-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!




Israel denies search for sub base
Sources say Eritrea turned down Red Sea nuke-haven request



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Israeli government officials have denied an Ethiopian press report that said
the Jewish state had held negotiations with neighboring Eritrea to construct
a Red Sea base to berth its three Dolphin-class submarines.

Ethiopian daily newspaper The Telegraph said Israel's negotiations for a base
located on an Eritrean-held island were unsuccessful, but Israeli officials
said the report was "totally unfounded."

Quoting Arab sources, WorldNetDaily reported March 1 that Israel was
searching for a Red Sea base in which to locate its German-built submarines,
which are reportedly capable of firing nuclear-tipped surface-to-surface
missiles with a range of about 1,000 miles.

But Israeli officials, the Telegraph said, denied any negotiations with
Eritrea and in particular denied reports that the Jewish state is searching
for a Red Sea sub base at all.

Arab sources reported that Israel -- concerned about the growing power of
Iran -- had decided it could not build a strategic sub base in the Persian
Gulf or surrounding waters because the base would fall within range of
Iranian ballistic missiles.

Also, a Red Sea location would put Israeli subs out of range of current
Iranian missiles but still allow Israel to hit targets in the Islamic
republic using its sub-launched missiles.

The Israeli press reports that the Jewish state had successfully tested the
missiles off the coast of Sri Lanka in May of last year. All missiles hit
their respective targets.

In particular, the Jewish state is alarmed over Tehran's successful test
firing of its latest ballistic missile -- the Shahab-3 -- which is said to
have a range of 1,200-1,500 kilometers (720-930 miles). Intelligence reports
said the missile is based on the North Korean NoDong I.

Iran successfully tested the Shahab-3 July 15, 2000, followed by another test
firing Sept. 21. Tehran is also working with the North Koreans to develop the
Shahab-4 and Shahab-5, the latter having intercontinental capabilities.

Arab sources, quoted in the Ethiopian-based Telegraph, say Israel has loaded
its Dolphin subs with four surface-to-surface missiles capable of delivering
nuclear payloads.

Israel has long been suspected of being a nuclear state, but has never
publicly admitted it possessed nuclear weapons and the delivery systems for

Israel's Dolphin submarines can remain submerged for up to 30 days, and if
capable of launching nuclear missiles, could provide the deterrent factor
against Iran and other regional enemies being sought by Israel Defense Force
commanders, experts say.

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