On Tue, 18 Jul 2000 22:36:06 -0500 (CDT) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Giuliani Says, Let The Poison Spraying Begin!
Biowarfare 2000-NYC-West Nile Virus
By Robert Lederman

Not content to have given himself and NYPD Commissioner
Safir prostate cancer from repeated doses of Malathion, Rudy
Giuliani, aka the Manhattan Mengele, has announced round two
in his biowarfare/eugenics experiment involving 8 million men,
women and children considered expendable now that he is not
running for office. Pesticide spraying will begin on 7/19.

Once again we are going to be covered with toxic insecticides
known to cause short term health effects, long term chronic
disease and massive environmental destruction in order to fight a
virus that:
1. the NYC Department of Health and the CDC admits is usually
not dangerous and is very rarely fatal
2. may not exist in NYC outside of government laboratories
3. is likely to be a genetically-altered strain created by the U.S.
Army bio-warfare lab at Ft. Dietrick Md. in 1996
4. was being experimented with at the Plum Island Animal
disease/bio-warfare lab off Long Island, Rockefeller University
in Manhattan and Sloan-Kettering Hospital for years before the
1999 so-called epidemic.
5. cannot be confirmed to have killed a single person in NYC
during 1999

Because anti-spray activists-whom the Mayor called
environmental terrorists-were successful last year in exposing the
Giuliani administrations indefensible use of the bio-warfare
agent Malathion, we will be exposed this year to a cocktail of
three other toxic insecticides. Once again the Mayor, his puppet
health commissioner, Psychiatrist Dr. Neal Cohen, and their
CDC, EPA overbosses are lying to the media and the public
about the negative health effects associated with exposure to
these chemicals.

At least this time the media is prefacing their hyped-up National
Enquirer type reports on the DEADLY VIRUS!!!! with the
admission that West Nile Virus is actually a mild and very rarely
fatal disease which the vast majority of those infected will
recover from with no symptoms whatsoever. Then why are they
spraying??? Unfortunately, the public will again be left to do its
own research to find any detailed facts. Here is a preview of what
anyone who invests even an hour on the Internet will discover.

If you want to protect yourself from mosquitoes generally there is
an effective, totally safe and health-enhancing way to do so. Eat
at least one clove of raw garlic each day and smear a bit of raw
garlic on your skin or clothing before going outside. Cooked,
pickled or otherwise processed garlic will not give you any
protection. The garlic will also significantly enhance your
immune system, improve your sex life and keep vampires like the
Mayor at a distance.

Avoid ANY exposure to the spray. Especially avoid letting
children, pets, the elderly or anyone with asthma or other
immune diseases be exposed. Wash or throw away your
airconditioner filter after spraying otherwise you will be
re-exposing yourself.

Harmful if absorbed through the skin. Do not induce vomiting
because of aspiration pneumonia hazard. Avoid contact with
skin, eyes or clothing. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas
where surface water is present. It is a violation of Federal law to
use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

Daily News 718/2000
"It will be done in a very, very careful way, but it's absolutely
necessary that we do this," Mayor Giuliani said yesterday at a
news conference on Staten Island. "Don't panic. This does not
mean that there's an outbreak, but it does mean that there's some
serious action that we have to take in order to avoid it spreading
any further," the mayor said...Health Commissioner Neal Cohen
said the city will spray Anvil, a pyrethroid-based pesticide with
the active ingredient Sumithrin. For the time being, Anvil will be
sprayed from trucks, not helicopters....The mosquitoes that
showed evidence of the virus in Westchester included a
previously unknown carrier, Aedes japonicus, an Asian mosquito
believed to have found its way to the United States in tire
shipments. Unlike the mosquito most associated with West Nile
— the night-feeding Culex pipiens — the Asian mosquito bites
around the clock. Its role in transmitting the virus is unknown at
this time, officials said.

