1999-05-10 Thread Gavin Phillips

 -Caveat Lector-

Interesting, and he makes some good points. What I definitely do not agree
with is Hoffmans anti-abortion proselitizing. What is Hoffmans answer then to
woman who want to have an abortion. Would he force them to have the baby and
then give it up for adoption? What about crack babies and woman who are
raped, do they have to gve birth too? It seems Hoffman has become
indoctrinated himself with all the hype about abortion issues. In England and
most other European countries there is no where near the kind of hatred and
divisiveness on the abortion issue as there is in America. I wonder why?
(kind of ironic really;anti-abortionists killing doctors who perform
abortions)One other point which somebody on the list might be able to help me
with is what my wife was telling me the other day. That more woman (and
embryo's) died getting illegal abortions in 50' s and 60's America than the
1.5 approx million abortions that there are today. This could be media
manipulating stats. Gavin.

 A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date--Addendum

 Hoffman's website: http://www.hoffman-info.com

 THE HOFFMAN WIRE, April 22, 1999

 Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

 The Mirror World of Columbine

 Media Bypass Talk-show host Pat Shannan recently had Michael A. Hoffman II
 as a guest on his radio program, discussing Hoffman's new work, "Profiling
 the FBI's Unabom Charade." With regard to the Littleton, Colorado high
 school massacre, Mr. Shannan posed the following question-via e-mail:

 Dear Michael

 I understand that you predicted this Colorado tragedy. I may want to do a
 story with the Satanic tie-in with these Sodomites and several previous
 school shootings. What evidence exists of a CIA and MK-Ultra influence?

 Thanks, Pat


 There is no evidence of a CIA or MK-Ultra influence. Most programming cues
 are now in our mass media culture itself. Watch Wesley Snipes in the
 gruesome and despicable 1998 film, "Blade" and Keanu Reeves in the current
 "Matrix," both blazing away in their trench coats.  The Trench Coat Mafia
 was made in Hollywood, in spite of these films' do-gooder facades, which
 only fool adults who want to be fooled. The dark and bloody symbolism is
 paramount. The medium is the message.

 The best and brightest kids will not take New World Order bureaucratic
 regulation. Our centralized mega-schools have become immense factories not
 only of anti-white indoctrination, but of micro-management of young people's
 lives, preparing them for more of the same in the adult world.

 Public school students have little if any understanding of their hereditary,
 Common Law and Constitutional rights. They are increasingly herded like
 assembly-line automatons. The elite among them intuitively revolt. Once our
 people as a whole would have rebelled. It was a common pastime of the
 English people to hurl rocks at the royal carriage during the reign of
 George I (1714-1727). Bill Clinton would have been routinely stoned and spat
 upon by our ancestors.

 Unfortunately, disaffected youth today turn toward the Hegelian fake
 alternative: System-certified "rebels," the System's manufactured image of
 Hitler, System-distributed videos and films--most of which have implanted
 behavior cues for these elite kids to emulate and create the kind of mayhem,
 murder and suicide the System needs to build its police state.

 American forces are presently terror-bombing the Serbian people for "peace,"
 and Americans have butchered 37 million unborn babies on the altar of
 convenience, in abortions. President Clinton rapes and abuses women like
 cattle, perjures himself and remains the beloved leader of the soft-spoken
 liberal humanists and feminists. America has become a pathological culture
 of violence against the innocent while a jaded populace of movie-goers and
 TV spectators are mesmerized by ever more deadening hyper-violence on the

 The message of Oliver Stone's much maligned movie, "Natural Born Killers"
 (NBK), one of the few Hollywood films to critique and lampoon the culture of
 death, was that, in the face of killings like those in Colorado, the
 suposedly "shocked and saddened" TV networks gleefully market and sell the
 violence at a profit,  just like they sell tampons and toilet paper. I
 discuss this phenomenon at length in my book, "Secret Societies and
 Psychological Warfare."

 Stone's NBK pointed out that the source of the violence is America's culture
 and the media that drives it. NBK concludes with a song by Leonard Cohen
 attacking perverted sex and abortion. I am not an Oliver Stone fan, but in
 this rare instance, he hit the media where it hurts. For this reason his
 film is deliberately stigmatized and falsified as the evil paradigm for
 future killers.

