[CTRL] Hillary is illegal or unethical say 61 per cent of New York voters

2001-02-28 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


Hillary is illegal or unethical say 61 per cent of New York voters

Source: AP|Published: Wednesday February 28, 9:37 AM

New York - Forty-six per cent of New York state voters believe Senator
Hillary Rodham Clinton did something unethical but not illegal in connection
with pardons handed out by her husband at the end of his presidency, a
statewide poll reported today.

Fifteen per cent believe the former first lady did something illegal,
according to the poll by Marist College's Institute for Public Opinion.
Thirty-nine per cent said she had done nothing wrong.

The telephone poll of 514 registered voters was conducted yesterday and has a
margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

Clinton denied playing any role in then-President Bill Clinton's commutation
of prison sentences for four men convicted of defrauding the federal
government out of millions of dollars to benefit a Hasidic Jewish sect, which
voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton in last year's Senate race.

Forty-six per cent of voters polled said they do not believe that denial,
while 37 per cent said they felt she was telling the truth.

Fifty-eight per cent said they did not believe her claim last week that she
did not know until well after the fact that her brother, lawyer Hugh Rodham,
had received almost $US400,000 ($A767,460) to help win two presidential
pardons. Thirty per cent said they believed her.

"There's clearly damage in terms of people not believing her," said Lee
Miringoff, director of the Marist institute.

Clinton spokesman Jim Kennedy said: "What the poll doesn't ask is whether New
Yorkers prefer their senators to focus on the issues that matter most, like
health care and education. Because that's what Senator Clinton is doing every
day, working hard for all the people of New York."

Twenty-eight per cent of the polled voters were not sure how to rate the job
Clinton is doing as senator; 42 per cent rated her performance as only fair
or poor.

Asked if they felt Clinton would be a good senator, 54 per cent said she
would, a slight drop from 59 per cent in a Marist poll conducted in December.

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[CTRL] Hillary is illegal or unethical say 61 per cent of New York voters

2001-02-28 Thread tnohava

Hillary is illegal or unethical say 61 per cent of New York voters

Source: AP|Published: Wednesday February 28, 9:37 AM

New York - Forty-six per cent of New York state voters believe Senator
Hillary Rodham Clinton did something unethical but not illegal in connection
with pardons handed out by her husband at the end of his presidency, a
statewide poll reported today.

Fifteen per cent believe the former first lady did something illegal,
according to the poll by Marist College's Institute for Public Opinion.
Thirty-nine per cent said she had done nothing wrong.

The telephone poll of 514 registered voters was conducted yesterday and has
a margin of error of plus or minus 4.5 percentage points.

Clinton denied playing any role in then-President Bill Clinton's commutation
of prison sentences for four men convicted of defrauding the federal
government out of millions of dollars to benefit a Hasidic Jewish sect,
which voted overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton in last year's Senate race.

Forty-six per cent of voters polled said they do not believe that denial,
while 37 per cent said they felt she was telling the truth.

Fifty-eight per cent said they did not believe her claim last week that she
did not know until well after the fact that her brother, lawyer Hugh Rodham,
had received almost $US400,000 ($A767,460) to help win two presidential
pardons. Thirty per cent said they believed her.

"There's clearly damage in terms of people not believing her," said Lee
Miringoff, director of the Marist institute.

Clinton spokesman Jim Kennedy said: "What the poll doesn't ask is whether
New Yorkers prefer their senators to focus on the issues that matter most,
like health care and education. Because that's what Senator Clinton is doing
every day, working hard for all the people of New York."

Twenty-eight per cent of the polled voters were not sure how to rate the job
Clinton is doing as senator; 42 per cent rated her performance as only fair
or poor.

Asked if they felt Clinton would be a good senator, 54 per cent said she
would, a slight drop from 59 per cent in a Marist poll conducted in

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