Rockland Journal News 7/17/2000
Lauri Evans, director of the Westchester chapter of Seeking
Alternatives For the Environment, or SAFE, and a member of
Westchester For Alternatives to Pesticides, thinks Anvil is far
more trouble than its worth. "The spraying is ineffective and
counterproductive because those most at risk for West Nile -- the
elderly -- are also most at risk for adverse reaction to the
chemical," the Katonah woman said. She also pointed out that
the spray reaches predators that normally help keep the mosquito
population at bay. Residents last year reported rashes, breathing
difficulty and tingling in their hands after aerial spraying of the
pesticide. But federal officials who regulate pesticides say the
exposure involved in any kind of spraying is so minimal, it is
considered insignificant.

>From a medical website: (Anvil) Sumithrin disrupts the
endocrine system by mimicking the effects of estrogen, the
female sex hormone.  In men, endocrine disrupters can lower the
sperm count;in women they can cause the growth of abnormal
breast cells.  Piperonyl butoxide, added to sumithrin to enhance
its lethal properties, has been classified by the Environmental
Protection Agency as a possible human carcinogen.  Sumithrin is
especially ethal for aquatic life and bees.

>From the Promed website
Visit ProMED-mail's web site at <http://www.promedmail.org>.

In the 1950's, experiments with WNV were carried out on human
volunteers at the Sloan- Kettering Institute of the Memorial
Center for Cancer and Allied Diseases, New York. A total of 95
patients with neoplastic disease were inoculated intramuscularly
with the WNV topotype strain Eg-101 in an effort to achieve
therapeutic pyrexia and oncolysis in them. Viremia persisted in
a majority of them 6-12 days post-inoculation, in eight patients
even more than 12 days p.i.(maximum, 28 days p.i. in one
patient), and titers were 2-5 logs mouse i.c. LD50 (per 0.1 ml?)
blood. No special precautions against mosquitoes were
mentioned in the papers.

Moreover, it is possible that WNV circulated in the New York
area without marked signs of its presence at least since the
mid-summer 1999 or even (a year?) before. Theoretically, WNV
was for the first time detected in the U.S.A. in 1999 simply
because of the extent of the outbreak.

NYC Dept of Health Press Release
Office of Public Affairs June 15, 2000  (212) 788-5290
If spraying is required, the City will use Scourge, a
pyrethroid-based pesticide effective for controlling mosquitoes,
that is registered for use in mosquito control by the
Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation. The active
ingredient in Scourge is Resmethrin, a synthetic pesticide similar
to a natural pesticide produced by chrysanthemum
flowers....during spraying, children or adults who have asthma or
a respiratory condition should stay inside. In addition, windows
and doors should be closed, and air conditioners should be shut

From:   Dr. Robert Simon (ETI [EMAIL PROTECTED]), noted
toxicologist and expert on the effects of pesticides:

For those who are concerned about the use of pyrethrins
(pyrethroids) you can read my brief review on our webpage at
www.toxint.com.  I did not go into the cancer aspects in this first
article, but I did compare pyrethrins I/II to the synthetic
pryethroids and have listed LD50s (Iethal dose that kills 1/2 of
population tested).  The LD50 of resmethrin is surprising low
(high tox) compared to sumithrin.  This review can provide the
basis for asking that pyrethrin selection should be based upon
comparative toxicity of the agents available, not just because an
agent is "EPA registered".  Another key point is to select a
pyrethroid with the lowest or no piperonyl butoxide (PBO).
Scourge contains 18% resmethrin and 54% PBO, a very potent
and toxic mixture.  Anvil 10 + 10 contains 10% sumithrin and
10% PBO. While Anvil 10+ 10 is still toxic, it is far less toxic
than Scourge. Scourge should not be used at all due to its very
high aquatic tox and its significant human tox.  None of the
pyrethrins should be aerial or truck sprayed since allergic
reactions can lead to serious impact on asthmatics and generate
immune dysfunction.  Also Scourge yields long lasting residues
as filter tests have shown in NYC.  Sumithrin is more readily
broken down by sunlight.  Another alternative to mention is
Spinosad (Dow Agro Sciences) which now has a preliminary
EPA label.  It is a biological agent that has tox, but is less toxic
than chemical agents.  At the most any of the agents should be
applied sparingly near mosquito nests and not applied to large
populations.  None of these agents should be used near children.
R.K. Simon

From: Newsday 4/14/2000 City Nixes Malathion Spraying
Dr. Neal Cohen testified yesterday that if aerial or truck spraying
is needed at all this year, the products will be Scourge, known
chemically as resmethrin and used last year; Anvil, which is
sumethrin, and Agreo Permanone, or permethrin.

