-Caveat Lector-
Here are two additional UPDATES to our latest TiM Bulletin on the Yugoslav “revolution” - a “Wag the Dog”-type pre-arranged “palace coup,” in which more than half a million Belgrade citizens were duped into acting as unpaid Hollywood extras (see 7. Germany, Norway Also Poured Cash into Kostunica/DOS’ and Opposition Media’ Coffers, 8. U.S. TiM Reader Confirms “Palace Coup” Theory, and 9. Kostunica Invited to Washingon.
To read the latest update and all of the above stories, just click (or double-click, depending on your computer) on the following Web address, and you'll be able to see it in full color, along with accompanying images:
lletins2000/tim2000-10-3.html" eudora="autourl"http://www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins2000/tim2000-10-3.html
... 0000,0000,8y Also Poured Cash into Kostunica/DOS’ and Opposition Media’ Coffers
An “Ostrich Revolutiand Paid for by Western Funds
BERLIN, Oct. 7 - Germa Joschka Fischer, said in an interview with the Der Spiegel magazine that Germany had supported the Yugoslav opposition with millions of marks in financial aid, according to an Oct. 7 Reuters report.
Norway also said it had helped fund the Yugoslav opposition's election campaign, which led to victory by opposition candidate Vojislav Kostunica and soon afterwards to the overthrow of strongman President Slobodan Milosevic. Der Spiegel said around $30 million, mostly from the United States, was channeled through an office in Budapest.
Another 45 million marks ($20 million) from Germany and other Western states went to cities that were under opposition control. Der Spiegel said the Foreign Ministry sent around 17 million marks through 16 German towns, which also contributed.
A spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry confirmed the figures. “It was not disguised but rather it was entirely normal financial aid from the budget,” she said.
She said four million marks in media support went to Yugoslavia. She declined to identify which media outlets channeled the money, but Der Spiegel said state broadcasters ZDF and Bayerischer Rundfunk were used. .
Der Spiegel also reported that Fischer, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and some G-8 foreign ministers brought the Yugoslav opposition together in Berlin on December 17. “We read the riot act to the opposition then and told them to get their act together,” it quoted one participant as saying (see “Cavorting with the Enemy, Dec. 23, 1999).
In Oslo, Foreign Ministry spokesman Victor Roenneberg told Reuters the government had given “several million crowns” in financial aid to Yugoslavia and provided supplies ranging from computer and communications equipment for the opposition's vote count to oil to opposition-controlled villages.
Norway also funded opposition-run newspapers, radio stations and Internet media, he said. Norwegian Foreign Minister Thorbjoern Jagland arrived in Belgrade early on Saturday and met with Kostunica, who was to be sworn in at a ceremony later in the day.
As the TiM has already reported (see Item 1 above), the Norwegian president is due in Belgrade on Monday. --- TiM Ed.: So the so-called Yugoslav “revolution” turned out to be an election bought and paid for by the same countries that bombed Serbia last year. Yet my, now definitely FORMER friend, Vojislav Kostunica, kept denying that he and his DOS cronies took any money from anyone. Which makes him a… (TiM readers should feel free to fill in the blanks).
The Serb “demo farce” was then followed by a “Wag the Dog”- type pre-arranged “palace coup,” in which more than half a million Belgrade citizens were duped into acting as unpaid Hollywood-style extras.
Some “revolution!” Prague’s 1989 uprising has been dubbed a “velvet revolution.” Belgrade’s 2000 post-election protest should be named an “ostrich revolution.”
Which means that when Hollywood gets around to making the Yugoslavia sequel to the “Wag the Dog” movie, its title will be already set. “Ostriches,” of course.
(For our early warnings about the upcoming "demo farce," check out... American vs. Serrce", July 28, Toward Another "Red October" , Sep. 8, 000,FF00Washington Funds Serb Opposition Efforts , Sep. 19, Kostunica Leading Milosevic by Eight Points, Sep. 26, and The Last Days of Serbia). ----------
8. Ur Confirms “Palace Coup” Theory

“Bolor>TiM Ed.: a Belgrade source) and I agree that we have seen the prestidigitation of a palace coup - coup de theatre co-opt the peoples' revolution.

Charles Alverson's report was an insighcle. My friend Jelena (in Beograd) was very angry about the destruction too. And most of that went unreported in the news shows.

More and more it appears that a has co-opted the revolution. The governing class takes care of itself first, last and always.”

Ben Works, Virginia -------------
9. Kted to Washington
WASHINGTON, Oct. 7, ic>Yugoslavia President Vojislav Kostunica has been invited to Washington to deliver the keynote address at The Yugoslavia Reconstruction Conference on November 13, according to today’s Business Wire report.
The conference will feature the latest information on reconstruction, development, trade, and investments in Yugoslavia. The European Union and the United States have announced that sanctions will be lifted against Belgrade, resulting in substantial new trade and investments in numerous industrial sectors. European governments are also expected to approve $2 billion for aid and reconstruction projects for Serbia.
The Yugoslavia Reconstruction Conference convenes one day before another major Washington conference on the region. The Southeastern Europe Finance Conference, to be held November 14-15, will feature a variety of public-sector and private-sector financing available for the economic development of the region and is expected to be opened by keynote addresses by the prime ministers of Macedonia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Albania, and Moldova. --- TiM Ed.: “Perpetual war for perpetual commerce: First you knock them down, then you build them up?” Ever heard that before? (check out this writers 1999 wartime Washington speeches - e.g, http://www.truthinmedia.org/Kosovo/War/day74.html). Also, stand by for a Kostunica-Clinton and/or Kostunica-Albright photo-op? Wonder what the Serb voters would think of their new president then?

Visit the Truth in Media Web site http://www.truthinmedia.org/for articles on geopolitical affairs. ###
I was thinking of when Peter betrayed Jesus three times and Jesus knew it but loved him anyway. --The Village Matriarch, Ms. Rodham-Clinton, explaining why she still loves Bill. **In case you missed it, she is "Jesus" in the analogy.
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