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A New Approach to the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
http://www.templarlodge.com/stargate.html#Ancient Egypt, Mars & ET's

Exclusive extract from a lecture by
at the Templar Lodge Hotel, Gullane, near Edinburgh, Scotland,
7th June 1999

Our research for The Stargate Conspiracy - although mainly leading to the
uncovering of the conspiracy of the title - also opened up other, more
positive and exciting, avenues that offer a solution to some of the enduring
mysteries of ancient Egypt.

Previously, we discussed the two most popular theories put forward to
explain the puzzle of the ancient Egyptians' inexplicably advanced
techniques - that the ancient Egyptians either learned their skills from a
lost civilisation, or from visiting extraterrestrials. We would now like to
offer an alternative theory, which, although not evoking Atlanteans or
space-gods still has a resolutely otherwordly quality.

The technical achievements of the ancient Egyptians, as displayed most
obviously in the building of monuments such as the Great Pyramid and the
Sphinx of Giza, and the questions that they pose for conventional
historians, are too well known to need repeating here. But it was not only
in this area that the Egyptians were so sophisticated. Even in the
superficial field of cosmetics, recent discoveries have shown that their
practical application of chemistry was far from primitive. In fact, they did
what Givenchy and Christian Dior have only just begun to do, incorporating
active sun-block into foundation creams. However, what most intrigued was
the extraordinary cosmological knowledge that can be found within their
religious texts.

The earliest religion known in ancient Egypt was that of Heliopolis. Now
buried under a suburb of Cairo, and marked by a single obelisk, Heliopolis
was the greatest religious centre of ancient Egypt, and home to not only
what we would call religion, bur also every other kind of knowledge, from
philosophy and medicine to cosmology. The High Priest of Heliopolis also
held the title that translates as 'Chief Astronomer'. Imhotep, the genius
who designed and built the first pyramid, the Step Pyramid of Djoser at
Saqqara, was a priest of Heliopolis.

We don't know when Heliopolis was established, but we do know that when
records began in Egypt it was already the supreme religious centre. The
religion of Heliopolis was the religion of the pyramid builders. In fact,
the three Giza pyramids align with Heliopolis, which is 12 miles (20km)
away. This is one alignment that is even accepted by Egyptologists.

The religion of Heliopolis is encapsulated in the famous Pyramid Texts,
which are hieroglyphic inscriptions covering the walls of some fourth
dynasty pyramids. Although the earliest inscripions date from some 200 years
after the building of the Great Pyramid, there is no doubt that the texts
are much older. From studying them, we can discover not only what the
Heliopolitan priesthood believed in a religious sense, but also the extent
of their knowledge in other areas.

The central theme of the Pyramid Texts is the afterlife - or rather the
presumed afterlife - journey of the King, in which he is identified with the
god Osiris and ascends to the heavens where he is transformed into a star.
In this otherwordly realm he has many adventures in which he encounters
various gods and other entities, and has to persuade them to accept him into
their ranks. When this happens he is reincarnated as his own successor, in
the form of Osiris's son Horus.

The most fundamental revelation of the Pyramid Texts is that the
Heliopolitan religion was essentially monotheistic. (Will admirers of
Akhenaten please take note!) Although there were many god-forms, they were
all understood to represent the many aspects of the One God, Atum. In fact,
all living things were considered as part of Atum, including mankind.

In the Heliopolitan creation story, in the beginning the Universe was a
formless, watery void, called Nun. Out of this emerged a phallic-shaped
hill, the primeval mound, the centre of all creation. On this hill, Atum
masturbated himself to an explosive orgasm that both gave birth to the
Universe and seeded it with life. From this act, the Universe expanded
outward, becoming ever more complex and unfolding through many levels of
creation until the material world that we inhabit came into being.

Atum was hermaphroditic, encompassing both male and female principles. But
immediately after his creative act, two beings, the god Shu and the goddess
Tefnut, emerge. Another name for Tefnut is Ma'at, goddess of eternal justice
and balance. Shu is the male principle, the active force, and Tefnut the
female principle that limits, controls and directs the male. The principle
of duality - similar to the Taoist yin-yang - is fundamental to the
Heliopolitan system.

