-Caveat Lector-

How hype grew around the mystery invention 'Ginger'

Copyright © 2001 Nando Media
Copyright © 2001 Christian Science Monitor Service

By MARK SAPPENFIELD, The Christian Science Monitor

(March 13, 2001 11:33 a.m. EST http://www.nandotimes.com) - It was just
an errant e-mail, but it created the biggest mystery of the new millennium.

In the beginning, it was a book proposal - a series of cyberspace
communiques in which an author told an agent that he had the scoop of a
lifetime: One of today's most respected inventors was working on a device
that would shake civilization.

It "will sweep over the world and change lives, cities, and ways of thinking,"
the proposal read, according to a story on the site Inside.com.

What was it? He didn't say, only dropping a few hints and a name:

Months later, Ginger is still just that - a phenomenon. Since Inside.com
published passages of the e-mail in January, Web prophets and curious
journalists have posited that the device might be anything from a
transporter to a hovercraft.

Yet the answer remains a mystery. And the unusual amount of speculation
the invention has fueled is sparking the usual backlash - including from the
inventor himself, a reclusive individual who has had some success turning
quixotic ideas into reality. In an interview last week with Brill's Content
magazine, Dean Kamen, the man behind Ginger, dismissed much of the
coverage as "hype about a product that doesn't even exist yet."

But the hype remains. Websites like theginger.com and theitquestion.com
have sprung up simply to disseminate the latest rumors. The prevailing
theory at the moment is that Kamen is working on an idea that could
reshape how people heat their homes or get to the market.

Scooter? Or amazing new engine?

In a new story published last week, Inside fueled speculation that Ginger is
a motorized scooter equipped with a unique balancing mechanism of
gyroscopes and sensors called "dynamic stabilization." After all, Ginger's
other code name, "IT," has been rumored to mean "Individual Transport."
Also, in 1999, Kamen created a company intended to make "motorized ...
scooters, carts, and chariots," Inside says.

Further on, however, Inside indicates the scooter might not be the true
invention. Kamen has registered Internet domain names including
"stirlingelectric.com" and "stirlingscooter.com," leading to speculation that
he is refining a version of the Stirling engine.

Invented by the Rev. Robert Stirling of Scotland in 1816, the Stirling engine
has long been a curio and niche product. Some remote Arctic outposts use
it for power, and Swedish submarine-maker Kockums builds its craft with
Stirling engines.

The allure is obvious. The engines - which work by using heated and
cooled gas, not internal combustion, to move pistons - are quiet and
environmentally clean.

Scientists tried to adapt Stirling engines for cars during the 1970s, but
never succeeded. The contraptions remain slow to start and relatively
costly. But if Kamen can improve on the engine, the impact could be

The scooter is fine, say experts, but perhaps the most alluring Stirling
application would be as a household power source. Forget the inefficient
process of importing power from a far-off plant - an advanced Stirling
engine no bigger than an air conditioner could sit in the backyard and meet
a household's electricity needs.

"The significance of the Stirling engine is that you could obsolete the
electric grid," says Brent Van Arsdell, president of American Stirling, which
builds engines mainly for educational uses. In addition, "a whole range of
Stirling engines could be developed to even run things like a laptop."

Mr. Van Arsdell says he knows of several companies that are working on
improved Stirling engines, but Kamen's reputation for turning ideas into
reality is almost mythic. As of last month, he held 96 patents in the United
States, and his most recent invention won him the National Medal of
Technology last year. It was a wheelchair code-named "Fred" (hence:
"Ginger") that can go up stairs, over sand, and raise its owner to eye level
with standing people.

An eccentric iconoclast

In his personal life, Kamen fits the image of the eccentric inventor. Every
day, he wears the same outfit: blue jeans and a denim shirt. He commutes
the seven miles from his suburban home to his Manchester, N.H., R&D
company by helicopter. What's more, he's the pilot.

He's even bought his own island, North Dumpling, in Long Island Sound.
When New York officials wouldn't let him build a windmill there to power his
home, he declared that North Dumpling had seceded from the Union and
proclaimed himself "Lord Dumpling." The island has its own currency and a
navy - an amphibious vehicle dubbed "Old Aluminumsides."

"He's someone who enjoys being an iconoclast," says John Abele, founder
and chairman of Boston Scientific, who has known Kamen for about 10

The son of a comic-book artist and a teacher, Kamen has done well for
himself. He dropped out of college at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in
Massachusetts and invented a portable drug-infusion pump. By 1996, that
invention - as well as the invention of a compact kidney-dialysis machine -
had brought Kamen $30 million, according to Forbes magazine.

Kamen is known to be a friend of President Bush, and each presidential
candidate visited Kamen's home during last season's campaign. In many
ways, the $3.1 million house is an attraction in itself. It's hexagon-shaped
and has an indoor pool, a softball field, a pulley that can ferry bottles from
the kitchen to the bedroom, and a helicopter hangar.

Promoting science

Aside from his fascination with innovation and aviation - he also owns a jet -
 Kamen is an ardent booster for the cause of science. He has created
FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) to
encourage kids' interest in science, and he founded a children's science
museum in Manchester.

Repeatedly, he has lamented that athletes are revered and scientists are
anonymous. It is the buzz about Ginger, however, that seems to be
inadvertently raising his profile and that of science worldwide.

"This came at a time when all the stories in the technology sector were bad
news," says Paul Saffo of the Institute for the Future in Menlo Park, Calif. "It
also was a mystery, and it involved the notion of the solo inventor.... When
the stars line up in a certain way, then something like this takes off."

(c) Copyright 2001. The Christian Science Monitor


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