-Caveat Lector-

>From antiwar.com

" ... to do wrong, and gain nothing by it, is surely to add folly to fault."

> September 7, 1999
> Sydney Smith (1771- 1845) was an Anglican minister chiefly remembered, not for
> his contributions to ecclesiastical management or theology, much less orthodoxy,
> but for his humorous commentary on the folly he saw around him. Many of his
> contemporaries thought him the greatest satirist and all-around English wit
> since Swift. Lord Lansdowne called him "an odd mixture of Punch and Cato." Smith
> is perhaps most often quoted these days for his views on war and especially from
> his letter to Lady Grey (of which more, soon enough). He was an adherent of the
> Whig party and his ideas on war, peace, and other questions flowed from his
> commitment to the classical liberal values to be found, a good part of the time,
> in that party. Later in life, Smith concluded that no political party was the
> faithful guardian of the people's liberties.
> As his literary biographer, Hesketh Pearson1, remarks, the main problem in
> reconstructing Smith's sayings (much less his world outlook) is that he lacked a
> Boswell to follow him around and write down his every word. His friends and
> acquaintances were generally too overcome with laughter to reconstruct exactly
> what he had said. We are thus left with Smith's published writings, letters, and
> the testimony of those souls who could remember what he said.
> At a time when ecclesiastical preferment depended on never offending anyone
> important and not expressing views likely to be controversial, Sydney Smith
> spoke his mind, delighting many and alarming others, and thereby assured that he
> would never be a bishop in the Church of England. As a result, he moved around
> from parish to parish, with each church "living" a little better than the last,
> and became, in the end, financially comfortable. (Having well-placed friends
> among the Whigs did that much for him, at least.)
> In 1802, Smith, Francis Jeffrey, and Henry Brougham founded the Edinburgh Review
> as a vehicle for reformist Whig ideas which we would call "liberal" today,
> although the term was not then in use. This was a time of political repression
> in Britain and the mildest call for change brought forth accusations of
> Jacobinism and sedition. The wars with revolutionary France had not run their
> course and many new restrictions on speech, assembly, and other rights of
> Englishmen had come into being during these wars (alongside some older ones).
> The review was serious business and Smith contributed to it for twenty-five
> years. He had great fun tackling serious questions. Once, he seemed to weigh
> carefully a proposed society for the suppression of vice, and he concluded –
> after a hilarious summary of various cruelties favored by the gentry – that it
> would better be called "a Society for suppressing the vices of persons whose
> income does not exceed L500 per annum." As for being fair to his fellow writers,
> he quipped, "I never read a book before reviewing it; it prejudices a man so."
> Smith believed in religious toleration, including Catholic emancipation. This
> did not keep him from making fun of Methodists, Scottish Presbyterians, and
> Dissenters, when he thought them wrong or amusing, which was quite often. In the
> course of a discussion of Methodist missionary work, he asked if it was actually
> wise to teach foreigners the gospel? "If the Bible is universally diffused in
> Hindostan, what must be the astonishment of the natives to find that we are
> forbidden to rob, murder, and steal; we who, in fifty years, have extended our
> empire from a few acres about Madras, over the whole peninsula, and sixty
> millions of people, and exemplified in our public conduct every crime of which
> human nature is capable."
> It would actually be better to tell those natives that Machiavelli "is our
> prophet."
> Smith was a great critic of the cruel punishments still employed in England. He
> was a vocal opponent of the Game Laws. He believed that English policy itself
> was the chief cause of Irish alienation from English rule. This made Ireland the
> permanent scene of danger of foreign invasion, from which England, so far, had
> been providentially saved by favorable winds. This made English policy in
> Ireland "anemocracy," or government by breezes.
> Introducing a collection of his reviews, Smith wrote that "There is more of
> misery inflicted upon mankind by one year of war than by all the civil
> peculations and oppressions of a century. Yet it is a state into which the mass
> of mankind rush with the greatest avidity, hailing official murderers, in
> scarlet, gold and cocks' feathers, as the greatest and most glorious of human
