-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/16/99)  --  Watch  out  when  you  hear,  "I'm from the
government, and I'm here to help you."  Likewise, a new  sign  of
danger   is   when   you   hear   the  government  start  saying,

"Humanitarianism,"  like  "patriotism,"  may be turning into "the
last refuge of scoundrels."

True humanitarianism, like true patriotism, is a good thing.  But
just like politicians are known to pick up and kiss babies,  they
also are  known  to  wrap  themselves  in  "patriotism"  and now,

In a press release from this news service, dated Dec. 6, 1998, we
reported   on   what  source  "Roland  Rocket"  (pseudonym)  knew
regarding how U.S. prisoners  are  reacting  to the perceived Y2K
threat.  "Rocket",  who  has  worked  in  American  "correctional
facilities"  (prisons)  and has officer-level military sources of
his own, recently contacted us with further info.

Rocket writes, in part, that "it  seems  ironic  that  situations
like  'humanitarian'  actions in Yugoslavia that are initiated to
'save lives'  create  tremendous  paranoia  and  panic  among the
inmate populations because they fear eradication  by  these  same
'humanitarians' under the Hoover amendment."

The Hoover amendment, according to Rocket, was set up by J. Edgar
Hoover,  long-time  FBI  Director,  in  the  1950s.   Hoover  was
concerned  that  the  U.S.  prison  population  would  be  likely
survivors of  nuclear  war,  and  arranged  that  in  such a case
prisoners were to be locked down  then  shotgunned  to  death  in
their prison cells.

Rocket's military sources are skeptical regarding the three  U.S.
soldiers  recently  captured  by  Serb  forces.   The  three U.S.
soldiers are reportedly Rangers, part  of an elite force, yet did
not follow established procedure when they contacted  their  base
by  radio.   Soldiers  in  their situation are supposed to send a
"S.A.L.U.T.E. report" regarding the enemy force encountered (Size
of  force,   Activity,   Location,   Uniform,  Time,  Equipment).
Instead,  says  Rocket,  they  gave  "less  information  than   a
frightened housewife in a 911 call."

"All of the  ex-Nam  boys  here  don't  believe the beating stuff
either," reports our source.  "Look at the uniforms:  no muss, no
mud, no blood.  Most of the marks on their faces are made  up  of
residual cammo face paint."

Sherman  Skolnick  of  the  Citizens'  Committee  to Clean Up the
Courts, in Chicago,  is  also  skeptical.   He has questioned the
authenticity of some  photos  of  the  three  captured  soldiers.
Reportedly,  some  photos  show  patch insignia on their uniforms
while other photos show no such patch insignia.

"Perhaps  the  most  terrible thing is that so many people in and
out of the service are  so  desperate to believe anything but the
fact that WE are the bad guys that they are beginning  to  parrot
the propaganda of the White House.  They really don't believe it,
but  it  has become a mantra oft repeated to ward off the specter
of the awful truth," adds Rocket.

Here at home, Sherman Skolnick has been reporting on intimidation
of Serb Americans and immigrant Serbs by the U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization  Service  (INS).   To  hinder  Serb  protests  and
demonstrations against the un-Constitutional and illegal U.S.-led
aggression against Yugoslavia, Serbs in the U.S.  are  reportedly
being threatened with deportation and detention.  INS spokeswoman
Barbara  Francis denies part of the allegation.  According to Ms.
Francis, under an "informal policy"  no  one is being deported to
Yugoslavia during the current conflict.  ("No Yugoslav  deportees
during  airstrikes,"  UPI,  4/13/99.)   But  no such denials were
issued by Ms.  Francis  regarding  Skolnick's  and others' claims
that some too-vocal Serbs are  targeted  to  be  rounded  up  and
placed  in  detention  camps,  for  example  a  detention camp in
isolated Alaska.

(Ms. Francis also, notably, calls the  erupting  Yugoslav  war  a
"conflict."   The  White  House also sticks to this nomenclature.
The Vietnam War was also  referred  to  as a "conflict" and not a
"war" during its initial first few years.  By  referring  to  the
Yugoslav  bloodbath  as a "conflict," tricky lawyer-minds thereby
hope to bypass Constitutional  restrictions stating that only the
U.S. Congress can declare "war."  So is it a "war"  or  is  it  a
"conflict"?  That depends on what you mean by "is.")

According to the latest report from Mr. Skolnick, the FBI has now
been brought in to help intimidate Serbs here in the U.S. The FBI
is  now  "demonizing  Serbian-Americans  in  general.  The Bureau
planted details making  it  seem  that  certain major Serb church
officials in the U.S., such as in the Chicago area,  urged  their
parishioners  to  murder U.S. soldiers in the U.S., as a reprisal
for the U.S. murder of  Serb  civilians  in Serbia by missile and
bomb  attacks  on  schools,  hospitals,  and  private   apartment
buildings."   ("FBI  Dirty Tricks Against U.S. Serbs," by Sherman
H.  Skolnick.   Contact  info:   recorded  message, 773-731-1100;
office, 773-375-5741.)

This  latest  U.S.-led  "humanitarian"  action  has  resulted  in
widespread suffering:  fear, homelessness,  and  death.   Use  by
NATO forces of depleted uranium shells in Kosovo are turning that
region  into  a  radioactive wasteland -- how safe will it be for
the ethnic  Albanians  to  return?   "Humanitarianism" or terror?
The proof is in the pudding.  "By their  fruits  shall  you  know

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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