-Caveat Lector-   <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">
</A> -Cui Bono?-

>>Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2000 22:24:45 -0600

>>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Hoffman/Haight Ashbury Free Press)

>>Subject: Notice: My Phone is Hot


>>To all: it is confirmed. My computer and e-mail have been compromised. My

>>phone is "hot". Mail is being tampered with, blocked and altered. A draft

>>chapter I wrote about E-Systems sent to an E-Systems source was

>>by E-Systems, possibly working in tandem with the NSA, and rewritten to

>>make it look like a 12 year-old wrote it. Since I am working on other

>>sensitive murder cases involving other government and military agencies,

>>there may be multiple monitoring.


>>Other things have been happening. An American/Israeli spook friend of

>>with connections at E-Systems told me and my attorney that it is

>>our phones are hot. He announced this without us even inquiring.


>>So if you're planning the revolution, don't talk about it on my line. Of

>>you do, download and use PGP (Pretty Good Privacy). It's an encryption

>>program and it's free ware. You can get it off the web.


>>David Hoffman, Publisher

>>Haight Ashbury Free Press

>>Americans for Responsible Media

>>4668 West Gaylord, Unit C

>>Oklahoma City, OK 73162

>>(405) 748-6467 phone/fax

>>(405) 821-7172 Cell Phone


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