1999-12-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-



 by Sherman H. Skolnick

 Adolph Hitler was joined at the hip with American big business
 jointly with the British royal family. They financed him as a
 bulwark, they thought, against the Soviets. The Moscow government
 was perceived by them as a great threat to the West.

 The British royals were and are heavily German and were originally
 Von Battenberg. Following World War One, they changed their name to
 the House of Windsor, which sounds harmless. King Edward 8th
 abdicated the throne in the 1930s with the cover story that he
 wanted to marry a commoner. In fact, it was because he was very
 pro-Hitler and this would cause trouble with war clouds gathering.
 As the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, they lived mostly in the
 Bahamas, and he was the Governor there. He treasonously permitted
 Nazi U-boats to refuel there and be able to sink U.S. and British
 ships. After all, the British royal family was tied to the Nazis.
 See: John L. Spivak's book, "Secret Armies, The New Techniques of
 Nazi Warfare" [Starling Press, N.Y. N.Y., 1939], pages 17-30.

 World War Two started when the Germans invaded Poland, September,
 1939. Three weeks AFTER that, Rockefeller's Standard Oil of New
 Jersey and the German chemical octopus, I.G. Farben, made an unholy
 deal to share patents, royalties, and deals all during the war via
 neutral South American countries like Columbia. To make it seem
 legal, they arranged to fraudulently back-date the deal to THREE
 WEEKS BEFORE THE WAR STARTED. Who brokered and arranged this? Why,
 Joseph P. Kennedy, the pro-Hitler U.S. Ambassador to London until
 October, 1940, and "Founding Father" of the Kennedy clan. See: "The
 Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben" by Joseph Borkin. I.G. Farben
 had a secret arrangement with the top U.S. Military brass, not to
 bomb any of Farben's facilities during the war. At the close of the
 conflict, Farben's facilities were 93 per cent untouched and

 A U.S. Military officer wrote a heavily documented account of
 Farben being not bombed. See: the book "I.G. Farben" by Richard
 Sasuly, Boni  Gaer Publ., N.Y. N.Y, 1947.

 With Joseph P. Kennedy having a strong financial link to Hollywood,
 he ORDERED some 50 of the leading screenwriters NOT to write
 anything about the Nazi concentration camps. See: Ben Hecht's book,
 "Child of the Century", Simon  Schuster, N.Y. N.Y., 1954, page

 "The Cliveden set" of the British aristocracy wanted peace and
 collaboration with the Nazis. [Jacqueline Bouvier Auchincloss
 Kennedy's family were close to that group.] Hitler's top aide,
 Rudolph Hess flew to Scotland on a peace mission shortly after the
 war started. He was murdered by British Intelligence on behalf of
 the anti-Cliveden set and a double inserted instead. That double
 for Rudolph Hess was designated a war criminal after World War Two
 and was kept in Spandau Prison until he was way past 90 years of
 age. He was never allowed to write anything down or communicate
 with anyone. Hess's wife once proclaimed it was not her husband
 that was in jail because the jail inmate did not have her husband's
 tell-tale battle scar from World War One. To protect the secret
 about the peace overture, British Intelligence murdered the Hess
 double in jail.

 In 1962, after Joseph P. Kennedy's son, John F. Kennedy, had become
 President, the President and his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, as
 U.S. Attorney General, arranged for hundreds of millions of dollars
 of Nazi alien property, still in the hands of the U.S. Government,
 to be returned to Nazi war criminals by way of a Swiss front,
 Interhandel. See: New York Times, September 21, 22, and 24, 1964.

 Some contend these treasonous dealings by the Kennedys justified
 the "patriotic" political assassinations of President Kennedy, and
 then later, his brother Bobby, each murder falsely blamed on a
 "lone assassin". How far into the next century will one have to
 wait for the truth? The American CIA has used dozens of Nazi war
 criminals as consultants, particularly on how to cover up political
 murders and how to snuff out material eyewitnesses to the same.

 A magazine called "The National Tattler",before they ceased
 publication, had a hard-hitting story, February 22, 1976, showing
 how Nazi war criminals after World War Two, run an international
 secret police group called Interpol, which specializes in hunting
 for people with Jewish surnames, often fingering them for minor
 offenses. In the 1970s, in Chicago, Cook County Undersheriff, Ross
 V. Randolph, was Interpol's key man in the Windy City. For many
 years, holding a top Post-War position also with
 Nazi-war-criminal-run Interpol, was FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.

 As we stated in Part One of "Great Secrets of the 20th Century",
 "1912- the Britibsh ship TITANIC sunk moreso from an internal
 explosion in the coal bunker than from hitting an 

[CTRL] Great Secrets Of The 20th

1999-09-07 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Great Secrets Of The 20th
Century - Part One
By Sherman H. Skolnick
7-8- 99

The British ship TITANIC sunk more so from an internal explosion in the coal
bunker than from hitting an iceberg. Those who produced the most recent
version of the movie "Titanic", viewed, in a special submarine, the remains
of the ship on the bottom of the Atlantic, off of Newfoundland. They
reportedly noticed the side of the ship showed there had been a massive
internal explosion in the vicinity of the coal bunker. Was it sabotage?

