In a message dated 2/5/01 2:59:35 PM Central Standard Time, AOL News writes:

Subj:U.S. government revises HIV treatment guidelines
Date:2/5/01 2:59:35 PM Central Standard Time
From:AOL News

U.S. government revises HIV treatment guidelines

WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) - AIDS experts, admitting that current drugs
cannot ever cure HIV infection and that they can cause severe side-effects,
issued new guidelines on Monday that advise doctors to wait a bit before
treating patients....

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U.S. government revises HIV treatment guidelines

WASHINGTON, Feb 5 (Reuters) - AIDS experts, admitting that current drugs cannot ever 
cure HIV infection and that they can cause severe side-effects, issued new guidelines 
on Monday that advise doctors to wait a bit before treating patients....

For the full text of this story, <A 
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100VdPR.5269414.665873939">click here</A>.

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