[CTRL] Fwd: Two million children innoculated with BSE vaccines

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

Plus if you read this article it is the most disgusting article I have
ever read - the profitting from cadavers?

It seems these movie stars, like Cher and Julia Roberts and maybe even
Deinise Rich - who hae their lips puffed out until they can slip kisses
Ubangi style under a door (as bob hope once said)the use material
from DEAD BODIES = cadavers = for this "beautification"

Supposedly one not to profit from sale of baby body parts or dead bodies
in generalbut to fix the worn out lips of Julia Roberts or a Cher -
costs minimum of $1,200?

These people are ghouls; but more important millions of children were
given toxic waste into their bodies; so what is causing diseased cattle
if it is not ignorance, is it sabotage?

Cui bono - as my old MI6 friend used to say - "always ask yourself, Cui
Bono, cui bono".

You may pull up entire contents under subject matterhas more data on
blood transfusions...but is there a deadly vaccine out there - unclean
vaccinaition equipment spreading disease in cattle?   Cattle have been
living in dung areas for thousands of yearsnow your children eat
meat contaminated with whatE Coli is just a polite word for


Mad Cow Home ... Best Links

Two million children innoculated with BSE vaccines
Baroness tested for CJD
CDJ tonsil study fails to answer key question
Backgrounder: what motivated tonsil and appendix study?
BSE 'to die out in seven years' (or go on via cow patties)
EU adopts tougher controls against mad cow disease
French officials report two new cases of mad cow disease
Saskatchewan CWD elk death sparks herd quarantine
10 Australian surgery patients exposed to CJD instruments
New disease passed by blood transfusions
Dead bodies harvested for parts and tissues
American, 39, dies of dura mater implant
Two million children innoculated with BSE vaccines
Daily Express May 2, 200 [minor edits by webmaster]
Seven vaccines potentially at risk from BSE and given to millions of
children can be identified for the first time by the Daily Express. But
alarmingly there is no record of which children received the jabs,
produced between 1988 and 1989, at the start of Britain's "mad cow"
crisis. The vaccines, using UK-sourced cattle material, were made by two
companies, Wellcome and Smithkline, despite warnings that they could
pose a risk. The seven vaccines are:
1. Smithkline's MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), finally replaced "by end
of 1992 approximately";
2. Wellcome's combined Diphtheria and Tetanus, last issued by the
company in June 1991, with a June 1993 expiry date;
3. Wellcome's DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) last issued again in
June 1991, with a November 1993 expiry date;
4. Wellcome's single component Diphtheria vaccine, last issued in
October 1991, with a November 1993 expiry date;
5. Wellcome's  Tetanus, last issued in December 1991, with a December
1993 expiry date.
6.[Wellcome's oral polio vaccine, last issue and expiry dates are "not
7. Smithkline's inactivated polio vaccine, apparently used only in
Last night Liberal Democrat MP Norman Baker, who has led a crusade on
the issue, accused the Department of Health of being "potentially
criminally negligent" for allowing the BSE-risk vaccines to be
administered to at least two million children for the five years to
But a Department of Health spokeswoman said that if routine vaccinations
had been stopped there would have been a "real risk" of serious and
potentially fatal infectious diseases among children. She said all of
today's vaccines are produced from non-UK bovine material, and insisted
the old UK-based vaccines "appear to have no role to date" in the
development of the human version of mad cow disease, new variant
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (nvCJD).
So far 53 people have been killed by the disease, another dozen are
dying and the victims include three children, aged 13 to 15. [Today's
DoH report shows 68 nvCJD victims as of 28 April 00. ]
Public Health Minister Yvette Cooper has told the Commons that some drug
companies responded to 1988 reports of BSE by quickly switching to
non-UK sources for bovine material for their vaccines. But after a Code
of Open Government request for facts, the Daily Express has been told
Wellcome continued using UK bovine material in the manufacturing process
for four children's vaccines until 1989. Smithidine has said it
continued to use UK-sourced material for its Measles, Mumps, Rubella
(MMR) vaccine through to February 1990. [These were peak years of the
BSE epidemic. A key issue is how long stocks at hand continued to be
used. This was apparently until they were all sold or the expiration
date reached by 1993. There was apparently never a recall.-- webmaster]
Drugs makers were asked to stop doing that in March 1989, but in an
obscure sentence the Health Department suggests it "would have taken
months" to eradicate UK-sourced material from the manufacturing process
entirely. Wellcome's oral polio doses were also 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Two million children innoculated with BSE vaccines

2001-03-14 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
E Coli is just a polite word for

ALL humans have E. Coli bacteria in their colons. This is just a smoke
screen for something else, possibly contrived by the NWO as a tool for
genocide. Of course, we help them whenever we insist on using
anti-bacterial soap and sterilizing every square inch of our homes.
This serves to keep our immune systems from developing to the fullest,
thereby increasing our susceptibility to disease. It's becoming a lost
art of childhood to play in the dirt and make mud pies. Not to mention
that the germs are becoming resistant to the "remedies."


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