-Caveat Lector-

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Jaye C. Beldo is a writer, intuitive counselor and spiritual anarchist. He
can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

A new tool has been developed to get a better view of the mysterious
underworld where our dreams play out their dramas. It's called "IDN"
(Integrative Dream Narration) and it has participants convinced that the sum
of the parts is greater than the total. Visionary writer, Jaye C. Beldo,
describes the process for ViewZone.

In most of the groups that I've participated in throughout my life, whether
educational, political, artistic, professional and even ones based on mere
conviviality, the undermining elements of factionalism, ego conflicts, and
various other differences have interfered with achieving a lasting sense of
genuine conspiracy. Originating in the shadow sides of our psyches and hidden
by our facile personas, these factors serve to discourage healthy and
effective group functioning on many levels, in terms of achieving consensus,
creating viable solutions to problems and gaining clarity of visionary
goals/objectives for the group. Why, in spite of sharing common interests,
political, socioeconomic and humanitarian values, are we unconsciously
antagonistic towards the groups we choose to be a part of? What kinds of
subjective reluctance do we harbor in fully contributing ourselves to the
group consciousness? James Hillman observes that, "the Self is the
interiorization of community" . Yet what exactly prevents us from reaching
the Self, the ultimate core of the psyche and experiencing truly universal
communion with others? My experiences with persistent group dysfunction
prompted me to develop "Integrative Dream Narration"(IDN). I first tried IDN
on a class of art students who, along with myself included, could not fully
cooperate with one another in a way conducive to our spiritual, artistic and
intellectual well being.
I had each participant write a dream synopsis on a note card, emphasizing to
use symbolic, transformative dreams concerning wholeness, i.e., getting in
contact with the Self (meaning the ultimate core or nucleus of the psyche). I
then combined the dreams to create a collective story in which all could
listen to and participate in since each individual dream contributed to the
cohesiveness of the narration. The inherent fluidity of dreams became much
more apparent for I did not have to struggle to synthesize the dreams for
they all seemed to coalesce on their own accord like tributaries flowing
naturally into a river and then into the communal ocean. Instead of assuming
the role of an improviser or story teller, I was more like a mediator of the
unconscious mind of the group. When I finished the story, class members sat
in peaceful silence. The narration had evoked a shared consciousness amongst
us. We all seemed to be open to one another and breathing together in the
true sense of conspiracy. We experienced what the Greeks meant by agreement:
symphonein, meaning: to resonate together. No one was prompted to speak right
away. The silence was not an uncomfortable one. We all enjoyed this feeling
of being fully present, instead of just pretending to be together under the
guise of a shared interest. None of us, it seemed, needed to follow the
impulses of our egos to rationalize and explain the experience away. During
the rest of the class, we were able to come to a consensus as to how the
remainder of the semester would be navigated and actually came up with a
syllabus which all agreed upon.
We experienced what the Greeks
meant by agreement: symphonein,
meaning: to resonate together.

I have since employed Integrative Dream Narration to enhance the integrity of
many different collectives, from musical, spiritual to political, with very
effective, although never predictable results. Many of the resistances we
have towards surrendering to a group consciousness, resistances deeply rooted
in fear, loosen up and a newfound integrity is created. The word, "Integrity"
has its etymological meaning in: "entire, untouched, unmarred, an original
state." What has so thwarted the success of many different groups, I feel,
has been the inability to recognize such a sense of entirety and originality
that is always present, if only subliminally. Alcheringa or dream time, for
example, the Australian Aborigines considered to be the original state of the
world prior to the arrival of human beings. The world in its unmarred
entirety. IDN serves to facilitate a contact with primordial community,
encouraging an experience of inter relatedness that helps to diminish many
anxieties and isolating/alienating effects that are deliberately promoted in
consumerist societies where the power of authority is abused through MMIC. A
holistic communication, both in speaking, listening and feeling becomes
possible once the collective dream matrix is brought into awareness and
utilized, substantially grounded in the body politic, so to speak.