 The racist/Hitler angle: one of the members of the Colorado Trench Coat
 Mafia was a Hispanic girl named Alejandra who the media have now nicknamed


1999-05-10 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Do movies reflect as the glass we see through but so darkl as Clinton
saidwell let the idiot take off his sunglasses.

The first time I heard Ronald Reagaon say "Just like Easy Rider", I
about died.and then Dan Quayle said "Just like Hoosiers", both
movies - I saw Hoosiers, and then saw Dan QuayleEasy Rider I missed.

Even Quayle and Reagon were influenced by moviesnow how about these
two kids, now killers, did they also see through the glass but
darkleyremember Quayle getting so involved in Murphy Brown, which I
also never watched, that he needed a reality check?

I do not read fiction; but I see fiction.  Somehow reading fiction is
much more impressive.  But when you are on drugs, and under a control,
you cannot distinguish between fiction and non-fiction.

All these dark glasses; I remember once, when I was downed with a drug
compliments of the Columbus, Ohio Police and low degree Masons all upset
with my work, and had the FBI following me around (hopefully they were
not involved in the drugs).suddenly these people would be all around
me at Democrat Meetings in the evening, wearing these horrible shiney
sunglasses, which I could not bear to look at.   Fortunately my Doctor
(also masonic - and he let me know someone had been in my records)
recognized the fact that the drug was he thought chloral hydrate...but
does that make words jump off pages at you when you are trying to work
and read?

The friendly police (and a wife of one) also ransacked my house, and lo
and behold - have you ever gotten zapped on a cup of tea?

Something happened to those kids at Littleton; and I know what drugs can
do to you.  The one drug paralized by eyes, I could not move themmy
head wracked with pain, and it felt like my brain was splitting in
halffortunuately agian, my son was to pick me up, at high
noon.and did...my 6 year old had pickedup the coke from which I
drank, and was knocked out for 12 hours.   This happened one half block
from my homefor several days, I had flashbacksmy doctor (Daniel
Bunner) coud do nothing for thisto this day I have difficulty
believing something like this could happen.

Later I was told that the drug was put into ice on a glass, etc., by the
waitress paid to do same...later, this woman was found murdered
having left townand on her person was the card of a lawyer, th one
for whom I later worked, and whose office I sat when it blew up.and
by what a small K Mart propane gas tank, much smaller than they would
hve used in Littllleton.

The key to psychology is do not identify with anything; yet, I know for
fact that under drugs,  you can identify with what you read.in
particular, take another look at Manson and the BibleCharles Jesus
Mansondo many people know that this man shot secret masonic signals
up to the Judge in the case, which agitated him.

Want to know why kids react?  Look at the Chinese students; if that
bunch were on drugs, they would have blown up the US Embassy by

In Littleton, there was a little too much relgion, and too much
hatred.and too much of a certain drug, with a control.

And, how easy it is to poison or drug a water system (look at the
Legionairres Disease' - My Name is Legion) and look at the Contrails now
that people are in some instances afraid.look at two kids, not
imitating Hitler, but getting revenge because they obviously knew about
the genocide which would be forthcoming...would they get the Jew again,
or would it be the Christians...or maybe the Moslems.

During the 60 period young blacks freaked out on drugs, Fred Ahmed Evans
for instnce, murdere 4 policemen in Clevelandhe followed astrology
and believed the white man was a blue eyed, blonde haired devil - they
feared genocide.

Halle Bopp in their work referred to Wacoconnected to Rick
Strawcutter who was trying to save the farms of farmers from the banks
foreclosingthe Militia - why are they up in arms?   They all fear
for the safety of their children, land, and farmers.

Now look at the pigs in the Whitehousel.Warthogs, and that is just
what they areClinton, Gore, Albright,  Generl Clark, and Sheaare
they still smirking today?  Has not the wrath of God fallen upon their
eviland thre is no other word for it than evil..now, I see
through the glass but clearly, and had a glimpse many years ago what
these people can do.

