[Key:  =>  ......  my emphasis added to passage]


Wednesday July 19, 2000; 2:49 PM EDT

Hillary's History of Memory Loss Undermines Slur Denials

Hillary Clinton has failed to recall key details about her
involvement in a variety of White House scandals over the last
few years, calling into question the credibility of her denial on
Sunday that she once called her husband's campaign manager a "f -
- king Jew bastard."

"It did not happen...  It's absolutely false....  I've never said
anything like that in my entire life," the first lady told
reporters about Paul and Mary Lee Fray's charge that she yelled
the anti-Semitic slur during a 1974 election night meeting.

But despite her vehement denials, Mrs.  Clinton says she has no
memory whatsoever of the explosive encounter -- an event
confirmed even by her husband who was there.

=>  "I don't remember being in the room," Hillary claimed,
=>  in a much overlooked comment during her Sunday
=>  press conference.

=>  The first lady's bizarre memory loss about an episode
=>  that virtually everybody else present claims to remember
=>  vividly mirrors a litany of "I don't recall" responses to
=>  investigators who questioned Hillary's role in other
=>  controversies.

Barbara Olson was chief counsel to the House Committee that
investigated the first lady's role in the firing of the the
Travel Office staff in 1993.  In 1996 Olson prepared 36
interrogatories for Mrs.  Clinton to answer under oath.

Olson's notes, shared exclusively with NewsMax.com earlier this
year, shows that Mrs.  Clinton repeatedly failed to remember key
details of her own role in the Travelgate scandal:

"HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton) testified under oath to the
Committee's March 1996 interrogatories that, 'I do not recall
what, if anything, I may have said to (Vince Foster) on this

"HRC testified that she does 'not recall' numerous conversations
with Harry Thomason, Vince Foster, Mack McLarty and David Watkins
about the Travel Office."

"HRC testified that she did 'not recall' telling the White House
press staff that 'the firing of the Travel Office employees would
be a good story.'"

When Olson questioned the first lady about the files that were
removed from Vince Foster's office after his death, Hillary's
faulty memory emerged again:

"HRC testified under oath in interrogatories signed March 21,
1996 that she does 'not recall' having had communications with
anyone about the removal of documents from Mr.  Foster's office'

In answers to interrogatories by the Senate Whitewater Committee,
the first lady said she had no recollection to whom she spoke
during a mysterious phone call she made to the White House on the
night of Foster's death.

White House deputy chief of staff Bill Burton later stepped
forward to acknowledge that he had taken Hillary's call that
night.  Burton told investigators that it was in that
conversation that Hillary learned for the first time about the
details of Foster's gruesome gunshot death.

Despite Burton's own vivid recollection of the chilling moment,
Mrs. Clinton said she had no memory of the conversation between
herself and Burton.

Neither could Mrs.  Clinton recall what she discussed with her
chief of staff Maggie Williams, her New York confidante Susan
Thomases and Foster's boss Bernie Nussbaum during dozens phone
calls she made to them in the hours after Foster's death.

Likewise, the first lady had no recollection of how her long
supoenaed billing records had migrated from the Rose Law firm to
the White House book room; adjacent to her own office in the
White House residence, after they were discovered in 1996.

The discovery of her fingerprints on the document along with
Vince Foster's handwriting did nothing to jog Mrs.  Clinton's

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