-Caveat Lector-

                  Manufacturers Admit Voting Machines

               "American elections are a fraud and a scam" is the stern
               verdict of Pat Buchanan and a deeply disturbing
               commentary on the state of democracy in America.

               Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT

               By Christopher Bollyn

               CHICAGO—Despite acknowledging "failure rates" ranging
               from 16 percent to 28 percent, election officials here
               express no concern for the integrity of the ballot in the
               age of voting machines.

               Across the United States, in precincts from coast to coast,
               computers equipped with cellular telephony and two-way
               mo dems count the votes. These ma chines, designed and
               operated by private companies, and the laws that ushered
               in their use, have essentially disenfranchised citizen
               election judges from the vote-counting process and
               relegated them to insignificant roles as public servants
               working for private business on election night.

               Some officials concerned with elections have pondered the
               unthinkable, namely, the stealing of a presidential
               election by computer fraud in the metropolitan areas of
               key states.

               Steve White, former assistant attorney general of
               California, said, "Given the importance of the national
               election, sooner or later it will be attempted. There is a
               real reluctance to concede the gravity of the problem."

               Every official interviewed at the Illinois State Board of
               Elections was indifferent to the threat of computer vote
               fraud. Rick Fulle, assistant director of voting systems and
               25-year veteran of the board said, "You can't secure any
               computer system."

               A hand count of the votes by the election judges at the
               precinct level, before posting the results, is the only way
               to ensure that the machine tally is correct and that no
               computer fraud has been perpetrated. However, election
               officials discourage any manual audit saying that there are
               too many choices on the ballot and that a manual count
               would take too long.

               Tests of computer vote-counting systems used in Illinois
               from 1983-1987, which checked tens of thousands of
               ballots, revealed significant errors in the computer
               counting in more than 20 percent of the tests.

               Fulle said that in Illinois today there is "a 16 percent error
               rate" with ballot-counting machines. He expected
               numerous problems on election night saying "equipment
               will fail across the state."

               "I don't understand why nobody cares," Michael L. Harty,
               former Illinois director of voting systems and standards
               said. "At one point, we had tabulation errors in 28 percent
               of the systems tested, and nobody cared."

               Officials from the Illinois Board of Elections said election
               judges are only required to verify that the number of
               ballots tabulated by the machine matches the number of
               ballots counted by the judges—as if voters are only voting
               for one candidate.

               "Nothing in the [Illinois] law requires that the count be
               accurate," Fulle added.

               In this way the basic role of election judges—to count and
               verify the accuracy of the vote—has been usurped and
               compromised by election machines operated by private

               Whether it was the Precinct Ballot Counter 2100 (PBC),
               the Optech Eagle III, the Model 100 Optic Mark Reader
               (OMR), or the Votronic touch-screen system that counted
               your vote, these machines have something in common:
               they are all designed and operated by Elections Systems &
               Software, Inc. (ES&S). Each contains a two-way modem,
               allowing them to communicate—and be communicated
               with—while they are in operation.

               What is particularly troubling about these machines is the
               fact that they contain an internal modem, which enables
               anyone with a modem-equipped computer, from hackers
               and vendors to telephone company personnel and
               politicians, to access and alter the computer's tally of the

               ES&S is "the largest company in the world focusing solely
               on automating the election process." The company
               "provides specialized systems and software to automate
               the entire election process for local, state, and national
               governments worldwide."

               ES&S is a reorganized company that was given a new
               name in November 1997 after combining two of the largest
               election machine companies: Business Re cords Corp.
               (BRC, formerly part of Cro nus In dus tries) and American
               Informa tion Systems, Inc. (AIS).

               ES&S is a privately-held company owned by unknown
               investors and headed by Aldo Tesi, who refers to the
               democratic franchise as "the election industry."

               The company is headquartered in Omaha, Neb. and
               supplies "thousands and thousands of machines being
               used across the country" to more than 2,200 U.S.
               jurisdictions in 49 states.

