CLINTON would feel right at home here for it seems this former President
has so much in common with our "former" President........

Clinton would make America in his image - his AIDS/HIV blood he sold to
Canada ;makes him a number one serial killer.......

We look at Africa and see why they consider homosexuals a threat to
their society; only they are a lttle late for in 20 years over one third
of Africa will die from AIDS and they want to spread this disease to
white children, in America.

Our white children should be carefully taught to keep away from
homosexuals as if their lives depended upon this - for it does.

Seems all the genocidal ideas come from this Old Testament - do they

Clinton would do well to move to South Africa but then the Rhodes Round
Table bunch has moved out and left their legacy - death by
AIDS.......yes Clinton would be right at home in South Africa .......if
it were not for that slight flaw in his character - the desire for
performing in acts of sodomy.


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RIGHTS-ZIMBABWE: Former President Found Guilty Of Sodomy
By Lewis Machipisa
 HARARE, Nov 26 (IPS) - Former Zimbabwe President Canaan Banana was on
Thursday found guilty on all eleven counts of 'sodomy, indecent assault
and unnatural act' by the High Court in the capital Harare.
Banana, who was President Robert Mugabe's moral figure-head, was found
guilty on two charges of sodomy, seven of indecent assault and two of
committing unnatural acts. He will be sentenced on Dec 10.
Sodomy is illegal in Zimbabwe, while homosexuality practice carries a
mandatory prison sentence.
A warrant of arrest has already been issued for the former cleric, who
has fled to neighbouring Botswana ahead of Thursday's judgment.
Zimbabwean officials say they will try to have him extradited.
The 62-year-old former Methodist clergyman has been staying in the
outskirts of the Botswanan capital of Gaborone, for the past four days
where unconfirmed reports said he is seeking political asylum, on the
ground that there has been excessive political pressure on the courts
during his trial. He did not use his Zimbabwean passport as it is still
in the custody of the High Court.
Press reports in Zimbabwe said the authorities in Botswana confirmed
Thursday that Banana had entered the country, but that they do not know
his whereabouts.
Botswana foreign ministry spokesperson Mufpaq Moorad said the ministry
was informed of Banana's presence in the country by Anglican Bishop of
Botswana, Walter Makhulu. ''We understand from Bishop Makhulu that he
(Banana) was here two or three days ago and that he was planning to move
on. The bishop said he was fearing for his life in Zimbabwe,'' Moorad
said. Botswana police are looking for the fugitive ex-president, he
Banana, who has all along denied his alleged homosexual inclinations, is
alleged to have used his position as president between 1980 and 1987 to
force men -- aides, bodyguards and a gardener -- into submitting to sex
with him. After he left the presidency, he was alleged to have sexually
molested a job- seeker he met on the streets.
The once respected former head of state, international trouble-shooter,
theologian, author, soccer player and family man used to boast that ''he
was the last court of appeal'' when threatened by his victims that they
would sue him.
It took a murder for the complaints to become public. In August 1995
Jefta Dube, who had served as Banana's aide-de-camp, shot dead a fellow
policeman who had repeatedly called him Banana's homosexual wife. Dube
admitted the murder but said in mitigation that he had been repeatedly
raped by former head of state.
During the course of the trial, the court heard how Banana once squeezed
his aide-de-camp and kissed him. As he left, Banana patted Dube's
bottom, saying, ''This is the food of the elders.''

Banana's conviction will further push Zimbabwe's small but vocal
homosexuals into hiding as resentment towards them looks set to

President Mugabe has described gays and lesbians as ''worse off than
dogs and pigs'' and stated that gays would remain a miserable lot for a
long time.(END/IPS/lm/mn/98)

Here Mugabe is wrong for in 20 years no more gays as AIDS solves one
problem for him......looks like this same game plan already i progress
in USA, for many, many people who once ignored Gay Rights now lears to
hate this evil influence for they are targeting the children of Rosie O'Donnell in her little Cat and Hat Suit and on
Sesame Street targeting the children........this lesbian has adopted
several children and one it is said, is so very very accident prone?

Look at this pigs eyes sometime...she laughs a loud, and is loud and
smiles a lot - but she has eyes of a pig....all she needs is a ring
through her snout for better identification.

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