Palestinian textbooks do not encourage cooperation
>Ha'aretz:Palestinian textbooks do not encourage cooperation
>Ha'aretz 3 September 2000
>Palestinian pupils returning to school in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have
>received new school textbooks on civics. These books are the first written
>specifically for Palestinians and are important because they have replaced
>the Jordanian and Egyptian volumes that the Palestinians have used for
>Many Israelis hoped the new textbooks would emphasize Israeli-Palestinian
>cooperation and peace partnership. However, the Palestinians claim that the
>purpose of the texts is their educational and not their political value.
>Maps in a sixth-grade civics textbook depict a shape separating the West
>Bank and Gaza Strip, but do not say that the shape is Israel. Nor does the
>map include Tel Aviv, although it does pinpoint other Israeli cities.
>Israel is characterized as an "occupier" and treated more like an old enemy
>than a new peace partner. "The Palestinian people were expelled from their
>land as a result of the Israeli occupation of Palestine," the civics text
>says, "and have been subjected to massacres and banishment from their land
>to neighboring countries."
Rabin Assassination/Commentary:  THE RABIN MURDER EXPRESS ROLLS ALONG-

by Barry Chamish

Author, "Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin"
and "Israel Betrayed", both available

MODIIN, Yom Shlishi (Third Day-"Tuesday"), 5 Elul, 5760 (Gregorian
Date: September 5, 2000) (Hijri Date:  6 Jumad Thani, 1421), Root &
Branch: One week after P.M. Ehud Barak fired seven Israeli diplomats, one
of them, the Israeli ambassador to France, Eliahu Ben-Elissar was

According to the Jerusalem Post, "The circumstances of his death have
sparked a number of rumors. 'The rumors surrounding his death are vicious',
a Foreign Ministry spokesman said".
And why shouldn't they be?  Here is what we have been told.
On the morning of Shabbat, August 12, Ben-Elissar arrived at the Hotel
Atala, a rather obscure and unimposing establishment which for years has
been where the Israeli embassy has put up guests and arranged meetings.
Ben-Elissar was not accompanied by his bodyguards.
As Maariv observed, "In Israel, questions are being asked about the
ambassador's security arrangements.  The central question is why Ben-Elissar
arrived without his bodyguards, which according to regulations, must
accompany him every time he leaves his apartment".
Missing, also, was Ben-Elissar's French police protection.  According to the
Jerusalem Post, "A special branch of the French Police usually shadows every
move made by VIPs at risk".  But Ben-Elissar's Israeli and French bodyguards
were not anywhere near him, "apparently at his own request".
At noon, Ben-Elissar, aged 68, told hotel staff he wasn't feeling well.  By
1:30 P.M. he was dead of a heart attack, though according to one embassy
employee quoted by Maariv, "He was in the peak of health.  He never
complained of poor health and was rarely ill".
French police conducted a most perfunctory investigation and within hours
declared Ben-Elissar's death natural.  Of course, these same police
similarly concluded that Princess Diana died in "an accident".
Call it a coincidence, but on the day of Ben-Elissar's death, I received the
following e-mail, paraphrased because of the halting English:  "I just read
your article, 'Rigged'.  How did you know about the French connection to
Rabin's murder?  I discovered it three months ago after a discussion with an
agent of French Intelligence.  It's all true".
I suspect that Ben-Elissar also knew about the French connection to Rabin's
murder.  The only possible reason he would have interrupted his Sabbath to
go to the hotel was to meet someone.  Yet not one press report reached this
obvious conclusion, thus no one is asking who the ambassador met on his
final morning.
Whoever the person with whom Ben-Elissar met was, he was either a guest of
the Israeli embassy staying at the hotel or was familiar enough with embassy
habits to choose it for a fatal meeting.
The following scenario makes the most sense to me due to the paucity of
information available.
At least one French intelligence official has been leaking the fact that his
government helped murder Yitzhak Rabin in order to place their agent, Shimon
Peres, in the Israeli Prime Minister's office.
Word reached Barak that Ben-Elissar had been apprised of the truth and Barak
had Ben-Elissar recalled.  To avert suspicion, Barak also recalled six other
diplomats at the same time.  But in his last days in Paris, Ben-Elissar
continued gathering the facts.
Ben-Elissar was lured to the hotel with the promise of additional proofs and
told that he must arrive without any security.  Once there, the "informant"
spiked Ben-Elissar's coffee or utilized another means to initiate a mortal
cardiac arrest.
One more influential individual, who knew too much about Rabin's
assassination, then bit the dust.  When will it all end?
The panic to stop the truth of the Rabin assassination from coming out can
be gauged by my experience.
Recently, an attempt on my life was made when someone sabotaged my car.  The
next day, I had a long talk with my insurance adjuster who explained in
detail how the sabotage was accomplished.  Recently, the insurance company
sent a letter explaining that my accident was the result of mechanical
I phoned my insurance company and demanded the adjuster's report.  It has
not been forthcoming.  Photographs of the car's damage, sent recently from
Bet Shemesh, have not arrived.  Nor have photographs of police surrounding
me at a Tel Aviv rally, sent several weeks ago by a correspondent, arrived.
Yesterday morning there was a knock on my door.  I looked through the
keyhole and saw a husky young man.  I asked who he was.  He answered, "A
friend".  I replied, "Which friend?"  Then he ran away.  I opened the door
after a few seconds and he was nowhere to be seen.
The Rabin truth must emerge before more people, yours truly included, are
murdered.  To that end, several people have suggested convening a public
forum on the assassination on the Hebrew anniversary of Rabin's murder this
October.  If anyone can help with a suitable facility, advertising or any
other relevant  contribution, please contact me.
For a fine article on the Rabin murder, please visit <> .

Shalom from Modiin,

Barry Chamish


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