> creatures. It is the business of every wise and good man to set himself against
> this passion for military glory, which really seems to be the most fruitful
> source of human misery."
> In one of his reviews Smith had what might be a premonition of several
> contemporary American journals, when he wrote that: "We are always glad to bring
> the scenery of war before the eyes of those men who sit at home with full
> stomachs and safe bodies, and are always ready with vote and clamour to drive
> their country into a state of warfare with every nation of the world." In
> another, he has some advice for the young American Republic: "We can inform
> Jonathan what are the inevitable consequences of being too fond of glory: –
> TAXES upon every article which enters into the mouth, or covers the back, or is
> placed under the foot – taxes upon every thing which it is pleasant to see,
> hear, feel, smell, or taste – taxes upon warmth, light, and locomotion" and so
> on, until, finally, the citizen's "virtues are handed down to posterity on taxed
> marble; and he is then gathered to his fathers – to be taxed no more."
> Given the apparent, if irrational, popularity of war, Smith thought it "at all
> times a better speculation to make ploughshares into swords than swords into
> ploughshares." He would not have thought much of the current American fashion of
> armed intervention to spread "democracy." Widespread agitation for intervention
> in Spain in 1823 brought forth this response from him: "I would rather the
> nascent liberties of Spain were extinguished than go to war to defend them....
> Why are the English to be the sole vindicators of the human race?"
> This proposed intervention called forth his most famous utterance on war – his
> letter to Lady Grey: "For God's sake, do not drag me into another war! I am worn
> down and worn out with crusading and defending Europe and protecting mankind; I
> must think a little of myself. I am sorry for the Spaniards – I am sorry for the
> Greeks – I deplore the fate of the Jews; the people of the Sandwich Islands are
> groaning under the most detestable tyranny; Baghdad is oppressed – I do not like
> the present state of the Delta – Tibet is not comfortable. Am I to fight for all
> these people? Am I to be champion of the Decalogue and to be eternally raising
> fleets and armies to make all men good and happy? We have just done saving
> Europe, and I am afraid the consequence will be that we shall cut each other's
> throats. No war, dear Lady Grey! no eloquence; but apathy, selfishness, common
> sense, arithmetic!"
> The alert reader will have noticed that Baghdad is still "oppressed" and that
> Tibet is still "not comfortable." And there are still those who wish to raise
> fleets, armies, and air forces "to make all men good and happy." We were offered
> a mild form of that program in the early 1820s ourselves – saving Greece, saving
> our Latin American neighbors, etc. – and on our side of the water John Randolph
> of Roanoke made much the same response as Sydney Smith did on his.
> In a poorly received sermon on religious tolerance, Sydney Smith said that "to
> do wrong, and gain nothing by it, is surely to add folly to fault." This could
> easily be the motto of recent US foreign policy of, say, the last hundred years.
> Perhaps those words could be carved in stone over the entrance of some public
> building in the World Capital, formerly Washington City. Perhaps someone would
> read them. Meanwhile, I think it is our duty to stir up as much "apathy,
> selfishness, common sense, arithmetic" as possible.
> [1] See generally Hesketh Pearson, The Smith of Smiths, being The Life, Wit and
> Humour of Sydney Smith (London: Harper & Brothers, 1934).
> Joseph R. Stromberg has been writing for libertarian publications since 1973,
> including The Individualist, Reason, the Journal of Libertarian Studies,
> Libertarian Review, and the Agorist Quarterly, and is completing a set of essays
> on America's wars. He is a part-time lecturer in History at the college level.
> You can read his recent essay, "The Cold War," on the Ludwig von Mises Institute
> Website. His column, "The Old Cause," appears each Tuesday on Antiwar.com.
> Archived
> Columns:
> •9/7/99
> •8/31/99
> •8/24/99
> •8/17/99
> •8/10/99
> •8/3/99
> •7/27/99
> •7/20/99
> •7/13/99
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new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
                                       German Writer (1759-1805)
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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teach you to keep your mouth shut."
--- Ernest Hemingway
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