Since many illnesses, both somatic and psychic are induced and prolonged by
blockages, encouraging the opening up of communicative channels on all
levels, both conscious and unconscious, allows mind, body and spirit to align
themselves to a healing sensibility, not only from within oneself but from
within others as well. IDN influences and heightens ones awareness of shared
experiences, of the subtle body, that are for the most part rooted in
unconsciousness and remain unrecognized by most of us, especially when we
spend so much of our time maintaining our protective personas when we are
amongst others outside of the comfortable circle of our families and friends.
Dreams in themselves have a fluid, autonomous quality to them. We are
constantly astonished by what our unconscious minds can create. The word,
"Influence", has its origins in the word, "Fluid". Directing the current of
dreams towards communal integrity can greatly enhance the success and
effectiveness of small group functioning and its influence upon our
collective environment. The profound sense of inter relatedness evoked by
IDN, has its basis in synchronicity, or the merging of outer and inner events
to create meaning, to paraphrase it in Jungian terms. IDN evokes
synchronicities as a result of the dreams being combined. On an intuitive
level, awareness of synchronicity becomes heightened, in not only the
narrator but the participants as well and influences the 'direction' the
narration takes by sensing what is occurring when each individual integrates
into the group dream dynamic. The matrixes which synchronicities occur within
as well can be perceived, more like experienced, i.e., the psychic space
which encompasses both inner and outer worlds in which so called coincidences
Imagine the possibilities of creating atmospheres
where synchronicities occur like a lightning storm,
through our combined dreams.
I once gave a demonstration of IDN to forty people at Unity Church in
Minneapolis, Mn. Six souls volunteered to participate and contributed their
chosen dreams. One dream concerned a woman who was led by three angels to
what she called a "Wellness Spa.", but she didn't know how to run the place.
Another woman dreamed that her grandmother was pregnant. One participant
dreamed that her ex-boyfriend appeared and told her how sad he was that they
were no longer together. During the course of the spontaneous narration,
everyone arrived at the wellness spa where there was a fountain in the
center. I always emphasize communal places where all can gather in the
narrations I conduct. The grandmother gave painless, underwater birth to a
golden baby. The baby was then handed to the woman who came to the fountain
with her ex-boy friend. I finished the narration, making sure all dreams
offered were included in the story and listened to the enthusiastic comments
from the participants and the audience. Afterwards, the woman who dreamed
about her ex-boyfriend came up to me and confided, "I didn't want to say this
in front of everyone but the reason that my boyfriend and I broke up is
because I want to have a child."
As I proceeded with the narration, something in me or rather, in the
Integrated Dream Community, intuited this and had the baby handed to the
couple as some sort of reconciliation that I intuitively sensed was needed.
The combination of these dreams created the matrix in which this
synchronicity took place. As the narrator, my sense of individuality became
less and less pronounced as all the dreams were combined. Perhaps
synchronicities occur outside of the realm of the ego and it is only when we
are not solely in this realm that we experience them.
The synchronicities that occurred during the narration manifest also in
bodily response in both the narrator and participants. At first there is a
considerable amount of tension, which is natural when strangers come together
to form a group. The tension usually is born of the illusion of separation
the participants sense in each other. Breathing becomes restricted (the
antitheses of conspiracy or breathing together). But when all the dreams are
integrated, the tension dissolves and what I sense as the collective heart
begins to open up, the heart of understanding which transcends judgment,
definition and ego centered identity. Interiorization of the communal heart
in turn opens ones own heart creating a reciprocal balance between self and
group. As I proceed with the narration I feel blockages in my own body begin
to open, for my body is but a microcosm of the collective dream macrocosm. I
cannot emphasize enough for participants to pay attention to their bodies
during the narration. The results of opening are beneficial in allowing a
person to respond to their own dreams in a way devoid of the usual anxieties
born of trying to interpret (as opposed to integrating) the dreams. In
another IDN session with two alternative health practitioners, I integrated
the dreams but somehow felt compelled to 'control' the atmosphere. I was the
only man in the room and the other participants brought in some very
powerful, archetypal figures. One in particular was the goddess Oya, the
African Goddess of ÔWeatherÕ. My third chakra, the chakra of will power
became tight. There was such resistance within me that I could hardly carry
on with the narration. I then felt it was safe to make myself a bit
vulnerable and asked for help from the others, something I would probably
never do under other circumstances. I then found myself surrounded by the
other participants who began doing some energy work on me. I managed to trust
it. The woman who brought Oya to the forum-kept reminding me that the rocks
of blockage and resistance she perceived in my gut would be worn away by some
soothing water. She kept repeating this while circling her hand near my solar
plexus. Suddenly, it started raining outside. As the drops hit the window
panes and I felt myself relaxing even more. I managed with the help of the
dream polis, to overcome some very deeply fixed control issues through this
atmospheric synchronicity.
Once awareness of the relation between ones body and the integrated dream
body is heightened and then trusted, an interactive stage seems to set in as
cited in the above example. Participants are asked in many ways to contribute
to the narration, instead of just one person creating what happens. The
interaction takes place not only in oral articulation of dreams but in
working with imagery, movement and energy as well, creating a foundation on
which to base further involvement in collective dream work. In essence, a
Dream Democracy is being created every time IDN is used.