Knowledgeable sources contend the ship, on its maiden voyage, had been the
target of blackmail and espionage intrigue implicating England and Germany
who two years later went to war against each other. With the ship not having
sufficient life-boats to save costs, were the passengers cold heartedly
sacrificed as part of a bloody scheme to profit war-mongering large
corporate interests while from1914 to 1918, millions of ordinary people
killed each other?

The movie producers, in a re-make of a prior movie on the Titanic sinking,
spent some 200 million dollars in the production. They were not about to
risk that by raising the question of the internal explosion requiring a
revision of history books.  [Sidenote: my late father was on the ship behind
the Titanic.] In 1915, the ship  "Lusitania" was likewise the subject of a
bloody scheme. Supposedly just a passenger ship, yet the British withdrew
protection from the ship in wartime as it approached off of England. Knowing
the truth that the Lusitania was a secret munitions carrier, a German U-boat
sank the ship with great loss of life including U.S. citizens. The British
sacrificed the passengers as part of a scheme to draw the U.S. into World
War One to aid Great Britain. Remember: the British and French Rothschilds,
and the Rockefellers, created the conspiratorial Federal Reserve just prior
to the war, to use American assets to finance both sides of Europe's war.

1918 - History books declare that Russian Czar Nicholas 2nd and his family,
following the Russian Revolution, were assassinated by the Bolsheviks, July,
1918,in a basement of a house in Ekaterinburg, Siberia. By the Treaty of
Brest-Litovsk, arranged by Lenin, in March, 1918, the Russians ended their
war with Germany enabling the Germans to devote their efforts to the Western
front against U.S., France, and Great Britain. [Lenin's elder brother was
among those who assassinated Nicholas's grandfather, 1881, Emperor Alexander
2nd.] The Treaty had a secret codicil, arranged by the Rockefellers and the
Rothschilds who financed Lenin, providing for the safe passage of the Czar
and his family in exile, the Czar having abdicated the throne on behalf of
himself and his young son, heir to the throne, Alexei, in the spring of 1917

The Rockefeller banks, Chicago and New York, had the PRIVATE fortune on
deposit of the Romanov family, separate from Nicholas's government position
as Czar of all the Russias. This consisted of 400 million dollars in gold,
at the then price of 20 dollars per ounce. Declaring the Czar and his family
falsely dead enabled the Rockefeller bankers to spread out their empire
using the fraudulent bankers' use of fractional reserves. Through secret
accounts, the Rockefellers for decades thereafter rolled over these funds,
their benefit, in violation of state escheat laws providing that bank
accounts revert to the State government if not claimed after, in most
states, seven years. Of course, corrupt bank regulators in Illinois and New
York have condoned this by the Rockefellers' First National Bank of Chicago
and their Chase Bank of New York.

By 1970, documents were being released by the British, after more than 50
years of suppression, showing the British monarchy, cousins of the Czar,
secretly with U.S.aid rescued the Czar and his family. So to perpetuate the
big lie of royal murder, the Rockefellers financed an elaborate movie
"Nicholas and Alexandra" which in its final scenes shows the alleged
assassination by the Bolsheviks of the Czar and his family in Siberia. In
only one edition, the pro-British monarchy Chicago Tribune had a story
headlined "U.S. Aided Rescue of Czar Nichola, British hint" [Chicago
Tribune, 12/14/70.) Excerpts: "British government documents which recently
were placed in the public record office in London indicate that President
Woodrow Wilson backed a secret mission to Russia which may have resulted in
the rescue of Czar Nicholas and his family in 1918." and "A retired U.S.
official, who has aided the investigations and asked to remain anonymous,
said continued secrecy on the part of the British and American governments
'frustrates or makes liars out of all those who are ridiculed for stating
the assassination never took place.' He said some
who participated in the rescue are still alive and 'should be interviewed'"
not mentioning the Rockefellers and their banks, the story stated quoting
official " 'It is a 

Re: [CTRL] Great Secrets Of The 20th Century

1999-08-09 Thread John Szocik

 -Caveat Lector-

Serial numbers taken from various parts of the ship confirm it was the
Also, The explosion from the inside boiler room happened after the ship began
to sink, and the extremely cold water came in contact with the extreme heat
of the boilers caused the explosion.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Great Secrets Of The 20th Century

1999-08-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

  1912 - The British ship TITANIC sunk moreso from an internal explosion in
the coal bunker than from hitting an iceberg. Those who produced the most
recent version of the movie "Titanic", viewed, in a special submarine, the
remains of the ship on the bottom of the Atlantic, off of Newfoundland.