Permethrin, like all synthetic pyrethroids, is a neurotoxin.
Symptoms include tremors, incoordination, elevated body
temperature, increased aggressive behavior, and disruption of
learning. Laboratory tests suggest that permethrin is more acutely
toxic to children than to adults.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has classified
permethrin as a carcinogen because it causes lung tumors in
female mice and liver tumors in mice of both sexes. Permethrin
inhibits the activity of the immune system in laboratory tests, and
also binds to the receptors for a male sex hormone. It causes
chromosome aberrations in human and hamster cells.

Effects on Reproduction
    Permethrin affects both male and female reproductive systems.
It binds to receptors for androgen, a male sex hormone, in skin
cells from human males, causing researchers to “advise
protection from any form of contact or ingestion of the
pyrethroids.” 22   Permethrin also binds to a different receptor,
called the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor, that stimulates
production of the male sex hormone testosterone.23 In addition,
permethrin caused reduced testes weights in a long-term feeding
study of mice.24  In females, permethrin exposure has caused
embryo loss in pregnant rabbits24 and in pregnant rats.25


Synergy occurs between two or more chemicals when their
combined exposure causes more adverse effects than the sum of
their individual effects. A possible cause of the health problems
reported by 30,000 veterans who served in the Persian Gulf War
is exposure to a combination of chemicals, including permethrin.
The combination of permethrin, the anti-nerve gas drug
pyridostigmine bromide, and the insect repellent DEET has been
tested in laboratory animals. Neurotoxic symptoms, including
decreased activity, diarrhea, shortness of breath, tremors,
inability to walk, and damage to nerves, were observed in hens
exposed to all three chemicals, but not in hens exposed to
permethrin alone. Permethrin with just pyridostigmine bromide
or just DEET also caused tremors and inability to walk, but
symptoms were not as severe.35 Other pesticides interact
synergistically with permethrin with in other species. Permethrin
and the herbicide atrazine synergistically induce growth of the
soil fungus Pythium ultimum, 36 and permethrin and the
insecticide amitraz are synergistically toxic to the bollworm.37

•Based on tests with laboratory animals, it appears children may
be more sensitive to permethrin than adults. Permethrin is almost
5 times more acutely toxic to 8-day-old rats than it is to adult
rats.38(See Figure 4.)
•Since sulfates are involved in one of the major pathways by
which permethrin is broken down in humans, individuals with
defects in sulfate-related enzymes may be unable to easily break
down permethrin, leading to increased susceptibility to motor
neuron disease.39,40 •Individuals with genetic variants of the
enzyme pseudocholinesterase that have reduced activity are at
higher risk of adverse effects from exposure to certain chemicals,
including the permethrin combination implicated in symptoms
seen in Gulf War veterans.35

Resmethrin FROM:
The pesticide containing resmethrin being used in NY City is
called Scourge (TM). It is 18% resmethrin, 54% piperonyl
butoxide and 28% inert ingredients. Piperonyl butoxide makes
the pesticide more effective by preventing insects from
detoxifying resmethrin....Piperonyl butoxide has been classified
by the Environmental Protection Agency as a possible human
carcinogen. Manufacturers are not required to disclose the inert
ingredients, although they may be toxic also.


The phone number for Staten Island Borough President Guy
Molinari  is 718.816.2200. Give him a call and suggest that he
and the Mayor publicly directly spray themselves, their families
and their residences on TV the day before they spray Staten
Island. Hey, its harmless, right?

[See: http://www.gvny.com/ for an extensive archive of Lederman

Robert Lederman, President of A.R.T.I.S.T.
(Artists’ Response To Illegal State Tactics)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (718) 743-3722
For archived Lederamn articles see:
http://www.levymultimedia.com [For numerous essays, reprinted
articles and notes on pesticides scroll down to and click on
Lederman archive link or go to

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