-Caveat Lector-

Subj:    Help repeal NEW 'Know Your Customer' attempts!
Date:   4/20/99 9:33:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dr Alan Cheney)

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm participating in an Internet campaign to repeal regulations from the
federal government that will force your bank to spy on you, and I'd like
to invite you to join me.

Please forward this message to any friends, family, co-workers,
neighbors, or other people you know who may be interested, then go
to               <A HREF="http://www.defendyourprivacy.com/">DEFEND YOUR
[ http://www.defendyourprivacy.com ]
and sign the petition. It will be submitted directly to your Representative
in the U.S. House. Plus, a copy will be sent to both your U.S. Senators.

In December 1998, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) proposed
a so-called "Know Your Customer" rule. If enacted, Know Your Customer would
have required banks to monitor your checking and savings account, and
report any "unusual transactions" to the federal government.  This
frightening threat to your financial privacy would have forced your bank

  * Discover your source of funds

  * Determine your "normal and expected transactions"

  * Report any "suspicious activity" to federal investigators

However, in the face of overwhelming public opposition, generated in large
part by an Internet campaign like this one, the FDIC withdrew their
proposed Know Your Customer regulation. However, the battle isn't over yet.

It turns out that the Federal Reserve's "Bank Secrecy Act Compliance
Manual" pressures banks to develop policies similar to Know Your Customer,
policies that over 88% of banks have begun to implement. After the heat
dies down, the Federal Reserve Board plans to repackage Know Your Customer
as "policy guidelines" instead of "regulations".

The government claims it is trying to thwart money launderers and drug
dealers. But what this law does is turn every bank teller into a government
informer and everyone with a bank account into a criminal suspect.

In a free society, the government has no business asking where you get your
money or how you spend it -- and politicians have no right to force your
bank to monitor your account. Know Your Customer doesn't need to be
"repackaged" -- it needs to be repealed.

Congressman Ron Paul has introduced the Know Your Customer Sunset Act (HR
516) and the Bank Secrecy Sunset Act (HR 518) that together will repeal
existing Know Your Customer reporting requirements, and prevent any new KYC
rules from being implemented. Together, these two bills will guarantee that
our financial privacy will be respected.

Over 250,000 outraged Americans flooded the FDIC with e-mails, letters, and
faxes during Know Your Customer Round One -- and the FDIC backed down! Now
we need to make sure Congress finishes the job by passing HR 516 & HR 518.

Let's keep up the pressure!

Please forward this e-mail to everyone you know who might be interested in
helping. But please don't send it indiscriminately -- spam will only hurt
our campaign.

Then go to   <A HREF="http://www.defendyourprivacy.com/">DEFEND YOUR PRIVACY!
http://www.DefendYourPrivacy.com and sign the petition. Thank you.


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