-Caveat Lector-


Forwarded from the Internet Conspiracy Community:
From: Craig White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Multiple recipients of <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Gold Standard to make a comeback eventually and used by US of Europe?
Date: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 10:19 PM

Just as the British Empire was accused of being the product of a conspiracy by all 
sorts, so is the American Empire. Slowly, the
American (read Manasseh's) Empire (sometimes called the NWO by those who do not 
understand that the Old World Order is the system
which the Bible predicts will be our adversary) is unravelling. In this light I 
thought I would post this item which I saw on a
forum for your information.

Those who have read Dr Sutton's books will recall that he warned of an eventual 
falling out between a gold-backed European currency
and the US dollar. In a personal letter to me some years ago he predicted that the USA 
will eventually be isolated on the world


Historically Gold was seen as the "ultimate currency"
This means that in times past people did not view Gold in US$ terms but more US$ in 
Gold Terms- Just let that sink in for a minute.

Now, ever since Nixon removed the backing of Gold from the US$ there has been a huge 
expansion of US$ money supply(the US$ can now
merely be printed- rather than requiring an increased amount of gold to back the 
currency)This increase in money supply is the
purists definition of Inflation(as opposed to the laymans definition which is rising 

The reason the POG rises in times of inflation(times of increased numbers of US$ 
floating around the world) is that for each ounce
of gold that exists in the world, there is an expanding amount of US$- the result an 
ounce of Gold is seen to be "worth" more
US$(some would say that a US$ becomes worth less gold)

The Big Debate-
Many say that the relationship between Gold and the US$ no longer exists.They point to 
the huge explosion in the US$ supply and the
declining Gold price.

Others say that the diminished role of Gold as a measure of money is 
temporary(temporary in the sense that the last 20 years is a
small time historically) and will only last for as long as we(the world) have 
confidence in the US$ and are prepared to accept it as
a non depreciating store of wealth(but every time an extra US$ is printed the currency 
IS being depreciated)

So for as long as we all have confidence in the US$, the US$ will remain king and 
Golds role will remain diminished.

Things to consider-
1. Statements by the G7 recently indicate that they are fed up (no pun intended) with 
the irresposible monetary actions of Big Al eg
cutting interest rates to save the world last October when their economy was already 
overheated(The fed were not trying to save the
world they were merely trying to protect US interests-read investments in emerging 
2. Japanese are fed up (ok pun intended this time) with Big Al too. Even though the 
appreciating YEN is hurting japanese exporters
and threatening their fragile recovery, the Japanese see the problem as a US$ weakness 
and not a YEN strengthening.They point to the
Bubble stock market and the US economy overheating as evidence. (remember the huge 
expansion in US$ has to go somewhere, and it
seems it has gone into the stockmarket and US Bonds- the latter keeps interest rates 
artificially low)

In short the major economies of the world are signalling that they have lost 
confidence in the US to be responsible.They are now
seeing the worlds emerging problems as a US problem and resent the US lecturing to 
them about how they must do this or that so that
the world doesnt go into recession.
I believe that the US has got the message and explains why they are finally prepared 
to "cut gold loose" and also explains why
Greenspan has no choice but to raiseinterst rates soon.

Sorry for the long winded explanation but without the full picture(and there are no 
doubt many gaps) you cnot fully understand the
Gold/inflation relationship.
Hope this helps

Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
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