               Cook County bought nearly 5,000 PBC machines from ES&S
               at a cost of $25 million for the suburbs and the city of
               Chicago in what a company spokesman called a "huge

               ES&S supplied Model 100 ballot-counting machines through
               a Madrid-based company called Indra for the elections in

               It was reported in The Omaha World Herald that the head
               of Venezuela's National Elections Council, Etanislao
               Gonzalez, placed the blame for the technical difficulties
               during the election on the Nebraska-based ES&S.

               The Omaha World Herald is published by John Gottschalk,
               who is one of the directors of ES&S.

               "The firm flagrantly failed to meet its commitments and
               the failure had destabilized the country's electoral
               process," Gonzalez said.

               A Venezuelan air force jet flew to Omaha to fetch experts
               to "salvage" the election. It was reported that more than 6
               percent of the 7,000 voting machines broke down during
               the Venezuelan election and that there were major
               "technical glitches."

               The PBC machines contain an internal Expedite modem
               made by Novatel Wire less, an international company
               based in San Diego.

               Novatel is a "spin-off" of two Canadian companies,
               Novatel, Inc. of Calgary, a company specializing in
               satellite communications and global positioning systems,
               and an internationally owned oil company in Alberta.

               "You certainly run the risk of somebody hacking into these
               [vote-counting] ma chines," a spokesman for Novatel Wire
               less told The SPOTLIGHT. "The machine can be accessed
               anytime it is plugged in," if someone knows the
               computer's Inter net protocol or IP address.

               "Internet voting scares me," he added, "it puts us in the
               same situation as a Third-World country."

               When asked about the ownership of Novatel Wireless, he
               said, "I've no idea who owns the company."

               Roy Saltman, a computer consultant at the National
               Institute of Standards and Technology's Computer Systems
               Labora tory, wrote a report for the Com merce De partment
               in 1988 entitled, Accuracy, In tegrity, and Security in
               Computerized Vote-Tallying.

               Saltman documented many instances of vote
               mistabulation and the inherent vulnerability of U.S. voting
               systems to error and fraud, including: "fraudulent
               alterations in the computer program or in control cards
               that manipulate the program" and "introduction of false
               voting summaries through changes in data stored in
               removable data storage units of precinct-located,
               vote-counting devices."

               Herb Deutsch, who works in the technical department of
               ES&S in Rockford, Ill., where the PBC was designed, has
               worked with election software and hardware for 25 years
               and formerly worked for BRC.

               Deutsch defended the PBC saying that its ballot tabulation
               program is "generic" and that its computer code has been

               Deutsch said that he trusted that the election computers
               were safe from hackers on the very day that it was
               reported that Microsoft's computers and source code had
               been "hacked" for a week.

               Each PBC machine is programmed and run by a
               pre-programmed 512-K memory card. According to
               Deutsch, "the memory card can be used for lots of
               purposes" and contains the coded instructions that
               "essentially tell the machine what to do" when it is turned
               on. These cards are programmed at the company offices of
               ES&S in Chicago.

               The card is removed by the election judges and turned in
               to headquarters when the polls close.

               Vikant Corp., a Chicago area company owned by Alex
               Kantarovich of Minsk, Belorussia, supplied the control
               cards to ES&S.

               When The SPOTLIGHT inquired where Vikant cards are
               produced, Kan tarovich said, "I cannot disclose where the
               cards are made," but admitted that they are not made in

               Kantarovich told The SPOTLIGHT that he has been in
               America for 11 years but declined to discuss his
               employment prior to running Vikant Corp., saying, "I don't
               want to disclose that information."

               Kantarovich said he had obtained his degree in the Soviet
               Union and initially refused to answer questions about how
               his product was chosen for the ES&S voting equipment.

               It is "inside information that I cannot disclose," he added.

               Kantarovich said later that his firm was chosen over larger
               firms like IBM and Panasonic because Vikant was able to
               meet the specific requirements of ES&S and provide the
               cards on short notice. He added, however, that there had
               been "some problems" with the cards from other suppliers.

               "To tell you the truth, I have no idea how these vote
               counting machines work," Kantarovich said. "We are just
               the supplier of one particular product."

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