Conspiracy Theory has it that it was not the real Titanic that went down.
The White Star Line in Belfast - embarrassingly behind schedule with the
Titanic apparently did a quick repaint job on her sister ship the Olympus
berthed in the same harbour. !!!
There is a couple of books on this and the subsequent cover up - eg. and
people still want to know what the ship was that shadowed the 'Titanic' etc
There is even a UFO researcher [Ron Halliday] that claims that the hull was
sliced open by an alien laser etc etc

Andrew Hennessey

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Great Secrets Of The 20th Century

1999-08-06 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


 Sherman H. Skolnick

 Great Secrets Of The 20th
Century - Part One
By Sherman H. Skolnick

  1912 - The British ship TITANIC sunk moreso from an internal explosion in
the coal bunker than from hitting an iceberg. Those who produced the most
recent version of the movie "Titanic", viewed, in a special submarine, the
remains of the ship on the bottom of the Atlantic, off of Newfoundland. They
reportedly noticed the side of the ship showed there had been a massive
internal explosion in the vicinity of the coal bunker.Was it sabotage?
Knowledgeable sources contend the ship, on its maiden voyage, had been the
target of blackmail and espionage intrigue implicating England and Germany
who two years later went to war against each other. With the ship not having
sufficient life-boats to save costs, were the passengers coldheartedly
sacrificed as part of a bloody scheme to profit war-mongering large
corporate interests while from 1914 to 1918, millions of ordinary people
killed each other?
The movie producers, in a re-make of a prior movie on the Titanic sinking,
spent some 200 million dollars in the production. They were not about to
risk that by raising the question of the internal explosion requiring a
revision of history books. [Sidenote: my late father was on the ship behind
the Titanic.] In 1915, the ship "Lusitania" was likewise the subject of a
bloody scheme. Supposedly just a passenger ship, yet the British withdrew
protection from the ship in wartime as it approached off of England. Knowing
the truth that the Lusitania was a secret munitions carrier, a German U-boat
sank the ship with great loss of life including U.S. citizens. The British
sacrificed the passengers as part of a scheme to draw the U.S. into World
War One to aid Great Britain. Remember: the British and French Rothschilds,
and the Rockefellers, created the conspiratorial Federal Reserve just prior
to the war, to use American assets to finance both sides of Europe's war.

1918 - History books declare that Russian Czar Nicholas 2nd and his family,
following the Russian Revolution, were assassinated by the Bolsheviks, July,
1918,in a basement of a house in Ekaterinburg, Siberia. By the Treaty of
Brest-Litovsk, arranged by Lenin, in March, 1918, the Russians ended their
war with Germany enabling the Germans to devote their efforts to the Western
fron against U.S., France, and Great Britain. [Lenin's elder brother was
among those who assassinated Nicholas's grandfather, 1881, Emperor Alexander
2nd.] The Treaty had a secret codicil, arranged by the Rockefellers and the
Rothschilds who financed Lenin, providing for the safe passage of the Czar
and his family in exile, the Czar having abdicated the throne on behalf of
himself and his young son, heir to the throne, Alexei, in the spring of 1917

- The Rockefeller banks, Chicago and New York, had the PRIVATE fortune on
deposit of the Romanov family, separate from Nicholas's government position
as Czar of all the Russias. This consisted of 400 million dollars in gold,
at the then price of 20 dollars per ounce. Declaring the Czar and his family
falsely dead enabled the Rockefeller bankers to spread out their empire
using the fraudulent bankers' use of fractional reserves. Through secret
accounts, the Rockefellers for decades thereafter rolled over these funds,
to their benefit, in violation of state escheat laws providing that bank
accounts revert to the State government if not claimed after, in most
states, seven years. Of course, corrupt bank regulators in Illinois and New
York have condoned this by the Rockefellers' First National Bank of Chicago
and their Chase Bank of New York.

By 1970, documents were being released by the British, after more than 50
years of suppression, showing the British monarchy, cousins of the Czar,
secretly with U.S.aid rescued the Czar and his family. So to perpetuate the
big lie of royal murder, the Rockefellers financed an elaborate movie
"Nicholas and Alexandra" which in its final scenes shows the alleged
assassination by the Bolsheviks of the Czar and his family in Siberia. In
only one edition, the pro-British monarchy Chicago Tribune had a story
headlined "U.S. Aided Rescue of Czar Nichola, British hint" [Chicago
Tribune, 12/14/70.) Excerpts: "British government documents which recently
were placed in the public record office in London indicate that President
Woodrow Wilson backed a secret mission to Russia which may have resulted in
the rescue of Czar Nicholas and his family in 1918." and "A retired U.S.
official, who has aided the investigations and asked to remain anonymous,
said continued secrecy on the part of the British and American governments
'frustrates or makes liars out of all those who are ridiculed for stating
the assassination never took place.' He