>From the union of Shu and Tefnut are born Geb, the Earth god and Nut, the
sky goddess. They, in turn, give birth to the famous double pair of
brother-sister twins, Isis and Osiris, and Nephyts and Set. They express the
principle of duality in two ways - male-female and light-dark.

These are the nine gods of the Great Ennead, but they remain only
expressions of Atum, reaching through the levels of creation from the void
Nun to the world of matter in which we live. To the Helipolitans, Osiris was
also Geb, and Shu, and Atum.

Through the offspring of Isis and Osiris, the magical child Horus, the
system is repeated. Horus becomes head of the Lesser Ennead, the nine gods
of this world. Horus is to this plane of existence what Atum is to the
Universe. Horus is, in effect, the god of this world.

The Heliopolitan system is multi-layered and expresses several ideas at once
in an extremely elegant way. For example, in an association of imagery, the
emergence of Atum's hill from Nun was equated with the rising of the sun,
and the daily 'birth' of the sun was considered a microcosm of the original
creation event. This is why Atum is associated with the sun-god Ra,
sometimes referred to as Ra-Atum.

This explains much of the fluidity, and apparent confusion, in the way the
ancient Egyptians seem to have mixed and matched their gods. For example,
the association of Atum and Horus explains why the Sphinx of Giza was called
variously, and simultaneously, the 'Living Image of Atum', Horakhti ('Horus
of the Horizon') and Ra-Horakhti. It was built to face towards the rising
sun, Ra, which equated with the creation of the Universe by Atum, who was
also identified with Horus, head of the Lesser Ennead and god of this world.

But there is more to this complex and elegant system than simply a series of
metaphysical correspondences.

In the Heliopolitan creation myth the Universe bursts forth from a point of
singularity and expands, as it does so becoming ever more complex as new
levels of creation come into existence until the material world that we
inhabit appears. This is strikingly similar to modern theories of the
origins and evolution of the Universe - the 'Big Bang' and 'Expanding
Universe' theories. But the Heliopolitan myths go a lot further than this.

Although Nun, the original void, is formless, it is also described as water.
It is within this that Atum's Hill appears - which is equated with the sun.
Interestingly, scientists have only recently discovered that water is found
in interstellar space in far greater quantities than previously considered
possible. It is now believed that such clouds of water play a vital role in
the creation of stars - in other words, suns. Modern scientists are, in
effect, saying that suns emerge from water - formless clouds of water. Is it
possible that the priests and priestesses of Heliopolis knew this as well?

There is another, equally provocative, parallel. Recently, a NASA team
researching the origins of life in the Universe made an astonishing
announcement. For decades, scientists have been trying to create, in the
laboratory, some of the complex molecules that are necessary for life - and
have always failed. However, this NASA team recreated the conditions found
inside clouds of gas in interstellar space - and found that these extremely
complex molecules could not only be created very easily but virtually formed
themselves. It is, therefore, easier for the molecules necessary for
primitive life to evolve in space than on a planet. They are probably then
'seeded' onto planets by comets, where they can then begin to evolve into
more complex life-forms.

This even led the leader of the NASA team to state: 'I begin to really
believe that life is a cosmic imperative.'

In other words, life - or the potential for life - exists throughout the
Universe. Belgian writer and researcher Philip Coppens has pointed out that
all of this is implicit in the Heliopolitan creation myth, in which Atum
seeds the Universe with life.

It is extremely significant that the most sacred object of Heliopolis was
the ben-ben stone, which most Egyptologists believe to have been of meteoric
origin. The name 'ben-ben' derives from the ancient Egyptian word meaning
'seed' or 'semen', brilliantly encapsulating the concept of the seeding of
life on Earth by objects from space.

Faced with these realisations - as well as the well-known mysteries of the
ancient Egyptians' advanced technical skills - we naturally came to consider
the question of where they had acquired such knowledge. Where, or from whom,
had they learned such things?

But we also asked another question. These mysteries concern things that
happened in the ancient past, and the obvious problem is that we cannot
study the past directly. We cannot go back in time and see what happened for
ourselves. Therefore we are left with the interpretation of archaeological
and textual evidence, which inevitably leads to some degree of speculation.
The question we asked was: is there any parallel for the acquisition of
inexplicably advanced knowledge that we can study directly - in other words,
that is happening in the world today,

We believe that there is.

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