You are what you read.   The first thing you do, when they catch a
killer is to first see what he reads, look whats on the computerin
this, you see the man
these were all children at Littletonthe slaughter of the innocents.

And this is one murder, yet unsolved, that you will eventually track to
the doors of the peacemakers with guns, whips, and hatred against
humanity where now lay the Spear of Destinyabout to take aim.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting 


1999-04-30 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 5:10 AM


This is the missing link--honest!
Have you ever had the experience of trying to solve a multi-faceted
problem, where there is a tantalizing aspect just beyong grasp--until
says something, and then it all fits together?
This goes to the heart to the proof, or "documentation" issue that
has been discussed on and off here.  Several excellent points have been
made--including a ruthlessly objective appraisal of what would constitute
scientific evidence with respect to--documents (ostensibly through the
scientific factual presentations of the available technology and the means
which it can be detected/publically demonstrated , previously accepted
heurestics/methodologies, and sympathetic expert opinions.
The argument here appears to be a high-level although totally
responsible one.  On it's face, it is hard to conceive of the American
being sophistocated enough to accept it--but that is an insult to the
American people.  They love their families.  They are struggling to
understand.  They are not trying to avoid it.  It is  the media-slime, such
as Chicken Noodle News et al, that would entertain their ignorance with such
offerings as the "troubled youth" school of Social Psychology.
Perhaps this is a golden opportunity not only to present this as a
dynamic with which they should concern themselves, but also to put to them
the Social Psychological methodologies by means of which this can be
investigated, measured and "documented".  Edith Efron did this years ago
when, in attempting--and succeeding--to demonstrate liberal bias, counted
number of words and terms of a positive and of a negative nature, written
with respect to the liberal and to the conservative thought.  The evidence
was undeniable.
Why can't we do the same?  This is admittedly not LTL technology.
No.  This is MTL.  (I just made that up.)  Admittedly, the zappers, implants
etc. are hard to prove, as Judith, Karen Sandy and others have poignantly
demonstrated (to me, at any rate.  I'm a father.  I have a daughter who was
mentally destroyed in a similar manner.)  But the core of the reactor of the
Devil is--the subliminal alteration of public thought.  Without this
alteration, it is highly unlikely that their technologies--any of them--can
conquer the American people.

In a message dated 4/25/99 3:08:55 PM, you wrote:

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

The Mirror World of Columbine

Media Bypass Talk-show host Pat Shannan recently had Michael A. Hoffman II
as a guest
HOFFMAN REPLIES: There is no evidence of a CIA or MK-Ultra influence.
Most programming cues
are now in our mass media culture itself. Watch Wesley Snipes in the
gruesome and despicable 1998 film, "Blade" and Keanu Reeves in the current
"Matrix," both blazing away in their trench coats.  The Trench Coat Mafia
was made in Hollywood, in spite of these films' do-gooder facades, which
only fool adults who want to be fooled. The dark and bloody symbolism is
paramount. The medium is the message.

The best and brightest kids will not take New World Order bureaucratic
regulation. Our centralized mega-schools have become immense factories not
only of anti-white indoctrination, but of micro-management of young people's
lives, preparing them for more of the same in the adult world

Forwarded for info and discussion from the New Paradigms
Discussion List, not necessarily endorsed by:
Lloyd Miller, Research Director for A-albionic Research (POB 20273,
Ferndale, MI 48220), a ruling class/conspiracy research resource for the
entire political-ideological spectrum.  Quarterly journal, book sales,
rare/out-of-print searches, New Paradigms Discussion List, Weekly Up-date
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by 

[CTRL] HOFFMAN ON THE COLORADO MASSACRE Hoffman's website: http://www.hoffman-info.com

1999-04-25 Thread Lloyd Miller

 -Caveat Lector-

A-albionic Research Weekly Up-date--Addendum

Hoffman's website: http://www.hoffman-info.com

THE HOFFMAN WIRE, April 22, 1999

Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor

The Mirror World of Columbine

Media Bypass Talk-show host Pat Shannan recently had Michael A. Hoffman II
as a guest on his radio program, discussing Hoffman's new work, "Profiling
the FBI's Unabom Charade." With regard to the Littleton, Colorado high
school massacre, Mr. Shannan posed the following question-via e-mail:

Dear Michael

I understand that you predicted this Colorado tragedy. I may want to do a
story with the Satanic tie-in with these Sodomites and several previous
school shootings. What evidence exists of a CIA and MK-Ultra influence?

