-Caveat Lector-

Income Tax Returns Confidential
Are They Really?
-by Larry Bolin

Most Americans who file their taxes every year expect their information to
be confidential and would only be released under very limited circumstances.
Those Americans feel that the Internal Revenue Service has strict guidelines
and would keep their information private. Those Americans believe that if an
employee of the federal government releases their tax return information
illegally, that those responsible would be prosecuted.

Those Americans would be wrong.

During my trial, there was another casualty that occurred besides my
conviction. It was my wife Jackie’s privacy. The release of my wife’s tax
return and return information by agents with the Internal Revenue Service
and a member of the Department of Justice, David M. Leta, violated Jackie’s
privacy. It also appears to have violated the laws passed by Congress.

According to Title 26 U.S.C. 7213 (a), a willful, unauthorized disclosure of
tax return information is a felony, carrying a maximum statutory penalty of
five years of incarceration, a $250,000 fine and termination of employment.
My wife works as a schoolteacher in the field of special education. If she
had handled her students’ information in such a grossly negligent manner as
Mr. Leta and others had done with her tax return information, she would have
been fired from her job without much of a discussion....[snip, snip]

But not in this case.  It appears that these "public servants" have given
Jackie and her fellow Americans' privacy the proverbial finger.

IS YOUR IRS AGENT A THIEF?  Does a bear do the you-know-what in the woods?
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