-Caveat Lector-

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations

 visit my web site at
http://www.info-quest.org  My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 12:28:14 EDT
From: Human Events <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Chris Field (Human Events Online)"
Subject: Help Spread the Truth about Kerry

The mainstream media pay so much attention to Kerry playing the guitar; they never 
listen to the words he sings.

Dear Fellow Conservative,

It is unfortunate -- but not surprising given their extreme bias -- how poorly the 
mainstream media coverage of John Kerry has reported his ultra liberal career.  If you 
were to watch the news and read most papers, you would think Kerry is just another 
garden variety "moderate" Democrat. This couldn't be farther from the truth.

That's why it is up to all red-blooded conservatives to do whatever they can to make 
sure more of their fellow Americans know the facts about John Kerry.

For months we, at HUMAN EVENTS have run articles exposing Kerry's radical record.  But 
it is not enough.  We need to reach far beyond our faithful readers to ensure that 
more Americans know the truth about John Kerry.

And that is where you come in.

We need your help to create a report we will call "The Truth About Kerry." This report 
will clearly and conveniently document the Massachusetts Senator's startling liberal 
voting record in the Senate, and his leftist positions and outrageous flip-flopping 
public statements on all the leading issues.  For example, did you know:

* Kerry called Moztada al-Sadr, the terrorist leader of the recent uprisings in Iraq, 
a "legitimate" voice.

* In 1971 John Kerry told the Senate that the U.S. murdered 200,000 people a year in 
Vietnam and claimed that the U.S. was the worst violator of the Geneva Convention.

* Kerry consistently voted against weapon system after weapon system.  The very same 
systems that have protected our troops and helped us achieve vital military victories 
in recent years.

* Kerry has missed more than 80% of the Senate votes over the last year.  Even his 
governor has called for his resignation.

* He is ranked the fourth worst tax-and-spender in the Senate, and he has (with his 
buddy Sen. Ted Kennedy) brought his home-state, Massachusetts, more than $120 million 
of pork-barrel spending in the last year alone.

* He considers fighting terrorism a "law enforcement matter" -- not a war. (So did 
Clinton, and look what happened.)

Moreover, "The Truth About Kerry" will thoroughly document his chronic, flip-flopping 
tendencies.  For instance:

* He voted for the war in Iraq, but speaks vociferously against it now -- although he 
wants to send more troops.

* He "supported" the Defense of Marriage Act, but was one of the few who voted against 

* He voted for the Patriot Act but now opposes it.

* He voted to remove the Marriage Penalty Tax, but now wants to reinstate it.

* Then there's this classic from his own mouth: "I actually did vote for the $87 
billion [for our troops in Afghanistan and Iraq] before I voted against it"

You can just imagine what his definition of "is" is.

Of course, "The Truth About Kerry" will also detail his ultra-liberal stances on 
abortion, gay-marriage, gun control, government and more.

Together we can make a real difference and be certain more hard-working Americans know 
about the real John Kerry.  If only 1,512 of our readers contribute $45 each we would 
be able to reach our modest goal of raising $68,000 to cover production and 
distribution costs. Of course, if you are fortunate enough and can send more (perhaps 
much more), your gift, will be greatly appreciated.  Help counter the liberal bias in 
favor of Kerry, send as much as you can afford, now. Click here:

I thank you in advance for contributing to this special appeal at this critical time 
for the conservative movement.


Tom Winter
President and Editor in Chief
Human Events

P.S. Remember, if only 1,512 people give $45 each we can distribute "The Truth About 
Kerry" and make sure people know the truth about John Kerry.  There is one sure way 
you can be certain to spread the conservative message this campaign season, click here:


or call toll free at 1-800-787-7557, today.



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