Re: [CTRL] Historian: IBM not used in Auschwitz

2001-02-13 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

You nit picking again June?   Better take a good course in semantics?

IBM paid its employees very well at one time; but then things are touch
all a great dark cloud descends over and on this country.

My home is my castle..all paid for, and nobody comes aboard here
without my permission.

I got a piece of the rock..">
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Re: [CTRL] Historian: IBM not used in Auschwitz

2001-02-13 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> IBM once was a great country;

I'm sure that IBM would like to consider itself as a sovereign country rather than the 
corporate entity that
it is...

But it is only 'great' for the handful of ruling elite at its helm; ask any of the 
rank-and-file employees,
who coined the joke that IBM stands for "I've Been Moved"...

I worked at IBM for a few months for a private contractor; it was one of the few sites 
I worked at where I was
glad I was not an employee of the client...rarely have I seen and experienced such a 
dehumanizing environment,
where one was expected to gladly forego any vestiges of individuality and instead 
sublimate one's personality
to that of the corporation...

Which is why I'm not surprised at the claims that IBM's founder was quite fond of the 
Nazis, since the
corporate atmosphere at IBM to this day is extremely fascist...

> So who is sabotaging IBm...


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Re: [CTRL] Historian: IBM not used in Auschwitz

2001-02-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Cui Bono Bill?   Domestic sabotage and political espionage - who sold
Clinton to the public like a pound of ground round?

Who blackmails and boycotts and from where did they learn these tactics?

IBM once was a great country; and when the day comes more people will be
out of work, steel plants in Ohio once proud out begging, 100,000 jobs
to be lost at Chryslelr - Huffy Bikes down in Mexico..

And while people were being subjected to little Elian the UN Secretary
was meeting with Fidel Castro to figure out how to dump the refuse from
their shores to USAin Africa, any immigrants must have AIDS.and
Cuba, we will get more of their drug runners and criminals to
feedwhile the Star of David flew ouside Elians house?

Cui Bono - Clinton was sold to the Americans like a pound of ground
round in collusion with sale of Blair and Barak.

Now illegal drug money channeled through foundations coming out of
closet with the homos...reparations now for negros like Jews - same
tactics?   What about reparations for the citizens of Amrica who are
being victimized by these criminals.

Remember US Steel, Westinghouse, Western Electric, North Amrican,
Chrysler going busto.Zenith TV, and have you bought any Philllips
Magnavox stuff lately that was any good?

Airplanes with maybe bad bolts, etc.,  with Made in Japan stamped on

Worse yet, made in China?

So who is sabotaging IBm.well who was sabotaging Bill Gates?

Dirty money - see Mark Rich and his floosie wife who looks like
something out of Soho..billions of dollars from what?

Drugs - see foundations and start with mob in Columbus Ohio which is
major laundering areaand see Columbus today, buried and held
hostage...even Lex Wexner came to my town which is just a little

Anybody check out these big planes from Mexico or why drugs buried in
sand at Key West or check out the old Odessa Route which is a known drug
route - or theft of diamonds and sales of diamonds now from Israel who
will now run the diamond cartel - maybe not if it is true, Holy War is

So who is sabotaging our giants?   Rockefellers two were murdered within
6 months, Nelson and John and we then had Kissinger step into their
shoes - the servant?

What was it Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were servants of Godwell
believe me, there was the day God was an Englishman in
what do we have but - well see Sodomists vs. the Boy Scouts and see all
that America was being destroyed.

And in those days when America thrived, there were giants - who is
murdering our giants?">
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Historian: IBM not used in Auschwitz

2001-02-12 Thread William Shannon

Historian: IBM not used in Auschwitz
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Monika Scislowska
Feb. 12, 2001 | WARSAW, Poland (AP) -- Poland's leading Holocaust historian 
said Monday that there was no evidence to support the claim that the Nazis 
used technology made by the U.S. computer giant IBM at Auschwitz, although he 
does believe it was used in other concentration camps. 
Franciszek Piper, the Auschwitz museum's historian, said that contrary to a 
claim made by U.S. researcher Edwin Black in a book entitled "IBM and the 
Holocaust," punch-card machines made by IBM were not used in the camp. 

"Black maintains that the punch-machines were used in Auschwitz, but we have 
no sources to confirm that," Piper said in a telephone interview with The 
Associated Press from his home in the city of Oswiecim, in southern Poland, 
where Nazis built the Auschwitz camp during World War II. 
According to Piper, documents from survivors of Mauthausen, the Nazis' most 
notorious concentration camp in Austria, show the machines were used there to 
organize information on inmates' personal data. Such files can be seen at the 
Auschwitz museum exhibit, he said. 
The Nazis killed some 1.5 million people, mostly Jews, in the 
Auschwitz-Birkineau camps between 1940-1945. 
The release of the book Monday coincided with a lawsuit accusing IBM of 
providing technology to the Nazis -- knowing it could facilitate persecution 
and genocide. 
IBM's German subsidiary during the Nazi era, Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen 
GmbH, was taken over by the Nazis. A machine made by the company -- believed 
to have been used in the German census in 1933, the year the Nazis took power 
-- is on display at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. 
The company hasn't yet seen either the book or the lawsuit and isn't 
commenting in detail, Ian Colley, IBM's European spokesman in Paris, said 