link but he said Illuminati Bloodlines -
Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy had same ancestors as mine in Limerick - do not
know omuch about the Kennedy's except they were all murdered virtually -
ah but there is always one who will survive - the idea is to demoralize
a country and by systematic murders of these famous bloodlines - well
that is how the scum also rises but then there will always be a new moon
down the road.


Is Fred Springmeier  a plant?   Nice way to pass on information without
drawing too much attention.......or is he a victim?   If that is true
about the marijuana plants - then that guy had really taken roots.

The Office of Sheriff
The office of Sheriff was first established in 1066AD by the Normans.
The word "Sheriff" was derived from "Shire" (the equivalent of today's
County) and "Rieve" (chief law enforcer). Thus, the term "Shire Rieve"
was eventually shortened to simply "Sheriff". At the same time the title
of Constable was also created and this was the position of keeper of the
Rieve's stable of horses. Sheriff and Constable were the first two
titles for police officers in America, and each owe their origins to
English ancestry. 
Thomas Jefferson, in his work called "The Value of Constitutions,"
wrote, "...the office of Sheriff is the most important of all the
executive offices of the country." After two hundred years, experience
has proven that the perspective of Jefferson and other founding fathers
is just as valid today as it was when they first perceived of how a free
society could best be constructed.
The office of Sheriff is certainly significant, and was in fact the
first county office established in the United States. Some very
outstanding Americans have held the office of County Sheriff, from the
earliest days down to our present era. George Washington's father was an
early Sheriff in Colonial Virginia. The history of the position and
functions of a Sheriff, prior to establishment of the position in
America, can reportedly be traced to provisions of the Magna Carta in
England, in the year 1215.
The Sheriffs of America have played a significant role in the history of
our Nation, and the Sheriffs of Ohio are no exception to this heritage.
A brief study of the history of Ohio reveals that Ohio Sheriffs have
contributed greatly to the development of the Buckeye State.
Until Ohio achieved statehood in 1803, the position of Sheriff was
filled through appointments made at the pleasure of the Colonial
Governor. The first Sheriff on the record in Ohio was Colonel Ebenezer
Sproat. At the time he was appointed in 1788, Colonel Sproat's
jurisdiction covered all of Washington County. This enormous area of
land included all of eastern Ohio from the Ohio River to Lake Erie.
After statehood became a reality, only three public offices in Ohio were
filled through the electoral process system. The position of Sheriff was
one of them. Through this new system, William Skinner became the first
elected Sheriff in the Buckeye State. Since the early 1800's, Ohio
Sheriffs have been elected on the county level by the people they serve.
By virtue of this process, this office has become the oldest law
enforcement position in the United States. It is also the only remaining
law enforcement office which is filled through the election method. The
term of office for County Sheriffs in Ohio is four years.
In each of the 88 counties of Ohio, the Sheriff is the chief law
enforcement officer. His primary duties are to provide common pleas
court services and corrections on a countywide basis, and full police
protection to the unincorporated areas of the county. However, he also
maintains full police jurisdiction in all municipalities, townships, and
villages. In an effort to become consistent on a statewide level, Ohio
Sheriffs and Deputies wear a standardized uniform, and all patrol
vehicles are marked in the same manner.
There are several interesting tidbits of trivia about our Sheriffs. The
first Sheriff in the state of Ohio was not elected, but was appointed in
1788. The first Hamilton County Sheriff we have record of was also
appointed, in 1790 by Governor A. St. Clair and was John Brown
(1790-1792). James Smith (1797-1804) was also titled Collector of the
Government Revenue, while Morton L. Hawkins (1883-1884) served during
the Court House riot and fire. Asa V. Butterfield (1931-1934) was a
candidate on two tickets (Democrat and Independent) and Sheriff Dan P.
Tehan (1949-1972) served the longest as Sheriff with a total of 24 years
of service (he declined to run for a 7th term), followed by Sheriff
Simon L. Leis, our current Sheriff since 1987,  and the third longest,
Sheriff Lincoln J. Stokes (1977-1987) with 10 years
Within Ohio, Sheriff's Offices have probably one of the most extensive
sets of responsibilities to those they serve. By statute they must
provide the following:
Line Law Enforcement
Court Security and Service of Papers
Jail Operations
Extradition Process
Transportation of Prisoners
Ohio's 88 counties each have a Sheriff's Office and these vary in size
from a dozen deputies to over 600 deputies. Hamilton County is one of
the largest, along with Cuyahoga, Franklin, and Montgomery Counties.
Since the appointment of John Brown in 1790, 57 men have served as Shire
Rieve of Hamilton County. They are as follows:
1987-Present Simon L. Leis, Jr.
1977-1987 Lincoln J. Stokes
1973-1976 Paul J. Fricker
1949-1972 Dan P. Tehan
1943-1948 C. Taylor Handman
1939-1942 Fred Sperber
1937-1938 George A. Lutz, Jr.
1935-1936 George A. Lutz, Sr.
1931-1934 Asa V. Butterfield
1927-1930 William Anderson
1923-1926 Richard B. Witt
1919-1922 Fred Bader
1915-1918 George F. Schott
1911-1914 Charles Cooper
1907-1910 Henry W. Hamann
1903-1906 Salmon Jones
1899-1902 Thomas A. Taylor
1897-1898 Chris Reichel
1893-1896 R.M. Archiabald
1891-1892 Val Heim
1887-1890 Leo Schott
1885-1886 Samuel Beresford
1883-1884 Morton L. Hawkins
1881-1882 Samuel Bailey
1879-1880 George Weber
1877-1888 William Pitt Wallace
1875-1876 Fred Springmeier*********************
1873-1874 George W. Zeigler
1871-1872 Joseph E. Heart
1869-1870 Daniel Weber
1867-1868 Henry S. Schotman
1865-1866 Richard Calvin
1863-1864 William Long
1861-1862 John B. Armstrong
1859-1860 Henry Kessler
1857-1858 Richard Matthews
1855-1856 Gassaway Brashear
1853-1854 Benjamin Higdon
1851-1852 Charles W. Smith
1849-1850 Joseph Cooper
1847-1848 Thomas S. Weaver
1843-1846 John H. Gerard
1839-1842 John C. Avery
1836-1838 Samuel Fosdick
1831-1834 Ebenezer Hulse
1829-1830 John C. Avery
1823-1825 William Ruffin
1818-1822 Richard Ayres
1817-1817 William Ruffin
1816-1816 Daniel Hosbrook
1813-1814 John S. Wallace
1811-1812 Joseph Jenkinson
1806-1810 Aaron Goforth
1805-1806 William McFarland
1797-1804 James Smith
1795-1796 Daniel Symmes
1793-1794 John Ludlow
1790-1792 John Brown

Saba Note:   I say, a lot of names over the years in Ohoi that are
familiar even today....the only John Brown I ever heard of was an old
song we used to sing "We Will Hang John Brown to the Sour Apple
Tree".....and our Lt. Govenor John Brown - Brown has always been a good
name in Ohio - but Fred Springmeier - is this right spelling?

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