-Caveat Lector-

describes graphic crimes of abuse - Agents graphically describe abuse   By 
Don Ellzey 11/30/07 In an interview with Bernard at the Tangipahoa Parish  
Sheriff's Office Substation on June 10, 2005, Edwards said he was told by  
that during the diaper changes he began touching his infant daughter.  The 
touching became oral sex and eventually penetration. Edwards said Bernard  
claimed to have been molested as a child, which led him to molest  children.  
Federal prosecutor Lisa Marie Freitas, now with the Child  Exploitation 
Division of 
the U.S. Department of Justice, was a special agent  assigned to the FBI's New 
Orleans office in 2005.  Freitas testified that  she, too, interviewed 
Bernard, who told her that he had done with his daughter  everything a human 
do to the body of another human. Much of the abuse  occurred while his wife, 
Nicole Bernard, was working. She said Bernard told her  that he was the first 
penetrate his daughter and Louis Lamonica was the  second.  She said Bernard 
described the rituals at the church, although the  rituals were not the point 
of the FBI investigation. Freitas said he volunteered  the information. 
According to Bernard, the rituals took place in what was called  “the room,” 
was the church's youth room. He described how six adults would  line up 
shoulder to shoulder and perform sex acts on his daughter or other  children, 
were passed down the line. The rule was that there would be no  penetration or 
injury.  The rituals had a Satanic theme, including a  Pentagram, the use of 
animals and animal parts such as chicken feet and the use  of animal blood. 
Freitas said that according to Bernard, Patricia Pierson and  Robin Lamonica, 
defendants in the case, put animal blood on his daughter  during one of the 
rites. She said Bernard claimed Pierson and Lamonica also  sexually abused his 
daughter. He said animal blood was also put on other  children, Freitas said. 

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