-Caveat Lector-

I had the "More Fun in the New World" CD jamming tonight.  One song in
particular leapt out at me.  The stanzas highlighting the current US
majority reality-tunnel are below.  X was so perceptive for 1983.

Mark McHugh

                    I Must Not Think Bad Thoughts
                                by X

                 The facts we hate, we'll never meet
     Walkin' down the road, everybody yellin' hurry up, hurry up
               But I'm waiting for you, I must go slow
                    I must not think bad thoughts
                    What is this world coming to?
             Both sides are right, but both sides murder
                    I give up -- why can't they?

                  I must not think bad thoughts...

             The civil wars -- and the uncivilized wars
            Conflagrations leap out of every poor furnace
           The food cooks poorly and everyone goes hungry
      From then on it's dog eat dog, dog eat body, body eat dog
            I can't go down there, I can't understand it
                I'm a no-good coward, an American too
    A North American, that is, and I must not think bad thoughts
                I'm guilty of murder of innocent men
                Innocent woman and innocent children
                          Thousands of 'em
              My planes, my guns, my money, my soldiers
              My blood on my hands -- it's all my fault

                  I must not think bad thoughts...

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