-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.goldentrianglepark.org/?MarshaCode=BUHRO">
Hall of Opium [Golden Triangle]</A>

In 1988, Her Royal Highness Princess Srinagarindra the Princess Mother, late
mother of His Majesty the King of Thailand, initiated the Doi Tung
Development Project in the northernmost point of Thailand. This project aimed
to rehabilitate the forests and the lives of people living in the heart of
the Golden Triangle in Thailand, ending their dependence on opium growing and
use. A few years later, Her Royal Highness initiated a project to help
educate people on the history of opium in the Golden Triangle and throughout
the world, and to build their commitment to join the fight against illegal


It is important to make people aware that narcotics and other illegal drugs
are a problem not just for the countries and people of the Golden Triangle
but for societies and people throughout the world. The social, economic and
physical costs of drug abuse, of the crime and corruption that surround it
and the efforts to control it, have major impact on all levels of society,
from individuals and their families, to their local communities, and their
countries. The result of this initiative is the Hall of Opium in the Golden
Triangle Park, scheduled to open in the year 2001. When fully complete, it
will combine a museum on the history of opium and the impacts of illegal
drugs, with an information center for research and extension education on
opium, opiates, and other narcotics.


Location. The Golden Triangle usually means the vast area of three countries
- Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand - where opium has been grown, processed to
heroin, and smuggled out. But the Golden Triangle also refers to the point
where these three countries meet, where the Sok Ruak tributary flows into the
mighty Mekhong River. Every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come to
this site simply because of its name and association with opium. The Hall of
Opium is currently being built near this site, 10 kilometers north of Chiang
Saen in Chiang Rai Province, Thailand, on a plot of about 40 hectares. The
site will incorporate the exhibition and information center of the Opium
Museum Hall within the landscape of the Golden Triangle Park. The total size
of the exhibition area will be about 5,600 square meters.


    Objectives. To educate people on the history of opium in the Golden
Triangle and throughout the world. To build their commitment to join the
fight against illegal drugs. To build awareness that narcotics and illegal
drugs are "not just a problem of the countries of the Golden Triangle but for
countries and people throughout the world."


    The Tourism Authority of Thailand joined the Mae Fah Luang Foundation in
preparing the Golden Triangle Park and the Hall of Opium. Funding for initial
construction has been provided through a loan from Overseas Economic
Cooperation Fund of the Japanese Government to the Tourism Authority of
Thailand. The Mae Fah Luang Foundation began research for the exhibition in
1994. An initial exhibition storyline prepared by the research team and
approved by the board of the Mae Fah Luang Foundation provided the basis for
the architectural design of the exhibition space and buildings. The Ministry
of Culture of the People's Republic of China has provided technical
assistance for the section on the Opium Wars.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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