Thanks, Pat


There is no evidence of a CIA or MK-Ultra influence. Most programming cues
are now in our mass media culture itself. Watch Wesley Snipes in the
gruesome and despicable 1998 film, "Blade" and Keanu Reeves in the current
"Matrix," both blazing away in their trench coats.  The Trench Coat Mafia
was made in Hollywood, in spite of these films' do-gooder facades, which
only fool adults who want to be fooled. The dark and bloody symbolism is
paramount. The medium is the message.

The best and brightest kids will not take New World Order bureaucratic
regulation. Our centralized mega-schools have become immense factories not
only of anti-white indoctrination, but of micro-management of young people's
lives, preparing them for more of the same in the adult world.

Public school students have little if any understanding of their hereditary,
Common Law and Constitutional rights. They are increasingly herded like
assembly-line automatons. The elite among them intuitively revolt. Once our
people as a whole would have rebelled. It was a common pastime of the
English people to hurl rocks at the royal carriage during the reign of
George I (1714-1727). Bill Clinton would have been routinely stoned and spat
upon by our ancestors.

Unfortunately, disaffected youth today turn toward the Hegelian fake
alternative: System-certified "rebels," the System's manufactured image of
Hitler, System-distributed videos and films--most of which have implanted
behavior cues for these elite kids to emulate and create the kind of mayhem,
murder and suicide the System needs to build its police state.

American forces are presently terror-bombing the Serbian people for "peace,"
and Americans have butchered 37 million unborn babies on the altar of
convenience, in abortions. President Clinton rapes and abuses women like
cattle, perjures himself and remains the beloved leader of the soft-spoken
liberal humanists and feminists. America has become a pathological culture
of violence against the innocent while a jaded populace of movie-goers and
TV spectators are mesmerized by ever more deadening hyper-violence on the

The message of Oliver Stone's much maligned movie, "Natural Born Killers"
(NBK), one of the few Hollywood films to critique and lampoon the culture of
death, was that, in the face of killings like those in Colorado, the
suposedly "shocked and saddened" TV networks gleefully market and sell the
violence at a profit,  just like they sell tampons and toilet paper. I
discuss this phenomenon at length in my book, "Secret Societies and
Psychological Warfare."

Stone's NBK pointed out that the source of the violence is America's culture
and the media that drives it. NBK concludes with a song by Leonard Cohen
attacking perverted sex and abortion. I am not an Oliver Stone fan, but in
this rare instance, he hit the media where it hurts. For this reason his
film is deliberately stigmatized and falsified as the evil paradigm for
future killers.

The racist/Hitler angle: one of the members of the Colorado Trench Coat
Mafia was a Hispanic girl named Alejandra who the media have now nicknamed
Alex in order to conceal her ethnicity.  As one of the Littleton killers'
friends noted, these boys were equal-opportunity haters--they hated everyone
and mostly they hated their fellow white students who comprised the majority
of their victims. The killers even spared a Jewish student, Aaron Cohn.

Hitler's birthday was April 20 but these kids--if indeed they were seeking
to pay perverse tribute to Hitler with their carnage--had no idea who Hitler
was. They are simply taking the Jewish media image of Hitler which is
obsessively broadcast and published on a weekly basis, and embracing it as
their Hitler. In other words, Hitler for them is a symbol of Nietzschean
power and defiance, beyond good and evil, beyond compromise and it is to
that image that they may have attached themselves.

The "racism" angle is largely manufactured by the media, who would like to
pass restrictive gun laws as well as "hate" laws on the backs of these
student cadavers. There are Hitler cults among Mexicans, among Arabs,
Africans and American Blacks and many other