So we have another TV star?

Few days ago on one of the news shows - a special where in secret in
schools, guns were left in rooms, such as bathrooms, etc., to see what
kids would do - in the schools chosen, the kids took the gun - and in
this one school where thre had been much on shootings this one kid
picked up the gun and pointed it at his friends - these were teenagers
and most or all were black.......

So you read this story - and one must wonder.   Soon guns will be
popping up all over hell and you will see them the spy system in full

Now in our town police planted cameras in school restrooms and there was
public outrage; years ago a policeman (woman) not married was removed
from the school yards as she was bulging out all over and not married -
she made public display, charging discrimination but nothing big time in
papers happened; and one policeman was fired once for being a voyuer;
and one committed suicide - these are sad cases, but I would not want
any of these police with cameras and videon tapes producing shows in
restrooms for this is just what is happening.

So punish this cop - fire the bastard.....leaving a gun out in the open
- was it bait or the desire to make Good Morning America - forgive me,
for like Clinton I have sinned -

Now we separate the kids into the bad kids and the goody
will turn informer on his classmates - think maybe if some of these
parents were charged with leaving a gun where a kid could get it - did
they ever charge Klebold's paents or the Harris kid's parents?

Remember we were to hug the little 6 year old who murdered another
little 6 year old .............

No first let this policeman be fired - for like Jesse Jackson, he does
not practice what he preaches - but do not be surprised to see him on
Good Morning America.......

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