Integrative Dream work has not only promising therapeutic potentials but most
importantly, political possibilities as well. I sense that with each IDN, a
revival of the original democratic spirit occurs. This potentials of this
sense of renewal will explored in the chapters that follow.
Dream Democracy can be used to integrate the dreams of a dysfunctional family
to create a harmonious dream consciousness. Consider the long range benefits
of democratizing the dreams of the board members of major corporations with
its employees. Or consider integrating the dreams of a republican with those
of a democrat. Consider the theoretical possibilities of integrating the
dreams of quantum physicists. The collective dream body created from such
integrations could hold the key to long range solutions to some of our most
immediate and seemingly intangible problems.
There are several ways the information in this book can be used. I suggest
forming a group that meets once a week for at least eight weeks. Have each
participant bring along a journal in which to record their experiences in. In
the appendix are additional guidelines in case there are issues that arise in
the group. Dream Democracy is a powerful catalyst which can trigger powerful
experiences ranging from telepathy, clairvoyance and synchronistic
Here are some suggested guidelines for creating the initial forum:

*   Have each participant (there should be no more than five or six) sit in a
circle and pass around note cards. The dream narrator should leave the room.
Participants are instructed to write their dreams down, legibly, particularly
ones that are highly symbolic and important to them. The dreams should not be
read by other participants. A synopsis of the dream is adequate as long as a
meaningful scene or symbol is included. Extended or complicated dreams do not
work well. Always emphasize to write down an important scene in the dream, if
the dream itself is too long but the participant wants to contribute it.

*   The dream narrator enters the room, sits down and reviews the note cards
that have been gathered, by shuffling through them and imprinting images,
sequences even the tone of dreams in her/his memory. Dream Narrators should
go through the cards two or three times. Writing down clues as to how the
dreams should be connected, on a separate sheet of paper is helpful in making
sure all dreams are integrated. I write the dreams down in a circle and leave
the center open. (See illustration on pg. )

*   The Dream Narrator initiates the Integrative Dream Narration by using one
of her/his dreams, one that has been evoked by reviewing the note cards and
or a pre-chosen dream. Once a portion of the dream is conveyed the narrator
begins to integrate participants dreams into the story. The narrator can
pause and instruct the participants to pay attention to their bodies
throughout the narration, i.e., changes in breathing, where they are holding
tension, where they are relaxing, where they are resisting, where they are

*   Make sure to include all dreams before continuing on. When all the
participants's dreams have been integrated, the narrator pauses and allows
the participants to sense the integral presence of the collective dream
matrix evoked by incorporating all dreams into the narration. The
participants are instructed to begin breathing deeply for a few moments,
noting where they may be holding tension in their bodies and encouraging them
to let go of the tensions.

*   The Integrative Dream Narration is resumed and then brought to some
'completion', i.e., a sense of wholeness and/or resolve. A dream polis has
thus been created, a Dream Democracy, where real life problems can be brought
into the dream forum and discussed in truly egalitarian fashion without the
usual resistances and ego differences.

*   After practicing IDN a few times and becoming familiar with the energies
of group consciousness, it will then be time to start bringing real life,
'three dimensional' problems, ranging from the personal to the galactic into
the forum you have evoked. It is important to have other members try their
hand at IDN and creating a forum, so that all will be comfortable with the
group consciousness that has been created. You will begin to notice different
styles of narration between group member

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