-Caveat Lector-

Italy's Exiled Royal Making Appeal

.c The Associated Press

ROME (AP) - The son of Italy's last king is appealing his forced exile from
Italy to the European Court of Human Rights, a newspaper said today.

Italy abolished the monarchy in a 1946 referendum and sent the last king and
his family into exile. In 1948, a new constitution barred male descendants of
the House of Savoy from Italian soil.

The move was viewed as punishment for the family's support of Fascist
dictator Benito Mussolini.

Victor Emmanuel Savoy was 9 years old when he left Italy with his exiled
father and he makes no claim to a throne. Now 62, he says he simply wants to
visit his homeland.

His decision to appeal to the human rights court in Strasbourg was triggered
by an especially bitter rebuff, he said in an open letter in the
English-language Italy Daily.

Victor Emmanuel wrote that he was refused permission to cross the border onto
Italian soil with a shipment of 60 tons of aid for the Italian Red Cross to
distribute to Kosovo refugees.

In his letter, Victor Emmanuel said he only wanted to spend a few hours in
his homeland.

Public opinion in Italy seems to favor dropping the ban on the Savoys and the
lower house of Parliament in December approved a proposed constitutional
amendment that would reverse the ban. But the amendment has been stuck in a
Senate committee.

Victor Emmanuel's father, King Umberto II, reigned for 26 days before being
sent into exile. Umberto died in Geneva, where the family now lives, in 1983.

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