On Mon, 2 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Amen, Brother Poley.....now I have to ask you this.
> You mentioned Ted Turner - this alcoholic bum is a front man for
> something other than the mob by now and he did sober up long enough to
> realize that he married Jane Fonda

Thanks for the chuckle, Saba. Hanoi Jane was discovered to be Nightmare

 and unloaded that old bat.
> So Turner bought hundres of thousands of acres of land....not many
> buffalo then, but now his buffalo runneth over.

If Turner would re-activate his "Turner Tomorrow Awards" from ca. 1990 and
maybe even provide a site with this land we could find out what a "Culture
of Life" is like. As I said before I think I get the bragging rights for
that phrase, going back to Life Gazette as a tabloid in the 1980's. Now,
even with a pope and a president "calling for" a Culture of Life, even
with millions of religious and secular professionals on the planet who can
describe cultures of the rain forest or antiquity with great alacrity, we
see no designs for a Culture of Life. I guess popes and presidents don't
have the "pull" they used to have. But really what it is about is that
this world is solidly behind a Culture of Death. Institutions of Church
and State are backing the Great Satan, whoever he might be at the moment.
US Tele-evangelical idiots keep coming back to that shtick about THE
Antichrist. But the world has been ruled by an Antichrist since Eden.
And the same tele-evangelists are the servants of the Antichrist.
Church and State serve THE Antichrist. So alas, the likelihood that a
Culture of Life will be articulated and actualized by humankind is about

> So we will now have abundance of buffalo and here begins a new slaughter
> - we have been prepared and conditioned for the use of Buffalo as
> food......now the horses - and this is where I go completely vegetarian

I think nanotechnology will claim some remarkable successes during this
century, if we get past 2012 on the Mayan Calendar. That date is so
astonishingly aligned with the near-future forecasts for AI-robotics that
I had to include it in the closing notes of "Machine Psychology". And a
nice, brass Mayan Calendar hangs above my computer as I type. The SHAI's
(Superhuman AI's) could be put to work on advancing nanotech after
that. And the ultimate goal of nanotech is complete control over
nanoassembly so you could have your nanoasemblers making pork chops, minus
the pig, and so on. I think that will cause Hindu-Buddhist theologians to
reconsider their vegetarianism.

> With cow, like killing goose who laid golden eggs.....why a Culture of
> Life when government is pre-occupied with only a Culture of Death -
> murdering babies who take in some instancnes on breath - for their body
> parts now which is very profitable business?
> This is this NWO....Murder, Inc.

That sums it up well. But this has been a world run by a Cult of liars,
murderers, thieves and perverts since Eden. Remember the story of Abel and
Cain? It sets the stage for "history as we know it". The Mayans have it
timed well, though. History as we know it ends ca. 2012.

I keep appealing to the political powers that be to conduct a public
inquiry on the AI-robotics state-of-the-art NOW and to get really tough
with the expert witnesses (as tough as they have been with the cloning
experts) to find out what AI is capable of now if all funding limits are
removed. The annual planetary wealth generated is about 50 trillion $ so
what is SHAI worth?

SHAI coupled with SH-knowledge (via expert system programming) and
SH-learning ability is the last invention homo sapiens will have to make.
After that, all human research problems etc. will be given to robo
sapiens instead of human scientists.

The moral-ethical-legal problems have to do with matters like defining
human-ness. After all, what can "human rights" mean if we don't have a
good definition of "human"? And what about the rights of super-humans, ie
"robo sapiens"? So I'll use this post as a backgrounder for a reply to
Garry Breitkreuz, MP.


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If we were to design a city with surroundings according to a George Bush "Culture of 
Life" would it be the same as a Vatican "Culture of Life"? Can the Bush Administration 
even with the help of HUD or Vatican with the help of 1,000,000,000 Roman Catholics 
tell us what
their Culture of Life would be like?

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