Re: [CTRL] Hillary Saved by McDougal's Death [a must must must read]

2000-05-19 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  " "The astonishing turn of events that spared the first lady from

Has anyone noticed the amazing "good luck" which has rescued
Bill and Hillary time and again at critical moments.
Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say has anyone noticed
the incredible string of bad luck with has befallen many people
who have opposed the Clintons or stood in their way?

Jim McDougal died in solitary confinement just hours before he was
scheduled to testify about "Whitewater".
Hillary was well behind Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in the polls when
4 of New York's finest gunned down an unarmed black man in
front of his home in New York.
Giuliani's lead shrank considerably in the aftermath.
Next, Mayor Giuliani was diagnosed with prostate cancer and his
entire political future was suddenly in question.

But Giuliani wouldn't quit.
The final blow in the string of curses which befell him was
   " the announcement of plans for a legal separation from his wife
of 16 years, Donna Hanover.
Hanover retorted with her own bombshell, publicly accusing him
of having had an affair with a former staffer."

It seems that many people who have opposed Bill and Hillary
have suddenly had an evil turn of fortunes
just as if they had been cursed by some dark spiritual power.

   Those who are familiar with the long list of people connected
   with William Jefferson Clinton who have died under strange and
   mysterious circumstances should perhaps add Mayor Giuliani's
   political death to the list.

   Regards to All
 "The astonishing turn of events that spared the first lady from

 "The biggest problem was the death a month earlier of Jim
   McDougal Without him, prosecutors would have a hard time
   describing the SL dealings they suspected Hillary Clinton had
   lied about."

  So when McDougal's jailers pulled him out of his regular cell
  for a drug test that chilly Texas Saturday night, they
  inadvertently did Mrs. Clinton a huge favor.

   "...guards tossed the key Whitewater witness into solitary
  confinement - after confiscating his heart drugs.
  Fellow inmates told McDougal biographer Curtis Wilkie
  that guards ignored the dying man's cries for help as he lapsed
  into cardiac arrest that night.
  At 10:30 a.m. guards "discovered" his body. Jim McDougal would
  never testify again.
  Two years later Mrs. Clinton, instead of planning her legal
  defense strategy, is strategizing on how to extend the Clinton
  era well into the 21st Century.

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[CTRL] Hillary Saved by McDougal's Death [a must must must read]

2000-05-18 Thread Bard

... far and wide!!
(that means your suppose to forward this Post
to all your Contacts in your Address Book)

ATTENTION New York State Voters:
Wise up, or else we'll all be stuck with
the rapist's spouse in the Senate
where she can continue spending our
fiat tax-dollars traveling the world,
as well as extorting other members
of the Senate to pass that fraudulent
health care bill, in addition to introducing
legislation to pay off the corrupt
government school unions.

If your feeling pain from the deprivation
of your Freedom, you'll want to make
damn sure you read all of this.

My Thanks to ozark1 for sending this
to me.
(go bard, go)

 With Carl Limbacher and Staff

 For the story behind the story...

  Wednesday May 17, 2000; 12:22 AM EDT

  Hillary Saved by McDougal's Death: Whitewater

  During her Tuesday night speech accepting the state 
  party's nomination to be New York's next U.S. Senator, 
  Clinton thanked retiring Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, New
  York junior Senator Chuck Schumer, state party chairman 
  Hope and, of course, her husband, Bill Clinton - who made a
  special trip to Albany for the occasion.

  But there's another group of individuals, who couldn't attend
  and whose names went unmentioned, to whom Mrs. Clinton owes
  perhaps an even greater debt of gratitude.

  Without the actions of the government jailers who operated 
  Federal Prison Medical Facility in Fort Worth, Texas, where 
  Whitewater witness Jim McDougal died on March 8, 1998, Mrs.
  Clinton likely would have been otherwise engaged Tuesday 
  - as a defendant in her own criminal Whitewater trial.

  The astonishing turn of events that spared the first lady 
  indictment two years ago is described in the latest 
  tome to hit the bookstores, "Truth at Any Cost," by The
  Washington Post's Sue Schmidt and Time magazine's Michael

  On April 27, 1998, Independent Counsel Ken Starr's chief 
  Rock deputy Hickman Ewing assembled his team of prosecutors 
  decide whether to indict Hillary.

  "[Ewing] paced the room for more than three hours, recalling
  facts from memory in his distinctive Memphis twang. He spoke
  passionately, laying out a case that the first lady had
  obstructed government investigators and made false statements
  about her legal work for McDougal's SL, particularly the
  thrift's notorious multimillion-dollar Castle Grande real 

  However, as Schmidt and Weisskopf report, Ewing's case 
  the first lady had a giant hole in it.

  "The biggest problem was the death a month earlier of Jim
  McDougal Without him, prosecutors would have a hard time
  describing the SL dealings they suspected Hillary Clinton 
  lied about."

  Immediately after McDougal's death, Starr's office suggested
  that hours of interviews with McDougal had given 
  such a complete record that his demise would make little
  difference in the outcome of the case.

  But apparently that wasn't true, at least according to 
  and Weisskopf.

  So when McDougal's jailers pulled him out of his regular cell
  for a drug test that chilly Texas Saturday night, they
  inadvertently did Mrs. Clinton a huge favor.

  Prison records later revealed McDougal had been excused from
  urine drug tests; the fourteen different medications he was 
  including several to treat his heart condition, left him 
  to urinate on demand.

  But somebody apparently forgot to tell the guards on duty 

  When he couldn't comply, guards tossed the key