Re: [CTRL] In the Headlines: William J. Clinton Edges Out G.W.B

2001-02-21 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Aleisha Saba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Now Clinton had a weakness but he usually kept it under
> control

There is nothing in the record to show that he EVER 'kept it under control'...

> now how many "ladies: other than
> ladies of the evening would put themselves in such a compromising
> position - to be alone in a hotel room or anywhere with someone else's
> husband - in off hours with no official business.

Let me tell you about a temp job I had once...

Little more than clerical -- inputting data into a computer; it was for a local 
schoolboard, who for some
reason was meeting in the evening at a local motel...not in a meeting room, no they'd 
rented two adjacent
rooms, I was set up in one where they'd plugged in a laptop next to the bed, and 
periodically would send
someone in to hand me some data to type.  The rest of the time I watched TV (at their 

My point is, sometimes legitimate business DOES get conducted in 'off hours' in 
motel/hotel rooms...and just
because I was in a motel room in the evening wouldn't have excused any of the men on 
that schoolboard trying
to force me into having sex with them (none did, BTW, but I still felt pretty 
uncomfortable with the setup)...

But I'm sure that if one of them had done so, you, Aleisha, would call ME a 'floozie' 
and blame me, the
victim, instead of the perp who really would have deserved the blame...

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] In the Headlines: William J. Clinton Edges Out G.W.B

2001-02-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Did it ever occur to anybody that the ex President is and was mentally
disturbed - as though he got caught in a sex trap and did not want out?

Still think, remember it was the night Monica delivered the pizza to the
President, the famous episode occurred.from that time on it was
blackmail with his phone tapped and the sex calls in in the wings this
Goldberg with Mark Fuhrman and Linda Tripp - all such ugly people, oh so
disloyal and such traitors.

>From that day on when Monica delivered the pizza - I believe it was
loaded with this drug Ecstasy..from that day on she stalked the
President - this fat floosie who was just another prostitute used by I
believe, the Mossad?

Now Clinton had a weakness but he usually kept it under
controlsuddenly all these floosies and loose ladies appear - oh
terrible, terrible what he did to me - now how many "ladies: other than
ladies of the evening would put themselves in such a compromising
position - to be alone in a hotel room or anywhere with someone else's
husband - in off hours with no official business.

So what is the real story?   The real story is Clinton will make more
more money now than he ever did in his life; ;he lives in
inffamy..but he also I believe, is a very sick man - mentally and
spiritually and most of all physically?

It all began that day this little fat floosie delivered the pizza to the
President - with the Secret Service not checking it for drugs - the fact
that she ws permitted to bring food to the President of the United
States is highly suspect

So Clinton is he Dead Man Walking?   His friends now turn against him,
if he had any real friends to begin with.give little people a little
bit of authority, and see the tyrant.Clinton ws a little man.">
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] In the Headlines: William J. Clinton Edges Out G.W.B

2001-02-20 Thread p

In the Headlines: William J. Clinton Edges Out 





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  By Howard 
KurtzWashington Post Staff WriterMonday, February 19, 2001; Page C01 

One month into his tenure, President Bush still manages to get himself on 
television and in the papers. But the degree to which a previous White House 
occupant is stealing the media spotlight is nothing short of remarkable.
From Monday through Thursday -- as the president was staging events on 
military reform -- the network evening newscasts aired 18 pieces on Bill Clinton 
(seven of them the lead story) and only 14 about Bush. From Monday through 
Friday, the New York Times ran four front-page Clinton stories and two on Bush; 
The Washington Post, four apiece.
Bush advisers see a silver lining. "There's some heartburn about the fact the 
message is getting stepped on," says Mark McKinnon, Bush's campaign media 
strategist. "But it's not getting stepped on with a good message [about 
Clinton]; it's getting stepped on with a bad message. For voters it's created 
such a stark contrast in appearances that it's enhanced their perception of the 
Bush administration."
But as former Clinton spokesman Joe Lockhart observes, "It's hard to govern 
from Page A-17. The presidency is about getting the country engaged."
Or, as Jay Leno cracks, "Is it me, or is Clinton in the papers more now than 
when he was president?" (Clinton still dominates in late-night jokes as 
From Jan. 20 through Feb. 15, says the Center for Media and Public Affairs, 
the ABC, CBS and NBC nightly newscasts have done 135 stories on Bush and 62 on 
Clinton -- an eye-popping statistic considering that most former presidents 
quickly vanish from the headlines. ("NBC Nightly News" aired the most Clinton 
stories, 34, to 32 for Bush.)
"No news is good news for George Bush," says the center's Robert Lichter. "In 
every new administration, someone gets clobbered by the media. Usually it's the 
incoming president. This time it's the ex-president."
Some of the early Clinton controversies -- over his acceptance of gifts and 
rental of pricey New York office space -- have faded, and the initial reports of 
vandalism by departing White House aides are now seen as overblown. But 
Clinton's pardon of fugitive Marc Rich has mushroomed into a full-blown, 
international-intrigue, much-investigated, cable-ready scandal.
But as awful as the pardon looks -- and even Democrats have been denouncing 
their former leader -- it's more absorbing for journalists than the latest 
maneuvering over Bush's tax-cut plan. For the media, scandal trumps boring 
Washington substance.
White House spokesman Ari Fleischer says his boss isn't worried about being 
overshadowed. "I assure you the president does not have any such frustration," 
Fleischer told reporters. "He's just looking forward and not looking 
Another adviser says of the Clinton avalanche: "I don't think any of us 
inside the Bush administration would be out wishing for this." But, this person 
says, "George W. Bush has demonstrated great discipline when it comes to the 
former president, which is not to rassle with that tar baby. We stick to our 
But Lockhart says the president "is running a pretty cynical good cop/bad cop 
campaign. The Republican apparatus has been out there pushing these stories, and 
Bush says we shouldn't be focusing so much on Clinton."
Lockhart also insists that the media are pumping up some of the Clinton 
controversies. "We've seen a real deterioration in the press's ability to 
separate a real news story from the chatter that starts on the Internet or in 
conservative circles," he says. "There's probably a little bit of withdrawal 
from covering Bill Clinton. It's ridiculous."
Democratic strategist Mark Mellman also sees Bush losing out: "There's only 
so much news hole for politics. If Bill Clinton's taking it up, that means 
George Bush isn't."
Despite the Democratic spin, the media battering of Clinton has given the 
party a black eye. Even Clinton's Commerce secretary, William Daley, tells the 
New York Times that Clinton's exit has been "devastating." The Newsweek and Time 
covers out today are on Clinton. (Time's headline: "Th